Chapter 38

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Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! I was meant to update this sooner but instead, have it as a christmas present (or just a general present if you don't celebrate Chrimbo) Anyway there is an important note on the next bit so read that when you are done if you want to know this valuable information, but for now, enjoy the end of Two of a kind. *sniffs*

Phil couldn't sleep. He knew Dan had dropped him off back home only a few hours ago, but he already missed him. He wanted to be beside him and to fall asleep in his arms and cuddle him and everything. He had been away from that for so long. He kicked off his duvet and sighed, then a small smile creeped onto his face. 'You are welcome whenever you like'. Well, Dan had said he could come over in the middle of the night if he wanted. Phil grinned and stood up, grabbing his least skinny jeans and managing to pull them on over his pyjamas, putting a hoodie over his shirt and then sliding socks onto his feet. He grabbed a coat and scarf off his door, his keys, his phone and crept as quietly as possible downstairs. He pulled on his shoes and laced them up, slipping out the door. He walked quickly towards Dan's house, his breath pooling around him in steam and paused outside, shuffling around, not sure how he could actually get in. He pulled out his phone and pressed Dan's number, looking up at his window, but it went straight to his voicemail.
"Eugh, one day you will have your phone on," Phil muttered under his breath. He looked around at the floor and found a small stone, knowing it wouldn't break his window if it was thrown carefully, but would make a noise, hopefully getting through to Dan. Mind you, it was three in the morning and surprisingly there wasn't light streamed from behind his curtains. He took aim and flung the pebble, hearing the small clack as it hit against it. He waited around a minute, hoping Dan would show his face, but nothing happened. He rolled his eyes and found another stone, then threw it. Still no Dan. He groaned and grabbed a handful of gravel, then hurled it at the window, the scooped up more and threw, just as Dan appeared at the window.

He saw Dan jump as the gravel hit against it, then giggled sleepily and waved at Phil. Phil grinned and waved back, and Dan went from the window. Phil walked up to the door and waited until he heard it click open and felt Dan wrap his arms around him quickly surrounding him in warmth.
"Fuck it's cold," Dan told him quietly and Phil raised his eyebrows.
"Well your aren't wearing a top,"
"Yeah, well." Phil giggled and Dan shushed him, beaming at him before taking his hand, leading him upstairs after shutting the door behind them.

They snook as quietly as they could upstairs, trying not to hit any squeaky floorboards near his parents room (Damian's room wasn't such an issue) and dived through Dan's door, shutting it before reducing into millions of giggles that were quickly smothered by hands and hoodie sleeves.
"Hello stranger," Dan whispered and Phil blushed.
"I'm sorry I didn't warn you and I hope I didn't wake you, but I really wanted to see with you again, my arms felt lonely," Phil said quietly and Dan awed at him softly. "Oh shut up,"
"That's really sweet Phil. And you didn't wake me, but I had headphones into my laptop so I didn't hear you," Dan explained, keeping his voice low.
"Your phone is either off or dead by the way,"
"It's lost and dead, and I can't even ring it to find it,"
"We'll find it tomorrow. But right now I need to fall asleep beside you," Phil told him, shivering slightly in his coat because of the cold still attached to it. Dan nodded and pecked his lips quickly as a 'hello' before sliding into bed himself, snuggling straight down into the duvet. Phil took off his coat and hoodie, kicked off his shoes and wiggled out of his jeans, his pyjamas almost coming down with them but he pulled them up before they slipped down his legs.

"You're wearing pyjamas under your jeans?" Dan asked, chucking at Phil who slid in quickly next to him, cuddling close to absorb as much heat as possible from his Dan.
"It's not exactly summer outside," Phil said, nuzzling into Dan's neck.
"Fair enough," Dan smiled, wrapping his arms around Phil tightly.

They stayed quiet for a few seconds before Phil piped up.
"Hey Dan, you're giving me a bear hug," he giggled and he knew Dan was rolling his eyes beside him even if he could hardly see him, the only light was from the small gap in the curtains.
"Why do I put up with you?"
"Because I'm funny and cute," Phil said childishly, letting out a yawn.
"Oh yeah that's why," Dan told him and pecked his forehead. "Sleepy Phil," he said, stroking Phil's hair softly between his fingers.
"Sleepy Phil. Phil needs sleep," Phil mumbled, closing his eyes and curling himself into Dan, holding his waist gently with one hand and stroking Dan's bare shoulder with the other.
"Hey Dan," Phil said sleepily.
"What is it lion?"
"The first time I see you naked, you will be a bare bear," he giggled and he heard Dan let out a little groan, but chuckled after.
"Whatever you want lion," he whispered and Phil smiled sleepily, closing his eyes for a few seconds. "Hey Phil?" Dan asked quietly.
"Yeah bear?" He mumbled happily, not quite opening his eyes and hearing Dan sigh at yet another 'bear' joke.
"Just tell me if you don't want to say anything or if I'm crossing a line but, am I allowed to know how far you went with Damian when you two were, erm... together?" He asked nervously.
"I guess so, just don't get too paranoid or jealous or anything okay?"
"Okay I'll try and if I can't take it I will say. Now tell me, please?" He added. Phil opened his eyes but averted his eyes to the ceiling rather than Dan, not really knowing how to act in this situation.
"Well we didn't really like go any further than umm like heavy making out... In my bed... It was on that night where we broke up but before that it was really heated like really really heated. I had been crying earlier over you and him and he noticed and kissed me to make me feel better and then lust kinda took over and next thing I knew we are crashing along my hallway and lovebites happened and then we went into my room and then we were both shirtless and I sort of wanted to go all the way with him," Phil trailed off seeing Dan looking really uncomfortable and tensing up beside him.
"Oh," Dan said quietly, almost as if he was shattering once more inside, turning his head away and biting down on his lip.
"But Dan I was all hyped up on lust and remember that I kinda thought he was you so it was sort like I was wanting to go all way with you," Phil told him quickly to save him from hurting if he could.
"Oh?" Dan said in a lighter tone, a small smile starting to spread over his face and Phil grinned a little back at him, squinting to try and see him properly.
"Yeah," he said, blushing slightly.
"So you kinda wanted to..." Dan trialled off and Phil buried his face into Dan's chest.
"I was getting a bit carried away and lust and stuff came in but overall, yeah," Phil mumbled, hearing a small laugh come from Dan's throat. "But not like now, just, I think I will know when, so be ready for me to pounce on you," Phil giggled, still not removing his face.
"I am 100 per cent fine with that, as long as you are really ready," Dan said, pecking the top of his head and Phil finally pulled his face out of Dan's chest.
"Thank you Dan," Phil said, smiling up into his eyes.
"Thanks for telling me about Dame, it was just kind of nagging at the back of my mind, you know? And that sounds kinda hot anyway so yeah, it's good to know what happens when you want someone," Dan told him winking.
"I know, and oh god," Phil yawned. "Oh no I'm sleepy again," he mumbled and tucked himself back into Dan.
"Go to sleep lion, I will stay up and protect you from all evil, well until I fall asleep too," he giggled and Phil grinned at him before closing his eyes and slowly falling asleep next to his full time boyfriend and/or pillow.

"Phil wake up!" Dan was shaking his shoulder slightly and Phil opened his eyes quickly, looking around worriedly.
"Where's the fire?" He said stupidly.
"Nowhere you numpty," Dan chuckled, pecking his lips. "It's more the opposite. Good morning by the way,"
"So a flood?" Phil said, his brain still not quite awake.
"Do I have to kiss you properly to wake you up?" Dan asked and before Phil had time to reply Dan's lips were pressed to his own strongly and Phil's eyes fell shut again, but all his other senses began to wake up. He reached up to wind his hand in Dan's hair but he pulled away, making Phil let out a little whine.
"Not until you have brushed your teeth and looked outside!" He said excitedly and Phil sat up, peering out the window and letting out a small gasp.


"I know! It snowed overnight quite heavily. It's only the start of December usually it's January!" Dan said snuggling back beside Phil.
"I'm so happy, I love the snow," Phil mumbled happily. Dan's door suddenly flew open and Damian ran in.
"Dan wake up look outside it's-" he stopped when he saw Phil in bed beside Dan and then let out a huge grin. "So I take it Phil now lives here?" He chuckled and Phil blushed.
"I wish. No he came over in the middle of the night," Dan explained and Damian laughed at him.
"Oh Phil. But anyways, LOOK AT THE SNOW!" He shouted excitedly and starting pointing furiously.
"We know! We're gonna go out in a bit when we are more awake," Dan said ruffling Phil's hair who pouted and started fixing it back down.
"At some point today we are having our annual war of who can build the best snowman Daniel," Damian told him sternly and then left the room, peeping his head back around the door to yell 'snow!' again before leaving properly.

Phil laughed at his best friend.
"How are you ever used to that? but anyway, it looks like we are having a snow day!" He told Dan excitedly who squeezed him back.
"Looks like it, let's get ready and go outside!"
"Not before food," Phil told him quickly. He didn't function well in the mornings without eating something.
"You start getting ready and I will grab you something to eat okay?" Dan told him, pecking his lips before sliding out of bed and leaving his room. Phil got out around a minute after when he had gotten up the courage to leave the warm nest and picked his jeans back up and tossed them on Dan's bed. He opened Dan's wardrobe and pulled out a clean pair of boxers, a t-shirt (as he had slept in his) and a big fluffy hoodie to wear over his own. He pulled on all the clothes and Dan walked in just as he was putting on his t-shirt.
"I like how you just borrow my stuff," Dan laughed, taking the bowl of cereal he was holding and putting it down on his bedside table for Phil.
"I have you shirt, a hoodie and also some boxers," Phil giggled, grabbing his hoodie and sliding it on before diving onto the bed, rolling over and starting on the bowl.
"My leopard ones Phil? Really?" Dan asked raising his eyebrows and Phil continued munching, only pausing for a second to reply to Dan.
"Maybe you can have a look later if you want to check," Phil said calmly at him before continuing eating. Dan stepped back and held his hands in the air.
"Woah, dirty Phil has appeared,"
"This is why I need food in the mornings,"
"Well tell me on the days you don't," Dan winked back and then chuckled, making Phil roll his eyes at him but smile softly.

Once Dan had got dressed and Phil had finished eating they wrapped up as warmly as possible and decided it was time to greet the snow properly. They stood by the closed door, waiting for one of them to make the first move, and after a few seconds Dan seized hold of the lock and looked at Phil happily, his fluffy hat making him seem more adorable than Phil could have imagined.
"Ready?" Dan asked him and Phil nodded.
"Go!" He said excitedly and Dan hurled open the door and they ran out, each picking up some snow in their ungloved hands and giggling as the ice hit their fingers and instantly began to melt. Dan dropped his with a shiver and started pulling gloves on, but Phil held his to his lips and took a tiny bite from his pile, feeling the cold liquid numb and melt in his mouth before sliding down his throat.
"Ew Phil that's gross," Dan teased and Phil took another bite, sticking his icy tongue out at Dan.
"It tastes good so I don't care," he pouted, and took another nibble.
"Fine then, whatever you say," Dan said nonchalantly, closing the door before picking up his own bit of snow, rolling it around in his hands and walking to Phil slowly, who cautiously started moving backwards out of Dan's front garden and into the street, dropping his piece of edible snow and making a ball of new stuff, never letting Dan leave his sight.

"Look Phil Sarah Michelle Gellar!" Dan yelled randomly, pointing behind Phil and he swerved around, looking for the celebrity before a snowball shattered against the back of his coat. Damn, how the hell had he fell for that? He turned back sharply and threw at Dan, only hearing his cry of shock as he ran further down the street, grabbing snow along the way and rolling it into a ball. He heard Dan crunching behind him and span around again, throwing another but only getting his leg before he took cover behind a car out of Dan's sight. He heard Dan chuckle and Phil started making as many snowballs as he could, holding most but hiding a few under the car in case he got the chance to use them later. He took the chance and started pelting snowballs towards where Dan was, who was hiding behind a wall and throwing back. Phil ran out of his ammunition and dithered around and suddenly Dan ran at him, and Phil let out a squeak of terror as Dan scooped him up in his arms and hugged him tightly, Phil's feet only just touching the floor so they were at the same height.

"You're cute when you're feisty," Dan chuckled and Phil blushed, scowling at him.
"Well you said you hated that hat," Phil retorted randomly and Dan nudged their noses together.
"Well you said you liked it, so I am wearing it, problem?" Dan asked charmingly and Phil narrowed his eyes.
"Yes," he said childishly, then stuck out his tongue and licked Dan's nose quickly, making Dan drop him in surprise and rub at it ferociously with his glove while Phil laughed at him.
"Ew Phil you're really gross sometimes," Dan whined and Phil giggled.
"You like it when I use my tongue for kissing and stuff," he reminded Dan who rolled his eyes but then started to smile again.
"Talking about kisses," he said, moving closer to Phil and stroking some of his hair out of Phil's eyes, and leaning forwards, capturing their lips together in a kiss. Phil held onto Dan's waist and kissed back happily until he felt something freezing splat on top of his head and he shrieked, pulling away and shaking the snow Dan had just shoved on his hair away.
"Dan!" He yelled and grabbed some tightly packed snow, hurling it randomly at Dan and hitting his chin, making Phil let out a gasp as Dan wiped it away shivering. "Oh god Dan I'm so sorry!" Phil said worriedly rushing up to him and dusting the snow away, checking him over frantically to see he wasn't hurt.
"Phil I'm fine," Dan told him while Phil started kissing over his chin where the snowball hit.
"No I'm so sorry I-" he cut off, pecking Dan's lips. "I shouldn't have aimed so blindly," he said pecking them again.
"Phil I'm-" Dan started and got cut off by another kiss. "Fine," he ended as Phil keeps pecking his lips and face. "Phil it's okay," he mumbled and Phil pulled back, still looking worried.
"Are you sure?" He asked and Dan nodded.
"I promise. But let's not have another snowball fight for a while," he smiled and Phil kissed him again. "You're dangerous,"
"I love you,"
"I love you too."

They didn't fight with snow anymore that morning. They made snow angels instead, realising it was a stupid idea straight away as they were completely covered in snow instantly and as they weren't wearing very thick coats, that snow was pretty cold.
"I think we should warm up inside for a bit," Dan shivered as he stood up, hunched over with his back caked in snow.
"Oh god Dan you're shivering. We are going in and I will make hot chocolate to warm you up okay?" Phil said hurriedly, stumbling up and putting an arm around Dan's shaking shoulders and leading him back to the house. He helped Dan take off his coat and made him (forcefully) take off his jeans which were also covered in snow and sat him on the sofa. He ran upstairs and grabbed as many blankets as he could from the airing cupboard and then some sweatpants too, realising Dan was just in his boxers which wouldn't help with the whole keeping him warm thing. He went back down quickly and gave Dan the sweatpants which he put on gratefully and then wrapped blanket after blanket around him.

"Phil I'm warm enough now I think," Dan said sarcastically, his voice muffled by the 5 blankets tucked up to his chin and wrapping him in his own little bundle.
"You look like a sausage roll," Phil giggled. "I'll go make some hot chocolate for both of us, don't move from there okay?" Phil told him and left the room.
"You've made it so I can't move you idiot, there's no point in telling me!" He heard Dan call after him and he grinned. He busied himself in the kitchen, heating up the milk (as hot chocolate with water just wasn't as good for his perfect boyfriend) ad rummaged around in the cupboards before he found the powder, putting several scoops in each and mixing it with the milk, making them both as warm as possible without it burning their tongues off and carefully balancing them, brought them through back to Dan. Who was lying on the floor wriggling around.
"Dan what are you doing?" Phil laughed, placing the mugs down on the coffee table.
"I was trying to get up to pee but it's like you have stapled me into this! Can you help me out?" Dan asked pleadingly, kicking his legs again but nothing happened.
"After I get a picture of you sausage," Phil chuckled and pulled out his phone and taking a picture while Dan complained and threatened loudly.

"Dan threatening me won't make me want to help you," Phil reminded him, having a quick sip of his hot chocolate.
"I'm sorry, please my lion cub, please get me out of this frickin' tortilla wrap thing," Dan tried again and Phil sighed smiling and unwrapped his boyfriend, who jumped up quickly as soon as he was free, pecked Phil on the lips as thanks before running upstairs to the bathroom.

When he returned Phil was sat on the sofa with a blanket on his legs, sipping happily at his drink. Dan sat beside him and stole half the cover, draping it over his own legs as well before picking up his drink and cuddling into Phil. Phil watched him as he took a sip and closed his eyes with bliss as the warm sweet filled him with heat once more.
"You make really nice hot chocolate Phil," Dan told him and Phil smiled back.
"Thank you bear. You are good at stealing my blanket. Why don't you get one that's on the floor?"
"You cursed them to stick to me so I thought if it happened again at least I would be stuck together with you,"
"You say such sweet nonsense," Phil chuckled, but pecked Dan on the lips, tasting the sugary chocolate on them. "They should make hot chocolate flavoured lip balm," Phil decided, taking another sip.
"I know they do just chocolate," Dan commented.
"Do you have some?" Phil wondered and Dan chuckled.
"No, one of my friends at my old school used to wear it and she was fine with sharing it with people," Dan told him. "That seems so long ago," he added softly after.
"Do you miss them?" Phil asked gently and Dan chewed his lip and gave a small nod.
"Sometimes, but I didn't stay with them long enough to really get close with them. It's kinda sad really, but I'm so happy now I don't feel like I have to miss them. Do you understand what I'm saying?"
"I do. I'm so glad I met you Dan. And I am about 120 per cent sure Chris and Pj are too," Phil told him and Dan blushed a little.
"I don't think I knew how happy I could be until I met you," Dan said shyly and Phil pecked him on the forehead. "Before I knew what love was like, but now I actually know what true love is, so imagine what had happened if I had gone back to Rosendale like I was meant to?" Dan said and Phil pulled back a little, staring wide eyed at him. "Phil are you okay?"
"Yeah, it's just, I grew up there, moved here when I was 7 when my dad walked out, it's just a bit weird really," he said starting to shake it off a little but Dan's face went into shock too.
"Phil I lived there until I was 7, and I was meant to move back there instead of come here, but last minute things changed and here was the best place for some reason. We literally could have seen each other and just never remembered," Dan said quietly and Phil burst into a grin.
"Well the universe obviously wanted us to be together," he beamed and Dan smiled back at him, the dimple popping on the side of his face.

"I like the universe, it gave me you," Dan told him and kissed his lips slowly.
"And I got you in return," Phil mumbled between the kiss, pressing his mouth back firmly against Dan's.

A few minutes later Damian walked in.
"Hey guys, er as much as I love seeing you two making out, it's snowman time," he told them sheepishly, and they pulled away, blushing a little.
"Dame what is this snowman thing you have been talking about?" Phil asked and Damian grinned cheekily at him.
"Well Philly every year when it snows for the first time me and Dan always have a competition of who can build the best snowman within an hour. But seeing as you pretty much live here now I guess you have no choice but to take part in this," he grinned slyly.
"It sounds fun," Phil said excitedly and Dan smiled at him, then at Damian.
"What's the score then this year?" Dan asked.
"We were drawing. But as Phil is joining we shall just start from the beginning,"
"Good. I need to change into better clothes but then we will be up and ready to go okay? Say 5 minutes?" Dan said to Damian who nodded and walked out of the room.
"Ready for hell?" Dan asked Phil, who looked at him confusedly.
"What do you mean?"

"Hey you pushed over my snowman!" Phil whined at Damian who pulled an innocent face back.
"I promise I didn't Phil, it was the wind," he said but Phil scowled at him.
"This is sabotage,"
"Part of the rules,"
"That you have to sabotage someone?"
"No that you can once and you don't have to get punished," Damian replied cheekily and Phil scowled at him again.
"Well then hopefully your snowman won't be headless by the end of this," Phil said darkly and Damian gulped. Oops.

It was near the end of the hour and each had sabotaged another player, leaving death stares being shared around. Damian and Dan had both wandered off to find faces for their snowman (Damian grumbling as he had had to rebuild his head twice thanks to Dan and Phil) while Phil was setting his in, when he heard crunching behind him and a pair of hands covered his eyes.
"Dan," Phil said and the hands came away.
"How did you know it was me? It could have easily been Damian,"
"You have a different walk to him. And honestly? I know how your hands feel," Phil said blushing, turning to face Dan and scratching the back of his neck.
"But me and him are twins, we have the same hands," Dan said.
"Yours are softly and warmer, and your fingertips are rougher, genes don't always count you know," Phil told him and Dan smiled at him, then suddenly something flashed over his face.
"Stay here," he said and dashed off into his house, leaving Phil standing by his snowman in the cold park alone. He decided while he was waiting for Dan to continue fixing up Mr Fridge's arm (yes he had already named him) until he came back.

A few seconds later he heard Dan come up behind him and cough so Phil turned around and he laughed loudly when he saw Dan holding a sprig of mistletoe above their heads, his cheeks red.
"Wait, Dan, that's not mistletoe, those are snowberries," Phil giggled and Dan went even redder.
"Well they look mostly the same. Just shush," he said again as Phil began to giggle again. "You aren't joking with me are you?"
"No they are real things, I asked my mum a few years back as I always used to think it was mistletoe," Phil explained and Dan nodded.
"So Phil can I ask you something importantish?" He said nervously, dropping his arm by his side again and rubbing the back of his neck.
"You can always ask me anything," Phil told him honestly.
"Really? So I get to know all the dirty stuff?" Dan grinned cheekily and Phil playfully smacked his arm.
"Maybe, now what do you need to ask me what is making you so nervous?" Phil asked, taking the hand that wasn't holding the snowberry branch and clutching the bare hand tightly, running his thumb over it gently as a calming comfort.

"Phil, I know I shouldn't be as nervous about this as I am but, would you go to the winter prom with me?" He asked shakily, his cheeks bright red as he shuffled around, only just being able to meet Phil's eyes at the end of his sentence.
"Is that really what you were so scared to ask me about?" Phil asked, giggling.
"Well yeah, I mean we only just got back together and-" Phil quickly leaned in and pecked his lips.
"Of course I want to go with you doofus," Phil giggled and Dan went an even brighter of salmon.
"Does this mean I can kiss you under the snowberries now?" He asked and Phil nodded, grinning. Dan held the sprig high above their heads and caught Phil's cheek with his other, pressing their lips firmly together, unable to suppress a smile throughout.
"Merry Christmas Dan," Phil said as he pulled away.
"Merry Christmas Phil."

A week had passed, and Dan, Phil, Chris and Pj were sitting in the lunch hall laughing at a joke Chris had just told them. Phil was cuddled up to Dan, leaning fondly on his shoulder and smiling up at him while he wasn't watching, just feeling so overjoyed he had the most perfect boyfriend in the world. School was ending soon and he couldn't be happier with his life. Great friends, decent grades and the most perfect boyfriend in the world.

Phil looked up at the large double doors and saw a grinning Damian walk through, with someone Phil had never seen at his side. Phil waved to him and Damian awkwardly waved back, saying a few words to the boy next to him before leading him over to the table.
"Hey guys, this is Callum but call him
Cal, he's starting school here. Callum, this is my brother Dan, his boyfriend Phil, Chris and his boyfriend Pj," Damian told them, pointing in turn, and Phil smiled encouragingly at him.
"Dame you have warned him about Chris right-" Dan started but was cut off by Chris's hand covering his mouth. Chris silently stood up and walked up to Callum, circling him just like he had done when he had first met Phil. He nodded and made a few agreeing noises before looking him straight in the face and narrowing his eyes.
"Callum, I am going to ask you a question, and if you answer badly then you shall be sent to the pits of hell. In other words, the gym. Now, tell me, do you give good hugs?" He said seriously and Callum looked a little stunned but didn't leave his eyes from Chris's.
"I have been told I do, but only you will be able to decide this Christopher," he said in the same time and Chris grinned at him.
"Perfect answer now hug me and get in the group!" Chris said excitably and hugged a now laughing Callum close to him, feeling Callum hug back instantly before letting him go. Damian took a seat and Callum sat next to him happily, looking slightly nervous.

"So Cal, why are you joining school when this term has pretty much ended for Christmas?" Phil asked him politely.
"I thought it would be a good idea to scope out the school a bit before I actually had to come here and do work, and so I could maybe find some people I could hang out with over the holidays or something," he said shyly.
"Look no further we are here to assist," Pj piped up and Callum smiled at him graciously.
"Actually if you want to know what this school is really like then do you want to go to the winter prom we are having in a few weeks?" Dan suggested and Callum looked a bit awkward.
"As long as I don't have to bring a date," he said blushing a little.
"I don't have a date unlike these lovebirds here, do you wanna come with me?" Damian said, his cheeks going slightly red with embarrassment.
"As friends?" Callum asked nervously and Damian nodded quickly.
"Yeah yeah, just so we can hang out and stuff while Chris and Pj try and get into each others pants," he joked and Callum laughed.
"I'd like that," he told him and then both the pairs cheeks began to flame red. Maybe it wouldn't be just hanging out for them after all.

Later that night they were lying on Phil's bed, pressed together tightly like the pages of a book, feeling the warmth and happiness they shared as their story continued for yet another glorious page.
"Dan, do you think we are like books?" Phil wondered quietly, finding the shimmer of gold fleck over Dan's eyes as they met his own.
"In what way lion?"
"Books contain our own story, each page is like another day and only sometimes the most meaningful things are written down to be remembered, but without the usual stuff, the book would be stuck on a single page, never moving forward. I feel like every time I fall asleep in your arms a new page has been turned, but in my viewpoint this book hasn't had many important things coming from my own mouth to be stamped onto pages," he said, chewing his lip.
"I love how you get when you are sleepy lion, and I do see what you mean, but not about the important words part. Everything you say and do feels important to me and they are the treasures on my pages. And honestly, I think our book together is very interesting, how we have been through a lot and can still share these movements without having to worry about what might happen in later pages, as they haven't been written yet," Dan told him and Phil smiled softly. He picked his locket out from under his t-shirt and stroked his thumb over the words carved deeply into the metal.

"Two of a kind," Dan whispered as Phil pulled his thumb away and pecked Dan's lips.

"There may be two of a kind, but there's only one you."

And with that, Phil closed his eyes, ready for the next page to be written about the adventures he would share with his Dan, knowing that whatever they went through, it really would be okay.

The End.

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