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It's two weeks until Julia and Alexis wedding Julia just found out her babies are girl and a boy Alexis isn't that far enough to know just yet but she wants it to be a surprise anyway

I still haven't had everything packed and we had plans to rent a van to drive in all the way to Ohio and then Washington to pick up my younger brother and my nieces and nephew who were studying at Washington university I was so excited I could hardly contain it and neither could everyone else Em , Kat , harry , Harry's wife who I keep forgetting to ask for her name ,  Isaiah , Dom , Sarah ,  Alberto , David , and Matthew were all crashing at my place for the weekend we played bored games and talked and ordered in

I ran and jumped on Albertos back and spun me around , we had moved the coffee table into the guest bed room and moved my  mattress in the living room me and Matthew shared the couch while Sarah and dom called the love seat and harry , his wife , em , Kat , Isaiah and David share the bed some how making it work

Alberto slung me over his shoulder on to the bed and I squealed in laughter I sat up and sat on the love seat that was directly in front of the couch were Matthew was sitting we locked eyes and I sat there looking at him and smiling I couldn't ask for anyone more perfect than him he smiled at me and blew me a kiss I playful caught it and put it to my heart and let a live stricken sigh out and he laughed

Dom plugged his phone up to my speaker we all got and danced and laughed soon it started getting late and harry suggested we played a game " hold on let me call Julia and Alexis " I said I grabbed my phone and called Alexis " hey want to come over we need more people to play this game " I said " well we have Cameron and Nash and Carter and Taylor over and plus I four thats a lot of people " she said " it's fine come on " I said begging I heard Julia yell that there coming and Alexis sighed " this is going to be bad " she said I just hung up

In less than 10 minutes they got there and we all introduced everyone I got my hugs and we all sat down harry suggested that we sit away from our partners so Carter and Taylor sat next to me I smiled at me them Matthew sat right in front of me once harry explained the game I knew what Alexis was talking about being a bad idea

Matthew was tense the whole time and I couldn't even look him in the eye the thought of my lips being on other human being right in front of Matthew didn't feel right even though there was a piece of paper between our lips still didn't feel right

" Im tried I think I'm going to go to sleep " I said trying to get out of the game " oh no come on you invited us please please " Julia said rubbing her belly I sighed there's no getting out harry started passing it to em who passed it to Alberto who passed it to Kat who passed it to Matthew who passed it to Shelby who passed it dom who passed it to Julia who passed it to Sarah who passed it to carter. Dom watched glaring at him the whole time he turned to me putting his lips on mine the paper still there I sucked in a deep breathe and hurriedly passed it to Taylor who passed it to Matt who passed it to Hayes who passed to Alexis who passed it to Isaiah who passed it back to harry

We passed it around three more times and only two people dropped it , Alberto passing it to em and Isaiah passing it to harry.
I turned to grab it from Carter and didn't suck in a deep enough breathe I tried keeping it on my lips but when I turned to give it to Taylor but it slipped and my mouth went crashing into Taylor's mouth my heart was caught into my throat and we sat there for a good 10 seconds Taylor moved his mouth trying to kiss me but I jerked back no body said anything or moved I looked at Matthew but all there was , was a empty space " I think we should stop " dom said I still sat there " karma are you okay " emily asked I stood up and walked out of the apartment I ran my hands through my hair I couldn't pull in a steady breathe I sat down and held my chest hot tears ran down my face

Kat ran out sitting down in front of me " what's going on hey hey hey breathe breathe " Kat said rubbing my shoulder I finally got a steady breathe in and wiped my eyes " are you okay " she asked I shook my head no " Matthew walked in your bedroom dom went to talk to him , harry feels so terrible " she said I got up and walked inside and it was all hell dom and harry were trying to pull Matthew off of Taylor and Hayes had Julia in the corner and Matt was holding Alexis Sarah was trying to hold Isaiah back who was arguing with Nash about his friend and Cameron and em was fighting I slammed the door shut and everyone went silent Matthew had Taylor by the shirt pinned to the wall , Taylor was such a smart ass and was egging it on " she liked it didn't you , I don't see why your so worried she isn't your girlfriend so I could bang her right now " bam Matthews hand collided with Taylor's jaw he cried out in pain and everyone gasped

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