Chapter 10: Realize.

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Sawyer's POV

I feel horrible. I didn't mean to hurt him, I just to tell him the truth. I couldn't date someone I didn't love. I really need to talk to him, tell him I'm sorry. I hope he's ok. He hasn't come downstairs since we talked. I decided to go up and see if he needed anything.

I softly tapped on his bedroom door. I heard sniffles and coughing. It made me feel horrible!

"Joey... It's Sawyer... are you okay?"

I asked softly.

"Sawyer, please j-just go away."

He sniffed.

"Joey... I'm so so sorry..."

"Just Go Away!! Please Sawyer, I don't need this right now!!"

He cried.

"Ok... I just want you to know how sorry I am..."

I whispered, walking back downstairs. Tears came into my eyes. I hated to see him hurt. He was one of my best friends and I didn't and I didn't want to be the reason for his sadness.

Just then, the doorbell rang. It was Meghan.

"Hi Meghan..."

I said sadly.

"Sawyer, are you okay?!"

She asked giving me a hug.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Joey's upstairs, he will explain everything to you... I'm going to go for a drive, see you later..."

I left the house. I just had to go somewhere else, and here was not the place.

Joey's POV

I heard a knock at the door downstairs, and figured it was Meghan. I heard Sawyer answer it so I just went farther under the covers. I heard voices and then the door shut. Footsteps were coming upstairs so I ran my fingers through my hair and sat up.


I heard a faint voice.

"Come in..."

I sighed.


She cried.

"You look horrible!!"

He exclaimed.

"I know I know..."

I mumbled.

"What's wrong boy?"

She asked sitting on the edge of the bed.


I mumbled, tears starting up again.

"I-I love-loved- him..."

I said sadly.

"That's great though!"

She exclaimed.

"No... you don't understand... He-he's straight. I thought he liked me. But no, I'm so stupid!"

I cried putting my head in your hands. She rubbed my back.

"Shhh... Joey stop it!! Your not stupid! It's ok. You will find someone else who loves you, it's okay Joey."

But it wasn't ok. I didn't know what to do. I was crushed.

"How did you know you liked Sawyer?"

She asked.

I was kind of embarrassed. I didn't want to tell her.

"I... Um... Well I kind of knew I did but... When I kissed Shane for... Shane!! Oh my gosh!"

Meghan was confused.

"What about Shane?"

"He-He likes me! And I hurt him, like Sawyer hurt me!! I feel so bad!!"

I felt really bad, and when he called... I hung up on him!

"Do you think that's how Sawyer feels?"

She asked. I guess she was right. He was sorry. He really was, like I am now.

"Yeah... I think so... I have to talk to him!"

Meghan smiled.

"Good! Now we're getting somewhere!

I nodded.

"Yeah, I guess I shouldn't waste my time crying when I could still have a strong friendship with him!"

"Good, I'm proud of you Joey, I think Sawyer will really appreciate it, you know, when I came here, he was miserable too. "


I asked. Why would he be so sad too?

"Yeah he looked really sad, and like he was crying."

Now I felt bad for him.

"I have to talk to him as soon as possible!"

I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I guess I should be going to."

Meghan said.

"I'm glad I could help"

"Yup! We should go out for food sometime!"

I said.

"Of course! Text me whenever! I hope things with Sawyer and Shane work out."

She said as she left.

That reminds me, I have an apology call to make.

***Authors Note: There, Meghan is now added to the story!! Thank you for suggesting her! If anyone else has any suggestions, please tell me!! Love You! ~Shoey Shipper***

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