Chapter 12

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I have the day off school because teachers are striking so here is a celebratory chapter :3 happy Halloween :p (Halloween is now all of October)

Also thank you to Toxic_inferno for making me feel better :3 this is for you <3

Phil still waited for Dan at the lockers. He wasn't sure why, he felt half used and heartbroken, but he didn't want to feel weak. It made no sense to him but had some form of reason behind it, so he waited. And waited. He got so fed up at leaning against the lockers he started organising the inside, moving around pictures and stacking books neatly. He found a picture of him and Dan together, laughing and happy and tore it down the middle.
"Hey," he heard a happy voice over his shoulder. "What did you do that for?" Dan asked, looked at the torn piece of paper.
"I didn't like how I looked in it," Phil said, his teeth gritted slightly, throwing the pieces of paper back inside. "Did you have fun in maths?"
"Yeah, as much as you can in maths anyway," he said cheekily, making Phil gnash a little harder. He composed his face and tried not to slam the locker shut. He pressed a smile on his lips and turned around to face Dan.
"Shall we go?" Phil asked sweetly.
"Yup, let's,"

They walked slowly to Phil's house, Phil pretending to be happy and completely okay as Dan chatted on about something or other that happened last lesson. Phil saw Dan's face look at him expectantly and he gave out a little laugh. Just the right type as well for someone who wasn't listening.
"I know! Anyway Phil what do you wanna do when we get back to yours?"
"Er I have a bit or maths homework but I struggled in the lesson so I doubt I will be able to do it," Phil said awkwardly. Maths was not his strong point. He was working at a grade below he should and sometimes a little worse so his teachers had really started to get at him about it.
"I can help if you want, I am getting A's in it," Dan offered kindly.
"Thanks Dan," Phil said more genuinely. At least he had some interest in Phil, even if he was seemingly more interested in Brandy and Charlotte, the sluts he had been flirting with when Phil had seen him in class.
"You're welcome, I don't want you failing," Dan replied truthfully. He was finding maths pretty tricky himself, but not by the actual work. From the incessant noise of Brandy giggling at pretty much every strand of hair he owned that moved and Charlotte touching him. He tried to act friendly and nice to start with but then he realised they probably thought he was flirting (by the way they were pushing their chests out more) and stopped, saying he needed to do his work. The polite version of fuck off. He was just glad he was back with Phil, even if it was helping him with homework.

They reached Phil's house who (cheered up a little more now after his random breakdown) unlocked the door and led Dan up to his room again.
"It feels weird not having popcorn," Phil said, referring to the day before, sitting down on his bed and dumping the maths sheet for homework he had to do along with pens, pencils, a ruler and a cute little rubber in the shape of a dinosaur.
"Phil, how have I never noticed your dinosaur rubber?" Dan asked, a grin playing his mouth.
"His name is Terrance, Terry for short. And shush, it's more interesting than yours which has 'cock' written all over it," Phil quipped back.
"That was Chris okay it's not like I want that all over my rubber," Dan sighed and sat down opposite Phil. "Right what's the subject?"
"I meant maths subject, you know, adding, subtracting and so on,"
"Oh, right. Simplifying equations,"
"Okay," Dan took the sheet off Phil and moved around to sit next to him, leaning against him slightly, making Phil blush a little, then frown.

"Simplifying equations isn't too hard when you know the theory. There are certain little tricks you can learn to make it easier and they are pretty simple to remember," Dan explained. "How much of them do you understand?"
"Pretty much none of it," Phil said a bit sadly, his grade was obviously making him feel down.
"Okay, always start the the x here," Dan said, circling it with a pen. "See how it says it's squared? That means there are two so you need two sets of brackets underneath, side by side," he explained. He watched as Phil drew the brackets a little uncertainly. "You always start off with that. Then you put one x at the start of each bracket like this," Dan told Phil, and he tried slotting in the x's, but put them in the wrong place. "No wait, like this," Dan said again, placing his hand on top of Phil's and moving it to where it should be and helping him to write it. He noticed Phil blushed a little and he smiled to himself.

"Okay, now you see these two numbers? We need two numbers that add to make this first one," he said still holding Phil's hand and moving it over the number. "And times to make this one, so it's just simple multiplying,"
"Okay should I write any of this down to remember it?" Phil asked, moving has hand away from Dan's jerkily. Dan wondered why Phil suddenly sounded so sharp. Phil however, was cracking. How dare Dan use him as part of his elaborate game of flirting and making him fall at his feet along with the sluts at the school. He was starting to get angry, he didn't want Dan to think it was okay playing him, but he didn't want to lose his best friend either. Eugh it was complicated.
"I need to use to toilet, will be back in a bit," Phil told him, standing up abruptly and walking outside, shutting the door behind him. He didn't go to the bathroom he just leant against the wall in his hallway for a bit. He needed to calm down before he burst. He heard Dan's phone go off and him answer it, the voices a little muffled by the door.

"It's going alright, don't worry... Yeah it was great... I kinda wish you were here now, it's getting tricky and I could use some support... No I'll go it alone... Yeah he's an idiot... It will be fine-"
"An idiot, am I?" Phil said angrily as he opened the door.
"I'll talk later," Dan said quickly and ended the call, putting it back in his pocket and standing up.
"You think I'm an idiot?" Phil asked again, his voice dangerously low.
"No, why would I think that?" Dan asked, looking confused.
"Oh stop with the act, and stop messing me around too! I know you are just gonna hurt me," Phil spat.
"Phil, I'm confused. What the hell are you on about?"
"Your little game Daniel. The one you play with everyone, even the girls in your maths class. Just stop it with me okay. Now I get why you wanted to sit with me the first day, I would be a harder challenge, well you have succeeded if that was what you were going for, I hope you're happy," Phil said, stepping closer to Dan, his face angry against Dan's mask of fear.

"Phil, you're scaring me, what are you on about? Succeeded in what?"
"Oh just stop! Stop pretending you don't know and abusing my feelings!"
"Phil, calm down and explain what you are on about, please," Dan almost begged, wanting nothing more than to understand what he was on about and be able to make it better.
"You have been planning on making me fall in love with you all this time and laughing about it with people behind my back! I knew it was too good to be true when the gorgeous new boy wanted to be friends with me instead of the populars, it's because I would be a challenge to degrade and change, and you are finding it hilarious! Do you know what Dan, you fucking succeeded in your game and now I am in love with you. I hope you're happy. I hate you," Phil screamed in his face, Dan's eyes widening when Phil said he was in love with him. Phil hadn't even seemed to notice it had slipped out.

"Well then I hate you too," he mumbled, and crushed his lips against Phil's. He wound his arms around his neck to stop him pulling away, and then felt Phil's lips start to move back against his. Dan couldn't help but smile, Phil was kissing him. Even if it was in fury, feeling Phil's hands at his waist made it perfect. Dan moved away first seeing Phil's befuddled look on his face and then realised.
"Oh, I didn't want your first kiss to be like that," Dan said sadly.
"Why did you kiss me?" Phil asked, tracing his finger around his lips, trying to see if it was real of not.
"Because I love you too you idiot. I was talking to Chris on the phone earlier as he was giving me some advice about trying to tell you how i felt and only being friendly to the sluts in maths, it must have looked like flirting but I promise it wasn't. I would never use anyone like that, especially you, and I'm sorry I made you feel so horrible," Dan explained, feeling sad that he had hurt Phil so much.

"To be honest Dan, at this moment, I don't give a shit," Phil said, beaming, and pulled Dan's lips against his again.
"All this swearing Philip, it's not becoming of a young gentleman is it?" Dan mumbled while Phil kissed him.
"Oh shut up," Phil muttered back. Dan swiped his tongue across Phil's lower lip and Phil opened eagerly. Dan slid his tongue into Phil's mouth and started to explore. He heard Phil give a little sigh and grinned, winding one of his hands into Phil'a hair and tugging lightly. Phil slid his hands up from Dan's waist and onto his chest, pushing back until he hit the bed and fell backwards, Phil landing on top of him with a giggle. They stopped kissing, Phil just stroking his hair and gazing into his eyes, smiling.
"You know, for someone who has never kissed anyone before you are fucking terrific," Dan told him, grinning up at his new... Boyfriend?
"Language Mr," Phil said, tapping his lips.
"Says you," Dan reminded him.
"First time for everything," Phil said, then pecked his lips.

"So, Dan,"
"So phil,"
"I was wondering,"
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
"Hey I was gonna ask that!"
"Well I got there first,"
"I hate you,"
"I love you too,"
"Eugh you're so annoying,"
"So is that a yes?" Dan finally asked.
"Of course it is," Phil said, dipping his head and kissing his first ever boyfriend. He wouldn't have wanted it to be anyone else.

A few hours later Dan was leaving his house. They shared a long lingering kiss and smiled at each other.
"Oh, we forgot something," Dan said worriedly.
"The maths homework..." Dan trailed off.
"Oh just shut up and kiss me again," Phil said, watching Dan giggle, then press his lips against Phil's.
"I love you, see you tomorrow," Dan said, pulling apart and walking out of the gate.
"I love you too," Phil called after him, shutting the door, then leaning against it. He couldn't describe how he felt at the present moment as anything other, than subliminal.

FUCKING FINALLY I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE HAPPY! Because I am :3 I am meant to be doing work and I have kinda started but tumblr and then now I am watching tangled and its not going so well. Oops.

Also I said I was updating flickers soon and I am trying, it's just not going so well :/ again, oops.

Anyway keeps shaking my shippers!

Anni out!

*swings past your window by my hair and hits people you don't like with a frying pan*

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