Chapter 21

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I am updating quickly again, I quite like this :)

Getting up was a lot harder than Phil thought it was going to be. He forgot as soon as he woke up he had broken a pretty important bone and started to swing his legs out of bed, then winced in pain, realising he had a huge cast one one, meaning he couldn't walk. He sighed and clumsily reached out for his crutches, hauling the up on front of him and stumbling through to the bathroom.

After managing to take a shower he pulled on boxers and heard the doorbell ring. He wasn't late was he? No he had plenty of time, it probably just the postman or something. He plugged in his straighteners and opened his wardrobe, wondering what to wear and what he could get on easily with a knee high cast. At least he could wear normal shoes. He heard his door open and grabbed his duvet off his bed and holding it in front of himself with a yelp. Dan was standing in his doorway grinning.
"It's okay it's only me," he said, but Phil didn't drop his duvet.
"But you're early and I'm not exactly decent," Phil whined, going red.
"I came to help you, considering you have a broken leg," Dan told him, and Phil blushed darker.
"You are too sweet," Phil said, holding out an arm beaconing Dan to him, still keeping up the duvet with his other one. Dan walked over and pecked his lips softly, making Phil smile happily, but quickly whipped the duvet away from Phil making him yelp from the sudden exposure. "Dan!" He screeched, who picked him up and sat him on his bed again.
"Much better," he said, winking, making Phil scowl. "Now what do you want to wear my beautiful boy?" Dan asked more gently.
"Can you grab my least skinny looking jeans, my old ones which look worn and just a t-shirt please?" Phil asked, still feeling a bit self conscious but not as much as he thought he would be as it was only Dan and they would get to this stage at some point, but just this for now. Dan rummaged for a while until phil felt a shirt hit his chest and then a pair of jeans followers. "Thanks love," he said. He pulled on the t-shirt quickly and then stood up, holding onto the headboard of the bed to keep him steady and tried stepping into his jeans, but lost his balance almost straight away. Dan caught him quickly and giggled at him.

"Sit down you muppet, I'll help you get your jeans on, though I think they would be better off," he winked and Phil shoved him a little.
"Just help me put them on," Phil told him. Dan slid one leg over his cast and stood Phil up, and he was able to pull wiggle them onto his hips and do them up.
"There we are, now you need breakfast," Dan told him, walking over to his crutches.
"Erm... Dan?" Phil said a little timidly.
"Yes love?"
"Is it okay if you make maybe a few less comments about.. Well you know, as I just feel kinda bad about it, because I'm not stupid and I know you want to, but I am just not ready," Phil said awkwardly, ducking his head, hoping to hide his blush more.
"That's fine lion cub, and I know you aren't and I promise I won't pressure you into anything," Dan told him gently, leaning the crutches against the bed before kissing Phil softly on the lips for a few seconds. "Now cereal, but this time, in style," Dan said, wriggling his eyebrows. He scooped Phil up again like yesterday and carried him out the room and down the stairs, Phil cuddling into him and giggling.

"I love you bear,"
"I love you too Phil,"
"But not as much as I love cereal," Phil joked.
"I will drop you," Dan warned.
"You wouldn't dare,"
"Try me," Dan said, grinning cheekily before realising his grip on Phil quickly, making him let out a short scream before holding him steady again.
"I hate you,"
"I hate you too lion,"

Phil's day at school wasn't the best one. Everyone kept asking what had happened to his leg and he was tired of explaining how he had broken it. That and about two people had almost tripped over his crutches and more had asked if they could have a go on them. Dan had told them no for him, letting the exception of Chris and Pj mess around on them, which Phil loved. But the worst part he found, was that he couldn't hold Dan's hand when they were walking. That was one of his favourite things to do and now he simply couldn't do it. At least Dan gave him extra kisses to make up for it.

Phil honestly had the perfect boyfriend, and he loved him with all his heart. Being in love was one of the best feelings in the world, and he hoped it would last forever. Lasting long enough for Phil to become Mr Howell-Lester and live happily with his own Howell and hopefully have a family. Maybe one day in the future, he thought while he was daydreaming in class, staring out the window. He felt a hand slide into his own and squeeze it gently, and Phil grinned. He really did have the most perfect boyfriend.

Damian visited again after school. Dan had to go home straight away (but he carried Phil into his house again which Phil really liked, even if he protested and pretended he hated it. He was honesty surprised Dan had the energy to actually carry him really but it was sweet that he was, even if it was tiring him out a little) so when Damian appeared at his door he was pretty surprised. He should probably get used to it though as it was becoming more and more common for him just to turn up at his door.

"Oh hey Dame," Phil said cheerfully as he pulled open the door.
"Hey Phil, how's the leg?" Damian said happily as he walked in, letting Phil shut the door.
"A bit of a pain but fine. Hey, you don't smell like smoke," Phil commented.
"I haven't smoked for the past few days, I have a patch on and I keep chewing gum when I want to. It's really helped," Damian said. Phil inhaled slightly and it was nice to know Damian actually smelled of a person under all the smoke, like peppermint and lemon.
"Well that's good, I'm proud of you," Phil told him, and turned, starting to clamber his way up the stairs, going slowly as it was pretty tricky with his crutches and leg. He knew Damian was awkwardly behind him, probably a bit annoyed Phil was taking so long. Then suddenly he had ducked around him and picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder, making Phil yelp in surprise.
"Up we go!" Damian said happily, laughing at the shriek Phil let out. He carried him up the few stairs effortlessly and placed him down carefully when they got to the top.
"Dame that was terrifying!" Phil almost scolded. "But thanks, that was a lot easier than walking." Phil led the way to his room and plonked himself down on his bed, lying his crutches down beside it.

"So how was school, did you get any hassle for not being at the party?" Phil asked him.
"Yeah, a little. So I ended up sitting in the library at lunch but it was nice actually, I had a chat with the librarian about books and she suggested John Green," he said, sounding perky for someone who had pretty much lost all company.
"Good luck. The fault in our stars may emotionally scar you. I mean will. You're gonna be a train wreck," Phil told him, not even joking.
"I don't get that emotional from books," Damian told him.
"You will be after that. Do you want to borrow it, it's literally on my bookcase?" Phil asked.
"Yes please," Damian said and walked over, looking at the titles before pulling it off the shelf. "You have Scott pilgrim comics," Damian commented.
"Is that a bad thing?" Phil asked.
"No... Could I borrow them too?" Damian asked looking a bit embarrassed.
"Of course you can," Phil said. Damian went back to looking along the bookshelf, humming to himself happily, and Phil felt his phone start buzzing in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw Dan was calling him and answered it.

"Hey love, about tomorrow do you mind if we go shopping in the morning I need some more jeans? I might have kinda accidentally ripped one of my two pairs," Dan asked, making Phil chuckle.
"Sure babe, just as long as we don't have to climb lots of stairs," Phil giggled an he heard Dan laugh back.

"Hey can I borrow this too?" Damian piped up, not realising who Phil was on the phone to.
"Who was that?" Dan asked curiously.
"Oh, just the tv," Phil said casually, seeing Damian shoot him an 'I'm sorry' look.
"Oh okay. Anyway see you tomorrow, love you," Dan said.
"Love you too," Phil told him an ended the call.

"Sorry I didn't know it was Dan," Damian said worriedly.
"It's fine, and borrow whatever you want," Phil told him.

"I like hanging out with you Phil," Damian said randomly after a few minutes of silence.
"I like hanging out with you too, but where did that come from?" Phil asked, chuckling at the randomness of the statement.
"I was just thinking that I actually feel like I am hanging out with a proper friend when I hang out with you,
"I am a proper friend Dame, and you're sweet, I'm honestly not the best company,"
"You are, and you forgot to add amazingly hot to that list," he winked.
"Well, yeah okay I'll add amazingly hot to the list," Phil said, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah but you only think that because I look like Dan,"
"Not really, now I know you better you look more different," Phil told him.
"In what way?" Damian asked curiously, sitting back down on the bed beside Phil.
Well," Phil said taking a closer look at Phil's face. "You have the same hair as him but your face is slightly thinner, and so is your nose. Your dimple is in a different place and your eyes aren't quite the same, his are lighter with gold in, where yours are more dark chocolate, like your hair," Phil told him peering again. "Your lips are the same though," Phil said, his focus landing on them.

For a second, Phil wondered what it would be like to kiss them, but quickly swept that thought from his mind. They weren't Dan's, they belonged to Damian. They looked so similar though it was quite weird not to want to kiss them as they looked so much like his Dan's who's were available all the time to him... He suddenly realised he was still staring and moved his gaze away, blushing a little. He really hoped Damian couldn't read minds.

Damian coughed a little awkwardly.
"Does this mean you won't confuse us and end up kissing the wrong guy?" Damian said, making Phil smile.
"Yup," Phil said, but really his mind was saying 'I really hope so'.

Damian left not too long after that, saying he wanted to start on the 6 books he had borrowed from Phil, each weighing down his bag more and more. He thanked Phil yet again but there was a weird look on his face when he left, almost as if he was smug about something. Phil shook it off, it was probably just about the books he had borrowed.

When it was time for him to fall asleep he set and alarm for the next day for around 9, so he would have enough time to struggle with getting ready. He sent a goodnight to Dan before cuddling down and closing his eyes, but his phone buzzed once more and he looked at it, seeing it was from Damian:

I have hardly read any and I already feeling the impending doom that is coming...

Yeah good luck :p

Thanks for lending it to me though, even if it will kill me inside

Welcome, just say if you want anymore distressingly perfect books to kill you inside. Night :)

Night Phil, see you tomorrow maybe xx

Phil smiled again and put his phone back on his bedside table. He closed his eyes again and hugged his duvet, imagining what it would be like to have a tall gangly boy with dark hair cuddling next to him. His Dan. And maybe it could happen tomorrow if Phil ended up staying over. He couldn't wait.

So guys, what do you think is going to happen? Feel free to say as I am curious :) I personally think that Dan is going to turn out to be a cat and Phil is a puppy and it goes all rom and jule like. anyway I hope you like it so far and an update should be soon as I really like writing this and because I know what is going to happen so yay, update soon :) I am waffling as I don't know what to say for some reason so yeah...


Keep flying my flamingos!

Anni out!

*turns your rooms floor into a trampoline because come on, who wouldn't want that?*

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