The Untold Secret

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Copyright 2020 by TheShonelleAct

(Title and Cover may be subject to change) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or any means, or stored in a database retrival system, without the prior written permisson of the author.

I felt soft lips brush against mine. I knew before I opened my eyes hoping desperately that it was Sean and not some random person that lingered from the party. I opened my eyes slowly trying to take the my view in.

Thank god it was him.

He smiled at me and kissed me again. "That's got to be the best way to keep up in the morning ever." I said breathlessly. He smiled mischievously. "I can think of other things." He said lowering his voice. My body instantly warmed.

   God, how long has it been since I've had sex? Three days? I went from every day to barely any at all. Listen I understand if that means I have a problem I'm fully willing to admit it. But as for right now I should probably slow down anyway and take it easy with him.  Although as much as I would like to refrain from too much sex, if I don't get any soon I may have to attack Sean on the street. Then again, I don't think he'd mind too much.

   "My head is killing me..." Lena groaned from above us. I picked my head up to get a good look of her messy hair and smeared make up. I clearly made a wise choice when I decided not to put any on last night. "What happened last night?" She mumbled trying to sit up straight but groaned and deflated weakly back on the bed.

   Sean and I looked at each other and back at Lena. She stopped rubbing her head and stared at both of us. "What?"

    "You made out with Mason." We said in union. She gasped as horrified look grew on her face. "I did WHAT?! Why didn't YOU stop me?"

   "We did! We pryed you away from him. Throughout the night we had to grab you and try to lock you in my room. Your lucky we did that because you were basically demanding him for sex!" I admitted and just as quickly as the words fell out covered my mouth. Sean sent a stern look my way and I lowered my head. I probably should have kept that to myself. Most definitely not the most helpful info at the moment. Most definitely noted.

   I looked up to see Lena throw her head into the pillow. "I cannot believe... I actually did that."

  I crawled to her and patted her back. "If it makes you feel any better it wasn't some gross guy we didn't know. In fact it was a guy that actually likes you. I made sure you were safe the entire time I promise." I mentioned suddenly remembering Mason's eagerness for Lena to call him.

   She picked her head up and looked at me questionably. "What?"

   I gave her a tiny smile. "Yeah while I was downstairs trying to get everyone out of the house he asked me about you. He wants to call you."

   Her face perked up and I noticed the soft blush form. "I guess he is kinda cute." I stood up and started yanking at her arm. "Exactly, now come on and get in the shower. We have a house to clean."

    She groaned but didn't protest and hopped into the bathroom. Sean looked at me a seductive grin on his face. My heart started to race. "What?" I asked.

   "Want to shower together?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows suddenly getting up. I laughed my mind, body, and mostly body again screaming to give him the green light but I know it wouldn't be right. It wouldn't feel right. It wouldn't be fair to him. At least not right now.

   I pulled him closer to me so I could kiss his cheek and he placed his hand my waist. There was a loud ahem that caused us to quickly jump back from each other.

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