Chapter 4

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When I woke up, I immediately looked and saw Olivia curled up next to me. She looked pretty comfortable, but I needed my coffee. I tried to get up, but she only clung to me tighter. I finally gave up, allowing her to nuzzle her head into my under-arm. It felt good to know she wanted me to keep her warm, but I wasn't too sure she would be too satisfied when she woke up. I knew today we had to film the Kisses Currency video, and I would have to kiss Olivia but the umpteenth time. I don't understand why, but every time we kiss, it feels like she means it. And now that she's curled up against me, I think I want her to. I want to get closer with her, and I don't want it to be part of a sketch this time. I just want it to be her and I. No Ian. No cameras. Just me and her. That's when I turned my body to face her's, then woke her by shaking her slightly. Her eyes faintly opened and she smiled when she realized it was me. "Hey beautiful." I said to her before I brought my lips to her's and kissed her. For real this time.

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