9 - New Gifted Home

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Fiona was delighted at this moment. She didn't expect Justin to apologize to her, but she was glad that he did so. It was unexpected that he wanted to befriend her and wanted to start over. But, hey! Who is she to complain about it? She knows that his harsh behavior towards her was not acceptable, but everyone deserves a second chance.

Justin was so relieved that she accepted his apology along with his friendship. Grace soon made her presence known in the room. She prepared soup for Fiona and also cooked spaghetti for her, which Fiona gladly accepted.

After finishing off her food, Fiona looked way better than before, and her eyes were twinkling. She looked cute during Grace's lecture.

Yes, Grace was lecturing her about how she shouldn't skip meals, to which she was nodding her head vigorously, which made her look adorable. She even lectured Justin about how he should treat her.

Finally, Grace was interrupted by the doorbell. She stood up and opened the door, but not before giving Fiona a sly smile and saying, "Our conversation isn't over yet."

Justin was surprised to see his parents, as well as his brother, Aaron. They had huge smiles on their faces, and he was curious to know about their super jovial mood.

When his mom saw Fiona, she instantly went to her and hugged her.

"Thank you for noticing my presence, mum." Justin said dramatically.

"Stop cribbing, Bunny." She said while rolling her eyes.

Justin was completely embarrassed by the nickname that his mum used. But, when he was little, he used to watch this cartoon where the character's name was a bunny, and he used to love it.

"Mum, please. I am not a kid anymore, so stop embarrassing me." Justin groaned, which made Fiona laugh.

"Nope... I think I am going to pass and keep embarrassing you. Plus, Fiona has got the right to know your childhood secrets."

"Everything else apart, I am thrilled that both of you are doing fine." His dad told both of them, to which Fiona and Justin gave each other a sly glance and smiled.

After hellos and hugs, they all sat on the couch. "We know that we gave you an unexpected visit, but it was kind of important."

Before Justin could interrupt, his mom assured them, nothing to be worried about. We wanted you guys to shift to your new home, and I am not taking no for an answer. As it is, Aaron wanted to rent an apartment, and this is a perfect apartment for a bachelor. But, whereas you two are concerned, you need a place which could actually be called a home for a married couple."

Fiona wanted to protest against the offer of a new home because she didn't want her in-laws to pay for it, but they insisted. The couple argued about it, but his parents being stubborn, and they didn't even listen to them. But Sara was right about this place; it is more like a bachelor pad. So, Fiona didn't mind shifting to a new place. This could be a perfect start. And they definitely needed a fresh start after one hell of a week.

So both of them agreed to shift to a new place so that Justin's brother could live in this apartment. Aaron was ecstatic about the fact that he didn't need to go house hunting.

Justin's parents soon left, and he and Fiona went to their separate rooms to sleep. It's been a long day. Although it was not an impressive start, it definitely had a good ending.

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