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Jack Gilinsky

There was no time for panicking. I had to find Casey as soon as possible, before something happens to her. I wasn't actually participating in their plan, but in order to find out where Casey would be, I had to lie about Shane's location. I had no idea where they were, but I had sent them the address of Shane's main warehouse.

I hoped Shane wouldn't be there, because if so, I would have him after me as well. I think I understand all the threats Shane had been sending me now, he was warning me for their rivals. I was the weakest of Shane's gang and although I'm not part of their gang anymore, they could easily use me because I knew a lot of information about Shane's gang.

I drove to the warehouse, hoping to see Casey there alive and unharmed. Yet something inside me told me something was going to go wrong.

I felt bad for leaving Alex with Johnson and not even informing him about what was happening, but my priority right now was to get Casey and bring her far away from these dangerous men. I had once again failed in protecting the most important thing in my life.

With sweaty palms, I parked my car in front of the warehouse. It seemed empty at first, but soon enough, a couple of men started walking out of the warehouse - there was no Shane. But what shocked me the most was Sam being the last one to walk out. He had an emotionless face, he didn't seem to be surprised to see me here. Almost as if he knew. Was he part of their nasty plan or was he pressured into this, just like I was?

That's when I remembered his weird behaviour. He's a part of their gang. Our rivals. I have never trusted Sam ever since the thing he did with Casey in high school. I gave him a second chance, but this just confirmed my suspicious thoughts about him.

"What the fuck," I breathed out. It was one against five. Luckily they didn't seem to have weapons with them, but I bet they had back-up somewhere.

"Shane isn't here," One of the men spoke up, stating the obvious, "But someone else is waiting inside, Jack, someone you're dying to see," He continued, Casey immediately popping into my mind. I wanted to run past them and get Casey, but I stood no chance against these men.

"I can't believe you actually had the balls to lie to us. You wasted our time," Another added. My eyes wandered over to Sam. His expression did change, but I couldn't really read it, "Do you know what that means?" He said, with a creepy voice. I started breathing heavier, "I- I don't know where Shane is, okay, I thought he would be here. I am no longer part of his gang, how am I supposed to know?" I defended myself. I was fearing for Casey's life more than I was for my own. If someone had to die tonight, it would be me. Alex deserves a parent like Casey, not me, I'm the worst example ever.

"Poor Jack," One of the men walked closer. I felt my body temperature rising with each second passing, "Did no one teach you how not to trust everyone?" He asked rhetorically. I knew who he was talking about. Sam. I had considered him as a friend and even though he's been acting weird lately, him being involved with gangs was the last thing I had expected.

"I'm not only pointing my finger at Sam, Jack. There's someone else, someone Casey considers as a close friend, who has stabbed you both in the back," The man continued, my brain searching for all the possibilities. The only option that  came to mind was Nate.

"That's right, Nate Maloley," The man said as if he read my mind, "He asked us not to harm her, but if only you didn't lie..." The man's voice became deeper. I felt my heart pounding in my throat. Were they going to hurt Casey? I felt weak and useless as if I wasn't able to save her.

"Please, leave Casey out of this, take me instead, do whatever you want to me, but don't lay a finger on Casey," I begged them, that was my only option left. Of course they wouldn't bother listening to me begging, they were coldhearted murderers and I bet Casey isn't the only innocent person they've murdered.

The man nodded at someone, before another guy started walking towards a car. He opened the trunk and grabbed two jerrycans. He handed one to Sam and told him to follow him. My eyes widened as I saw them walk towards the warehouse.

"No, please, I beg you, take me instead!" By now tears started to form in my eyes, images of Alex and Casey flashed before my eyes, my heart starting to ache. I ran towards Sam and the man, but they had already started to spill the petrol around the house.

I froze when I heard Casey calling my name. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, "Sam are you fucking out of your mind, you're about to murder Casey. Innocent Casey who has Alex waiting on her!" I tried to knock some sense into Sam, but nothing seemed to help. I was about to run into the warehouse, when two large arms held me back, throwing me to the floor. I sat on my knees, "Please, kill me, don't harm her!" I pleaded, the tears rolling down my cheeks.

Sam and the man had finished spreading the petrol. I started feeling lightheaded, not being able to understand how this was real. Was this actually happening or is this only a nightmare?

Was I going to wake up next to Casey and Alex in a minute? Or was I never going to see Casey's face ever again?

Oh my god, first of all, I know I haven't been active in such a long time, but I had my reasons. One being that I had to deal with issues in my personal life and the other being the fact that I had writer's block.

I've done a lot of reading lately and I think it boosted my inspiration and motivation to write again.

Second; what the hell is happening? It was so hard to write this chapter, because it got me all fucked up and emotional.

Things are about to get real, so hold on tight. ;)

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PS: There are a lot of things that don't make sense in this book (as well as in Friendzone & No Boys Zone), I will fix them as soon as I finish this book.

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