Chapter 27

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     By the time Summer Games were over, VidCon had snuck around the corner, and I was excited to see all my buddies such as, Dan, Felix, Mark, and especially Jack; but the most exciting part? Spending the majority of my time with Olivia.

     When we first got there, I immediately saw Dan. He was with his girlfriend, Mack, fangirling over a Funko Pop resembling him. Mack just rolled her eyes and smiled before looking down at her phone. She had the most beautiful auburn eyes, and perfect caramel curls I had ever seen. I must of been drooling a little because Olivia punched me. I looked at her and mouthed 'ow', before she smirked at me and walked to Mack. She tapped on Mack's shoulder and when she looked up, she shrieked and hugged Olivia. They were like two peas in a pod, and whenever they had the chance they would hang out together. I walked up to Dan and gagged next to his ear, before he cringed, then turned and laughed.

     "Whoa, geez man. Of all the things in the world that make me cringe, that is probably the worst." he said to me. I laughed and hugged him.

     "So how you been?" I asked.

     "Not bad, actually. Me, Mack, and Phil just got back from Japan about a week ago. How about you?"

     "Pretty good. Olivia and I got back together, and we're happier than ever. We just got back from doing the summer games a couple days ago, so we're all exhausted." I told him.

     "Hey, Dan?" Phil walked up next to Dan to ask him a question. "Do you have-" he pause when he noticed me standing there. "Oh, hi. I'm Phil. Nice to meet you!" he said holding out his hand to shake mine. Dan elbowed him in the side. "Ow, what was that for?" he questioned.

     "Phil, he's not a fan you idiot. You've literally met him before." he criticized Phil.

     "Fan or not, I was being polite. Anyway, where have we met?" he asked

     "I'm Anthony Padilla." he wasn't following me, so I added more. "From Smosh?" I said with a 'take a hint' face.

     "Anthony? The Anthony? Oh my God, why didn't I recognize you?" he laughed. I laughed along so he didn't feel alone, but it only made the situation more awkward. Finally, Dan broke the silence.

     "So, Phil. What'd ya need?"

     "Oh, I just came to ask if you had three American dollars. I was going to buy us food, but I'm short.

     "Yeah, I think so..." he pulled out his wallet and handed Phil the money. As soon as Phil left, Dan turned back to face me. "Anyway, where were we?" Before I could reply, Mack came up and fell on him dramatically and Olivia came to stand by my side.

     "Ugh, I'm so hungry." she complained. He patted her head awkwardly.

     "Don't you worry, my friend. Phil is buying food for us now."

     "Foooooooood." she groaned. He smiled and threw her over his shoulder. She giggled as he turned to walk away.

     "Do you see what I have to deal with?" he said. I simply nodded in agreement.

     "Yeah, Olivia's not very different." I smiled. She elbowed me, before I looked down and smiled at her.

     "Haha, well I need to feed this beast before she goes into tantrum mode." he told me. She growled then stabbed him in the side.

     "Stooooop." she laughed.

     "I'll talk to you later guys." he said. Then he left leaving me with Olivia. We laughed at the strange couple, then went to get food ourselves.

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