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We sat down Matthew grabbed my hand from across the table and squeezed it ever time the waiter flirted with me a couple girls took pictures with Matthew and even me my Twitter had a lot more followers and so did instagram I went from getting 100 likes to now 5,000

We ordered the same bowl cheesy broccoli soup with a Italian herd and cheese bowl we ate and talked about stupid stuff then he told me " I'm sorry , for almost calling you name I was upset , I didn't give you time to explain I was just scared it was true " he said " no , I didn't even know him he just bumped into me and he's " I turned my head and my heart dropped " is right there " I said Matthew looked over at him and let go of mg hand when he walked over to us " karma , hey I thought I would never see you again " he said I mentally slapped my self " yeah " I said " I cant believe people thought we were dating " he said Matthew was shaking his knee and hit against the table making me jump " oh hey , um I'm Spencer. " Spencer said Matthew said did a weird smile " Spencer I'm on a date with my boyfriend can you please go " I said " boy friend , I'm sorry " he said walking away " we should go " I said getting up Matthew paid and we walked back to my apartment in silence

We walked to my door " I'm sorry if you had a really horrible time tonight " I said unlocking my door I turned towards him he just a stood there deep in thought " and I get it if you don't want to go out again " I started to ramble on my goodbye speech and how I was sorry he cut me off " you called me your boyfriend in front of a guy who obviously likes you " I stood there quite " the day I came here to apologize and I was saying stuff i miss about you and I got to the last one which was I miss being scared to do this and I hugged you , I didn't want to hug you " he said we locked eyes my heart was pounding " I wanted to I um " I cut him off " kiss me " I said his lips broken into a smile and he grabbed my head and kissed me right on the lips

My actions were blocked by my emotions and I didn't think what to do next I just listened to my brain I grabbed Matthew by the belt pulling him so there was no space between us his tounge explored my mouth and sparks were flying I let one of my hands fall from his belt to the door and I opened it we walked in without breaking the kids Matthew kicked the door closed harder than expected we walked to my room and fell on the bed I was on top but he rolled over and was on top of me he stopped kissing me and started tracing my face with his finger starting at the edge of my hair line to my chin he got to my lips and I kissed his finger tips and he looked so hurt

He stopped and looked away " Matthew what's wrong " I asked " I don't want to do this , not like this not know this isn't right " he said oh god I thought he got off me and sat at the edge of the bed " are you leaving " I asked him " do you want me to " he asked " no please " I said he slipped his shoes off then mine and took his shirt off and laid next to me and turned to me " you did nothing wrong I just didn't want to do something like that so fast " he said I kissed him " I know " I said " karma " he said softly I looked at him his eyes were soft and sad looking " nevermind " he said turning his back towards me

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