Chapter 26

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     After the run in with Ian, I went to go find Anthony again. I figured Ian had told me Anthony didn't want to talk so that I would consider his proposal, but my heart belongs to Anthony and I haven't given up on him yet. As soon as I found him, we ran up to each other.

     "I need to talk to you." we said at the same time.

     "You first." we did it again, but this time we giggled.

     "No you first." we did it one last time. We laughed a little before he insisted I go first. Sighing I looked up at his eyes.

     "Anthony, I know you broke up with me, and I know I said that I thought it would be better if we were friends...But Anthony, I can't stay away from you. I'm in love with you, and I need you by my side. There's nothing and nobody that could make me happier or feel more complete than you." I told him. He broke out into a huge smile, then wrapped me in his arms, hugging me to his chest.

     "I love you," he whispered into my hair. "And I was an idiot for leaving you. I'll never do it again." he said. And, like a missing puzzle piece finally finding its rightful spot, I was his yet again.

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