Chapter 13

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More of a filler but as 13 is my lucky number I made it very fluffy so don't complain :3

Phil hadn't slept so well for years. Knowing there was someone who cared so much about him, loved him even, that wanted to be with him was so infatuating, so obsessing, he couldn't think of anything else but Dan. He haunted his dreams and they were perfect, each so simple but so beautiful. They were just little things, like Phil lying next to him, being held in his arms while they chatted and laughed, pecking each other with morning breath but not caring. Cuddled up while watching a movie under mounds of blankets, even just walking down the street with his hand in Dan's, all were exactly what he wanted his future to contain.

It was half 2 in the morning and Phil was lying under his covers, smiling like an idiot. Then he realised if he fell asleep it meant he could see Dan quicker, so screwed up his eyes and imagined Dan was beside him, and dropped off again almost instantly.


"Phil come on I have something to show you," Dan whined, tugging on his hand.
"Okay calm down, keep your hair on," Phil said, following Dan a little quicker through the forest. Dan started fiddling with his hair as soon ,as Phil mentioned it and Phil tugged him back sharply, making him stop. "Stop fussing with your fringe you look gorgeous," Phil told him, making Dan grin, then peck his lips.
"I love you,"
"I love you more,"
"Then come on," Dan mock-whined again, making Phil giggle. They started walking quickly again, Dan slightly ahead, pulling Phil along by his hand in the desired direction. They went off the path and started to stumble over loose roots and tree trunks, laughing as they tried to hold each other up.

"How far is this place?" Phil asked, almost tripping over a bush.
"Not far I promise," Dan told him, flashing a smile as they continued. As they got deeper into the lush green forest the leaves started turning brown and orange to deep reds, the air getting slightly colder, and the floor was covered in damp. It was turning into autumn. Phil let go of Dan's hand quickly to stop and stare, and it really had changed seasons. He saw a pile of leaves slightly to the left of him and kicked his way through them, hearing Dan laugh at him. He looked up mid-trudge and caught Dan's eye, but tripped on a hidden branch and fell head first into the pile.
"Oh Phil you numpty," he heard Dan say as he lifted his head out of the leaves, feeling a bit disorientated.
"It's not my fault," Phil protested, spitting a leave out of his mouth.
"Oooh, attractive," Dan teased. Phil slowly moved his hand to the side and felt Dan's leg, and pulled. Dan was now on the floor beside him. "Ouch, meanie," Dan said, pouting.
"I'm sorry," Phil said, pulling a puppy dog face, then giggling and kissing Dan's pout, which instantly softened as he kissed back.

"Hey Phil," Dan whispered as he pulled away.
"What?" Phil muttered back.
"LEAF FIGHT!" Dan yelled, throwing a pile of leaves right in his face and stumbling as he got up, running away. Phil scrabbled to get up, grabbing more leaves as he went, charging after Dan.
"I will get you Howell!" Phil screamed after him.
"You mean Howell-Lester, and you will have to get me-oooof," Dan called back as Phil's ammunition hit his face. He stopped and wiped the leaves off his face, feeling Phil's skinny arms wrap around his torso.
"I like Howell-Lester, but I think Lester-Howell sounds better," Phil told him, resting his head on Dan's shoulder.
"How about you be Lester-Howell and I be Howell-Lester?" Dan asked.
"Deal," Phil said, kissing his cheek and letting Dan go. "So where are we going?" Phil pressed.
"It's literally around the corner. But firstly, do you trust me?" Dan asked him.
"Of course I do," Phil replied.
"Good, now stand here," Dan said, pulling him in front of him and turning him away so he could see his back. Then Phil couldn't see.
"Dan what are you doing?" Phil yelped as his world went black, Dan's hands smothering the light.
"You said you trusted me and I wanted this to be a surprise," Dan told him.
"Oh okay, but if you are leading me to a bear trap I will not be happy," Phil warned, then Dan started to guide him forwards.

About half a minute later, Dan stopped.
"Keep your eyes closed beautiful," Dan told him cheekily, and Phil felt Dan's hand being lifted away from his face, but he kept his eyes closed.
"Can I look yet?" He asked, Dan not responding for a few seconds. "Dan?"
"Open up Phil!" He heard Dan call, and he opened. In front of him was a tiny cottage, like out of a fairy tale, but without a witch wanting to eat him. It was like a cabin but with a thatched roof, and even a little chimney. Dan was standing on the porch and leaning against a wooden frame holding up the little roof over the door.
"Do you like it? It's just for us," Dan told him. Phil was speechless. Dan had done this all for him?
"Dan... It's perfect," Phil told him, walking over to him, brushing his hand against the porch fence before pulling Dan into a tight hug.
"I love you," he mumbled into Dan's shoulder.
"I love you too, now come and look inside," Dan said, taking his hand and pulling out an old fashioned key, fitting it in the lock and twisting. The door opened and inside he saw a little sitting room, a fireplace and sofa with a soft rag rug on the floor and a few framed photos of them both together. They walked a bit further in and there was a kitchen, containing a small sink and cooker, a fridge and cupboard (which Phil guessed would have essentials like coffee, popcorn and Maltesers). This was joined onto a bathroom, fit with toilet, shower, sink and bath, phil guess if it had been raining in the forest and they had got a little dirty. Lastly there was a little bedroom, patchwork quilt on the bed and bedside tables and lamps. The perfect place to cuddle up and be cosy.

"I thought sometimes we might want to get away from the real world, so I made this for you. We can come here anytime you want and it will be exactly how you want it? And Phil? I know we might be young, but just think, this is our first home, and you can always come back here," Dan said, stroking Phil's cheek and kissing him slowly.


Phil opened his eyes slowly. Why did all of the best dreams have to be interrupted? He groaned and checked the time on his phone, surprised Dan had texted him already, instantly making him smile again.

Morning gorgeous, I dreamed about you xxx

Phil giggled to himself, then closed his eyes. Dream Dan's final words to him spoke clearly, and he realised what he was saying. This was a part of his imagination where everything was happy and he could see Dan anytime, and he could always go there, no matter what. Knowing this, Phil grinned, and pulled himself out of bed.

So did I, and it was amazing. In my dreams you are really sweet xxx

Hey! I am sweet in real life too, someday you will see that xxx

Phil couldn't help but giggle, his life was slowly becoming perfect, and it was all down to a boy with brown hair. And a couple of friends. Maybe. He laughed at himself then realised they would have to tell Chreej about him and Dan, oh that would be fun. He would talk to Dan about it. He checked his phone again for the time, realising he hadn't remember what it was as Dan's texts had distracted him. Enough time for a quick shower, so a quick shower it was.

Once Phil had showered he put on boxers and looked through his wardrobe for something to wear. It was still pretty warm out (Phil had discovered this by waving his arm out the window and seeing if it got goosebumps or not) so he thought another shirt would be good. He grabbed his green checked one and pulled on yesterday's skinny jeans, deciding he didn't need to straighten his hair today because otherwise it would smell burnt and checked himself in the mirror. He started to walk away, but then rushed back to the mirror, and of course, his fly was open. He zipped it shut and wandered downstairs to make breakfast.

Just as he finished eating he heard the doorbell and flung open the door, to be greeted with a kiss on the lips. He could get used to this.

Yay :D the story line from now on should start going into what it actually should be so I can live up to my description of it :p

Also my friend started saying phanfiction was weird today and I almost hit her but made the point that I write them and people like them so she could go fuck herself :p now she is okay with them :) teehee :3

(Also again a self promotion but please go read flickers because I am pretty proud of it so yeah, go read please, I will send you a virtual plate of cookies if you do)

Anyway keep shaking your bacon

Anni out!

*drives past you in a car playing dubstep and throws waffles at you (pick you topping and it will come)*

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