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We watched the house in silence. Pieces of wood were falling down, the roof looked unstable. I was still trying to figure why Casey didn't make a single noise, when suddenly shots were being fired. Before I even realised what was going on, two of the five were taken down already. A bullet had gone through their chest. Gio and the other two pulled out guns from inside their jackets and pointed it in a certain direction, from where the previous shots were being fired.

I started pulling Jack's numb body towards his car. I was able to do this without being caught, they were too busy watching each other's back. I was assuming Shane had found out about our plans and wanted revenge.

I searched for Jack's car keys in his pockets and unlocked the car as I opened the door. Another shot was fired, which took down the third man, leaving Gio and one more man. They were shooting around, without aiming at anyone. Whoever was out there shooting us was definitely experienced.

I dragged Jack onto the backseat and seated myself in the driver's seat to watch from a distance and keep myself safe. I checked to see if Jack was still unconscious when another shot was fired. I turned around, only to see Giovanni going down. They had taken Giovanni down - one of the most dangerous gang leaders known.

I watched the last man looking around desperately. He knew what was coming and it only took ten seconds for him to be shot as well. But this time, the bullet went through his leg - as if it was meant to keep him alive. I watched in fear, waiting for whoever took down the entire gang to show up.

My eyes nearly fell out of my head when I saw Nate - only Nate - appearing with Casey unconscious in his arms.

He saved her.

My mouth was open as I stared at him in shock. He spotted Jack's car and walked towards us. Without a single word, Nate opened the door to the passenger's side and carefully placed Casey on the seat. I stepped out of the car as Nate walked around to face me, "What the fuck was wrong with you?!" Nate yelled, grabbing me by my shirt. The fact that he was carrying a gun scared me even more.

I was speechless. I stared at Nate in shock, not being able to defend myself, "Were you actually going to help them kill her? Were you going to watch her get burned alive?" Nate asked, the grip on my shirt tightening, "I don't know what the fuck happened here while I was in Australia, but she still seems innocent to me. Look at her!" Nate forced me to take a look at Casey. Her eyes were closed as her chest rose up and down at a slow pace. She looked so peaceful and innocent, which made the guilt kick in.

"If I didn't have the feeling that something bad was going to happen during this fucked up plan, she would've been dead," Nate pointed out. He let go of my shirt, but stayed close to me.

"I don't care if you're jealous of Jack, I think I have more history with Casey than you do but not a single time have I thought about ruining their life and murdering either one of them," Nate shouted in my face. I felt ashamed and embarrassed, but mostly guilty. I was selfish and I don't think I'll be able to show my face in front of Jack, Johnson or Casey ever again.

"I suggest you leave. Leave this town, go continue your life somewhere else, but never show your face here again," Nate told me as if he was reading my
mind. That was exactly what I was going to do. I needed to get away from everything, maybe even return to my hometown, but wherever I would go, it had to be far away from Casey and Jack.

I don't know how I was going to explain this to Johnson, but I'm sure he wouldn't want to see me after I tell
him either. I screwed everything up, badly.

Not only did I ruin someone else's life, I ruined my own as well.


I woke up in an all too familiar room. It was my own bedroom. I looked around for a sign of Casey, but felt disappointed when I didn't find her next to me. The images of last night appeared in front of my eyes, my heart starting to ache again. But this time, tears weren't forming in my eyes. It was as if I had cried all of my tears yesterday. I felt numb.

Or maybe I was in a temporary shock. Maybe it would take some days before realisation will hit me like a brick.

I stared at the ceiling, trying to understand what happened yesterday. I had lost Casey, for good this time. My breathing became heavier, but my thoughts were soon interrupted when I heard voices in the living room. I sat up, my eyebrows furrowing. I hesitantly walked towards the door as the voices became louder.

My heart stopped beating when I recognised the voices. I opened the door in a hurry and revealed Nate and Casey.


She was alive. Casey was sitting on our couch, talking to Nate.

Is this some sick dream? Was I out of my mind? Am I hallucinating things?

My brain was full of questions that couldn't be answered at this moment. Silence took over the room and both Nate and Casey were just looking at me.

Damn, so much is happening.

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