Chayptery 9

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Hey guys who's ready for some reading time fun? :D (that sounds like it should be from spongebob...)

Pj had always really liked the dark. He liked how quiet the streets became and how the lamps created the faint orange light to guide his way. He had never really told anyone about this before, not even Chris. Nor had he told Chris he thought he might be getting a crush on him, but that was a lot more difficult. They strolled along in silence down a few streets before Pj decided to speak.

"Er Chris?"

"Yeah Peej,"

"What would you say if I said I think I might be bi?" Pj asked thoughtfully, tugging his sleeves over his hands to hide his sweaty palms.

"I would say 'I knew it!' and then ask why you think that," Chris said helpfully. Pj giggled a bit at Chris's remark then screwed up the little courage he had.

"Because I think I might be getting a crush on a guy, and I hadn't really looked at him that way before, but he started to get umm... Pretty close to someone else. So I don't know if I might be jealous or if I like him as more as a friend," he tried to explain without making it too obvious in case he messed up.

"Ah. Well, putting it that way Peej," Chris said, seriously hoping Pj might be talking about him and not Phil or someone else. "I think even if it is just jealously it might be because you actually have a crush on them, you just don't realise," Chris told him.

"Chris, have you ever felt like this before?" Pj said again quietly.

"I have, and it got worse and better at the same time," Chris said. They got outside Pj's door and stopped walking. Chris decided he was just gonna get this over with and find out if it was actually him Pj was on about and get his feelings out as it had been way too long that they had been hidden.

"How do you mean?" Pj asked.

"I fell in love with him. I'm still kinda in love with him now. I just can't stop thinking about him, and it hurts me that he never seems to notice," Chris said, looking into Pj's eyes, then dropping them to the floor sadly.

"I think he just has," Pj said quietly, and tilted Chris's chin up, and kissed him softly on the lips. He started to pull away but Chris snaked his hands onto his waist and pulled him back in, making Pj smile back into the kiss. He wound his hands into Chris's hair and clung on, laughing every so often simply because he was just so happy.

When they finally pulled apart they stared into each others eyes for a moment before one dared to speak.

"Pj Liguori if you weren't talking about me when you said all of this I may have to kill you," Chris said, playing with a few strands of Pj's hair before pecking his lips again.

"Chris who else would I be talking about?" Pj mumbled back, resting his head against Chris's shoulder and blushing. "You know you kinda said you were in love with me? How long for?" Pj asked into his shoulder.

"It doesn't matter,"

"Chris, please tell me,"

"Erm about 2 years I think," Chris said sadly.

"Chris you are such an idiot, you could have just told me," Pj said, bringing his head back up and stroking Chris's face.

"I couldn't. Because I knew you didn't feel that way. So I waited until you did. And I'm so glad I did,"

"So am I," Pj told him, and kissed him again, a long lingering one that made both their heart race.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" Chris asked, mumbling against the kiss as he returned his lips back to meet Pj's.

Two of a kind (phan and kickthestickz)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora