Help With My Strings

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Copyright 2019 by TheShonelleAct

The school day was a complete and total blur. I'm serious, I couldn't focus on a thing. Usually I can easily remember things like the food in the cafe or what the less-than-smart humans in my school are wearing these days but I couldn't. My mind was all on this date with Sean tonight. Do you know how long it's been since I went on an official date? Too damn long.

     I did know however that I was in the mall with Scarlett and Lena. We all admitted we needed a couple hours away from the guys.

   Scarlett linked her arms with mine while Lena held her books to her chest. "So where to first?" Scarlett asked looking around. Now usually we go to the mall closest to us but Lena suggested something brand new. We didn't even know this area existed.

   "Um.. why not.. there" I pointed to a store that had a name I wouldn't even try to pronounce. Scarlett gripped my arm tighter. "Let's go make you pretty," she said with an innocent smile.

Wait a second...

"Are you trying to tell me I'm not pretty?"

  "Who said that?"

"You just did!"

"Did I?"

"Uh yeah!"

  "Oh... must be true then."

  And I whacked her in the arm.

We looked around helplessly at the store. It was definitely a fancy dress place but it wasn't what I was looking for. I'm not a fancy ball gown type of chick. I mean I guess it wouldn't hurt but who knows my skin might start to burn. Still, I didn't want to give up.

   This is the first time in a long time that I've been on a date. An actual date. Said guy picks me up in his car we go to wherever we are suppose to go and talk about whatever and then he'd take me home and he'd give me that freakishly breath-taking, fever inducing, good night kiss.

     I sighed and sat down on the changing room chair waiting for Lena and Scarlett to throw some dresses my way. Was I thinking too much into it? Technically he never said the words "Violet, would you like to go on a date with me." I just figured that's what he wanted. Hell, that's what I sure want!

    A bright ruby dress hung over the top of the changing room door. "How's this one?" Lena's voice said slightly breathless. Were they racing out there? "Too bright." I said honestly. "I might blind him."

    Lena swiped the dress away and within seconds a orange mini dress hit the top of the door. "Now this one is drop dead sexy!" Scarlett exclaimed. I laughed and shook my head. "Oh god no, I'm trying to look good not half naked. I personally prefer to ease into nudity." I said holding my sides. Scarlett groaned and dramatically stomped away. Why was this so hard?

    I opened the door and stepped out to see both Scarlett and Lena running towards me, both of the dresses they had in their hands were hideous. I held up my hands stopping them. "Guys, I think we should just forgot about this. Take it as a sign ya know?" I walked in between them and they both pulled me back. "Oh no freaking way! You are not blowing this chance with a super hot guy!" Scarlett hissed and I gulped. I was normally not afraid of much but when Scarlett got her scolding face on it wasn't pretty. I pity her future children.

    Lena's face however was softer. "She's right Violet, he's a great guy who likes you and you can't throw that all away just because you can't find a dress. We promised we would help you and that's what we're gonna do." They both let me go and I sighed.

     Why the hell was I freaking out for anyway? It was one date. I could go in jeans and a t-shirt for all I care. As long as I didn't look like some hobo I was fine.

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