Chapter Two.

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I got such a great response last chapter that I decided to treat you and update one more chapter so you can meet Liam. This is still part of the preview, however, and the story isn't yet released.

Thank you so much for all your lovely words, and for following this story. It means the world to me!

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Louis is wrong.

Mr. Payne is not just hot or sexy, he is hot and sexy personified. His body is long, tall and muscular, with strong bones and protruding veins that stand sharp under his sun-kissed skin. With a chiselled jawline that is shadowed with stubble, he has a sort of late-coffee-morning look going on, contrasting with the hint of brooding wrestler he carries and again with the teasing edge that softens the silky mahogany colour of his eyes. His skin glows, flawless and soft-looking but there is an imperfection about him which comes from inside more so than outside because I have never seen anyone so good-looking.

From his nose (which is not perfectly straight but looks damn right perfect on him), to his lips (which are plump and rosy; the colour of marzipan), to his hair (which I can tell was recently cut but has grown wild and wily since), Mr. Payne is just breath-taking. He is simply one of those people that you look at - that you can stare at all day - until you've passed out from oxygen deprivation and just...

Shit, he is pretty. How long have I been staring, I wonder? He's such a big distraction; I'm going to fail Biology this year. I can see it now. 

"Zaynie boy," Mr. Payne repeats, those sinful lips of his tweaking up in amusement now, "are you really that much of a liar?"

I blink at him. I blush. I keep staring. "What? Ah... huh?"

Mr Payne chuckles something dark and silky, and it makes my insides quiver in a way they haven't done since... God, since when? "Staring, Zaynie boy. You're staring. You told 'Lou' that you weren't going to."

Licking my lips, I pull my eyes away from the movement of his mouth and find them drawn to his crotch, where his slacks tighten as he perches himself on his desk. I quickly avert them, blushing even more furiously, and clear my throat. "I - right. Sorry. He just... Anything Louis says is... Well..." The class is laughing now, snickering in the background, barely disguised. I shuffle on my feet and clear my throat, continuing instead with, "Where's my seat?"

"I'll have to check the seating plan, Mr...?"

"Oh!" I want to slap myself. God, I'm an idiot. "Malik. Zayn Malik."

"Right, Mr. Malik. I'm Payne. Liam Payne." When I go to speak, he shoots me a firm look and says, "That's Mr. Payne to you, of course. And I'll refrain from calling you 'Zaynie Boy', now I know your real name."

That, surprisingly, makes me smile. "Yes, sir."

"Right then. Take a seat next to Niall, Zayn."

Trying not to focus on the buttery texture to his voice and the way his obvious authority makes my spine tingle, I nod and slink to the back of the classroom, finding my seat next to my other good friend, Niall. He grins at me knowingly, tapping his pen patiently against his index finger with a raised eyebrow.

I start unpacking my things, only glancing at him once. When Mr. Payne starts the lecture I try desperately to focus but I can still feel Niall's gaze on me and I sigh in exasperation, looking to him. "What?" I whisper fiercely.

Niall chuckles. "You. Louis. Mr. Payne's ass. Your obvious infatuation."

With a snort, I say, "Infatuation?"

A Studious Affliction [Ziam] [Student/teacher]Where stories live. Discover now