From Pune Sector

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Falling in love is a beautiful thing indeed.

But not when your childhood best friend is involved.
Soham had to learn this the hard way when he watched the girl of his dreams being whisked away by someone else.

Jennifer was not exactly a saintly girl. In fact she was far from it. After being suspended from her school, she was sent to a boarding school in Pune but after seven years, she was back in Mumbai.

But ah, the sting of first love always remains, no matter where the victim goes. And Jennifer's case was no different.

She has always been in love with Soham. Her brother's best friend.
But things are going to change, she promised herself while getting back.

Soham hates her guts and daredevil attitude.
Jennifer hates him for just being his prefect arrogant self.

So where does the love come from?
We will see because falling in love must be beautiful but falling for the second time after knowing all its risks and pain makes it all the more beautiful.


Hey guys! So since eternity I have been bugged about whether I'd be releasing a sequel and when will it be and what will it be about and so I finally decided that yes, I am going to write a sequel and if you've read the synopsis above, you know about whom its going to be.

I know those who were all shipping #sonny must be really delighted but the shippers of other couples, don't worry Trisha and Arnav will be mentioned and so will Tanya and Manav and all the other guys.

But it just made sense to write a sequel about Soham and Jennifer because I'd really left them hanging and the number of messages I've got asking me about their relationship just made me laugh and cry at the same time. Also, if you've noticed in OMS, the only other time I have switched the point of view is between Soham and Jennifer. Co-incidence? Nah.

Now to the not so exciting news, I don't know when I can start updating chapters but hopefully, it will be soon. #NEETshebang

Till then, please comment and let me know if you're all up for the sequel of Soham and Jennifer or whether you were hoping for someone else's story. I really wanna know.

And yes, unfortunately OMS didn't make it to the shortlist of YourstoryIndia but I am heartily thanking all those of you who voted or revoted. Even though we didn't make it, the support was soo inspiring. Thank you :*

Hope you have a great day xx

Also, I love the cover. Anyone else seeing how it suits the characters??

Love ya,


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