Can You Believe It?

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Copyright 2020 by TheShonelleAct

(Title and Cover may be subject to change) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or any means, or stored in a database retrival system, without the prior written permisson of the author.

"I had fun." I softly said looking up at Sean's gorgeous eyes. Was everything about this boy mesmorising?

"Of course you did." He grinned. I hit him playfully in the arm thinking about tonight. After the cliff we took a walk and continued talking about anything and everything. It was nice.

Now we're in front of my front porch and I reaaaallly don't want to go home. "Violet?" He said his voice suddenly serious.


What was he going to say?

"When we first met you told me you were single. You're sure about that right? Because I want to make sure this is you know going to happen. Hopefully." He was talking slowly as if he thought I would fire off and attack him. I couldn't blame him though honestly. He even looked a bit nervous which since the first day I met him, is a first.

But was I technically single?

I know for a fact that I am not dating Elliot that much is pretty obvious. But I know that if I say I'm single(for the second time) then that means I'm giving him the green light to start a relationship with me. Assuming his does anyway.

"Yes. I'm single." I finally said. No turning back now.

His smile was so bright it made me want to giggle at the sight of it. He was like a boy opening his presents for Christmas. Truly adorable.

He gave me a hug and lingered there for a second. My heart raced. Was he going to kiss me again?

He let me go a little too soon and started to back up. "Don't dream about me too much... okay Violet?" He said with a sly smile. I rolled my eyes but smiled. "I'll try not to." I answered.

He kept walking backwards until he reached his car. "Hey wait!" Realization hit me fast I almost fell over. I shouted he looked up the smile still on his face. "What about my goodnight kiss?" I asked bewildered.

"I never kiss on the first date." He winked and slide into his car. I shook my head and reached in my cluctch to get my keys. That boy was full of charm.

The house was dark and I assumed everyone was asleep. If Scarlett or Lena were here they would defintely make enough noise to make their presence known. But the house was errily quiet and I instantly wished I had invited Sean into my home.

I opened the door to a crack and peeked to see if the car was still there but it was nowhere in site. Figures. Why would I think he'd still be here?

I hung my jacket up and slipped my shoes off the wariness of the date finally getting to me. I wonder what I would describe the date as in one word. Informative? Fun? Lit? None of them really fit it. For the first time in a long time it was... well good. And I liked that.

I twisted the doorknob of my bedroom slowly careful not to wake Sherry who was sound asleep in her bedroom with the feather dusty clinging to her chest. Note to self: Talk to her in the morning.

I flicked the light on and inhaled my bedroom smell. Because of the beauty of Bath and Body works my room smelled like fresh lemons. It was refreshing to say the least.

I looked at the time on the clock and flopped on the bed with my cell phone in hand. 11:30. Not too shabby. Too bad my parents weren't here eto congratulate me. It always seems to end up that way.

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