With Perfection There is No Connection

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...A Message about Perfection and a Longing for a Connection...Putting myself in the eyes of those that long for Perfection and learn that by doing so it gets you no where...No, I don't long for perfection because I know that no one is perfect, but I have come across so many in my life that long for it and told me how they felt and then how they later realized that by doing so you will truly find no connection if you hide behind a mask of phony perfection that in reality truly does not exist...

Longing for a connection, 

yet only wanting perfection.

Wrongfully so, 

it's what's been seen that I've come to know.

Thinking life is so grand, especially when I'm in command. 

Feeling so proud

as I make my way through every croud.

Oh the praise, 

its such a craze.

Leaves me ignorant, filled with so much pride, 

but then I look around and realize that no ones is by my side.

For when you live that dream of phony perfection, 

you find no true and long lasting connection.

No one that truly cares for me.

Leaving me asking myself is this who I really want to be???

The life of the fake, it only gets you so far

and sure at the time seems to raise your status bar, 

but with time it eventually grows old

leaving you empty handed with nothing to hold.

A life with no love and no true friends.

Nothing but loose ends.

Because there is no such thing as perfect, 

nor is pretending that it is worth it.

Alll it does is allow us to bury ourselves in a web of lies, 

till all we get is sorrow, pain, and goodbyes.

Nothing that lasts forever.

Nothing worth pursing...no future endeavor.

For no one is perfect, we all make mistakes and have our faults

and lying to ourselves saying we don't is just an insault.

Don't pretend..admit it.

Now's the time for you to quit it.

You want love?...You want hope?

Then you need to fess up and cope.

Be yourself..Be real

and overtime all your pain will heal.

Don't look for perfection because all the ones you think you see

are made up and not something or someone you want to be.

Start looking for the genuine and sincere.

For when you do, you will no longer have to fear.

Because sincerity is love and love is trust

and that my dear friend is a must.

It will bring you that happiness you've always yearned for

as well as so much more.

So no more of the perfection

because you are on your way to finding your long sought connection.

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