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A/N: Please play an emotional song, one that will definitely make you cry while reading this chapter. It'll make the effect stronger.


I gave Sam one last hopeful look. He gave me an apologetic look, before opening his mouth to speak, "Guys, I don't think we should do this. She has a son," Sam suddenly tried to convince the men, but they didn't seem to bother, "You can't back out of the plan now, Sam, it's too late," The leader of the gang said as he held a lighter in one hand.

There was nothing left that I could possibly do to save Casey. I could fight them, but that would only make things worse. I felt my legs and arms becoming jelly as he walked towards the house with the lighter. I felt like I was about to faint. I didn't hear a single noise coming from inside, was she unconscious or did she give up as well?

"I'm sorry, Casey, I love you," I started whispering to myself. The memories of our time together flooded back into my mind as I started sobbing. Our happy times before our lives were ruined, our first kiss, our first date, the day we made it official. I went through so much shit for Casey, but it was all worth it and I hoped she thought that too, "I'm sorry I couldn't give you what you deserved, I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for being unloyal, I'm sorry your life has to end like this," I kept on whispering to myself. I tried to block the noise around me, knowing what was about to happen.

"I promise you, Casey, I promise I'll take care of Alex. I promise to give him what he deserves, to give him the love he needs," I mumbled, my heart aching.

"I see you've given up, Gilinsky, next time think twice before you do something stupid," I heard the leader say as the sound of fire took over. I started crying histerically, slamming my fists against the ground. This was torture, they were torturing me, just like Shane had told me.

If only I had never went to that club that night. I would've never met up with Shane and I would have never even thought about joining a gang.

My fists started bleeding, but that pain was nothing compared to the pain in my chest. I wanted to run into the house and die along with Casey, but I had made her a promise - a promise that I was going to keep.


I didn't want this to end like this. My intention wasn't to murder Casey. I don't know what had gotten into me, but I was desperate. I was jealous of Jack and wanted Casey all for myself, but now there was no Casey. I thought about Alex, the poor baby who no longer had a mother. I can't believe I did this. I'm a murderer, I'm a disgusting, coldhearted murderer. The things jealousy makes you do, it's unbelievable.

I watched Gio set the house on fire as Jack lost it. He slammed his fists on the concrete repeatedly, until blood started to flow from his fresh wounds. Tears were streaming down his face and I was trying my best not to let a tear roll down my cheek.

Suddenly realisation hit me. I did this. I ruined their lives. I was being selfish and didn't grant them the happiness they deserved. They were meant to be together, through everything they went, they remained together. I felt numb, suddenly I didn't feel any emotions anymore. I had forgotten the purpose of life and for a split second, I thought about joining Casey.

I watched Jack cry his heart out as the gang members enjoyed the torture that was being done. This is what they lived for, torturing and murdering people. And I had become one of them. There was only one difference; I didn't enjoy watching someone else in pain.

I caught myself crying, so I turned around and started walking away. As I was walking, I noticed something; Casey wasn't screaming, there was a silence inside and I'm pretty sure Casey would've been screaming by now since the fire had reached inside as well. I stopped walking and returned to the warehouse. The men were watching the house burn down, while
Jack was on the floor, unconcious. He didn't have any injuries, which meant he naturally fainted.

I watched the men's expressions. They seemed confused and I think they had realised the same thing as I did - there was no noise inside the house, other than the flames that were becoming bigger.

Holy crap, I legit cried while writing this chapter, I hate myself.

Poor Alex, poor Jack, they don't deserve this at all. It hurt my heart to kill off Casey, because she's my favourite character and my baby.

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𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐞, gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now