Chapter 1

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Hello there, here is a new fic, I hope you like it :3 expect more in the future

Phil always felt alone at school, he didn't really have any close friends. Well, at least not a best friend. He did hang out with some boys at lunch who were in a few of his lessons, Chris and Pj, but otherwise he didn't really have anyone. Chris and Pj were best friends and Phil sometimes felt like a bit of a 3rd wheel. He wanted a best friend. 17 and he had never had one. So on Monday when he came into school he didn't think anything would be different, except it was.

"Now class be quiet for a few minutes. We have a new student today, Daniel Howell," their form tutor Miss Carter told them.

"Please Miss, call me Dan," the boy said charmingly. Phil was busy reading so hardly bothered to look up, just a glance because of his curiosity. He wished he would have looked up sooner. This boy was gorgeous. Light brown hair in a fringe that dipped down over his eye, chocolate brown eyes and he was tall. Phil always had a thing for tall boys. This boy- Dan- had dark skinny jeans on and a leather jacket, Phil was honestly trying not to swoon. He folded down the corner of the page he was on and closed his books, fixing his hair subtly. Yeah, as if this boy would ever notice him. He sighed and rested his head on his hand, staring at the front of the class.

"Okay Dan do you want to take a seat somewhere?" Miss carter asked him.

"Sure," he said and quickly scanned the class. Phil guessed he would sit next to the sluts in the class, they were already leaning forward, giggling, beaconing him to sit with them. But he walked past him, and flopped into the seat next to Phil.

"Hey, what's your name?" He asked casually. Phil instantly went bright red and looked at the floor.

"Phil," he mumbled. He took a chance and looked up. Wow, this boy was even more beautiful close up.

"I hope it's okay if I sit next to you, I just don't really go for popular attention seekers," he said, looking over to the girls in front of him and rolling his eyes. Then he smiled again, his dimple popping out the side of his cheek. Again, wow, Phil thought. "They're just too shallow and now one seems to notice,"

"Well welcome to the group of boys who think that. There is about 3 of us," Phil joked, starting to feel more comfortable around this boy, even if his looks and charm was a little intimidating.

"Great. So Phil, what sort of things do you like?" Dan asked him, leaning back on his chair, ignoring the looks he was being given by sitting next to Phil the weirdo.

"Erm... Video games and reading and movies I guess,"

"Great. Me too. By any chance do you like studio ghibli movies?" Dan wondered.

"Yes! My favourite is Howl's moving castle," Phil told him. He was honestly a little surprised Dan knew of studio ghibli, hardly anyone at this school did.

"Same! My old friends used to make jokes about me being called Howell and that I had a secret moving castle. I don't, but I have a Totoro plushie,"

"Do you miss your friends?" Phil said, intrigued Dan had found people like him.

"Honesty, not really. I was only at that last school for a month or two. My dad's in the army so we move around a bit, it's a bit confusing. But we are staying here for a lot longer," He added, seeing Phil's face fall a little.

"Good. What class have you got first?" Phil asked as the bell went.

"Dan pulled a timetable out his pocket and scanned it. "I have art with Mr Pam," he read off.

"Good! Me too. I will show you the way. The art block is an entirely different part of the school, down near the edge of the sports field,"

"Then let's go!" Dan said happily, grabbing his bag and swinging it into his shoulder.

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