Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

“Happy Birthday bub!” I sang as I walked into the kitchen, holding a cake that was covered in candles, “I can’t believe my little boy is four!” I said to Belle, after I placed the cake in front of Nate, and he had blown the candles out.

She smiled at me and pointed over to Noah, who was busy cutting up slices of cake for Nathan and his friends, and wrapping the chocolate sponge in a Finding Nemo napkin for them to eat in the garden. “It makes me happy to see him here with Nathan today, thank you for letting him into your lives. Blake and I are so grateful for that- he really needed someone like you in his life.”

Nathan and I moved into Noah’s house about a week after he had asked us to. When we were packing everything up to move, the doorbell was ringing constantly and everytime I answered it, it was always some reporter for a magazine or newspaper firing questions at me. In the end, I learnt that the best way to deal with the situation was to shut the door on them without even muttering a word to them.

“How are my two lovely ladies then?” Noah asked as he walked over to Belle and I.

“We’re both fine actually No, just enjoying your son’s party.” Belle replied, smiling at him.

“Ah, I wasn’t actually asking you Belle.” Noah said, smirking as he placed an arm around my shoulders, “I was asking my beautiful Rose and our baby girl how they are,” he finished, rubbing my twenty-week baby bump.

“It’s a girl?” Belle squealed, her eyes going huge as she looked at me. I shook my head at her, and gave Noah a look.

“We don’t know the gender, and I’m afraid, we’re not going to find out until the birth. Noah just thinks our little bubba is a girl.” I told her, as I put my hand over Noah’s on my bump.

“Ah, Noah! You made me all excited then! You jerk!” She laughed, as she lightly smacked him round his head with her over-sized purse. I walked out side to see Nathan running around Noah’s garden being chased by his new present, a puppy.

Noah had bought Nathan the King Charles spaniel because when he was Nathan’s age, he had one, and loved it! Apparently they are easy to look after too… I’ll remind him of that when it’s dropping it’s business all over the spotless house.

“Mumma! Look!” Nate screamed at me from across the garden. I waved at him, to show that I had heard and watched him and his friends carefully play football with the child-friendly dog.

“Why, hello there!” I heard someone exclaimed from next to me. I turned and saw a couple of women walking over to me, their heels clicking against the patio floor. “Hi dear, are you Nathan’s mother then?” The taller woman with really curly mousey brown hair asked me; I nodded. “Well, I am Jonathan’s mother,” she told me, pointing a perfectly manicured finger at one of the boys playing football with Nate.

“Your son is such a darling.” The woman with the white blonde hair said to me as she looked over at the boys rolling around the floor. “He’s Noah Anderson’s son, isn’t he?” She questioned. Somehow, I knew these women weren’t here to be all friendly with me they obviously wanted gossip. “Oh, and another one soon, I see,” she said, looking at my stomach that was getting harder to hide with my clothes. “So, the rumours must be true then.”

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