Chapter 22 ~ Playing dirty? Two can play at that game.

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Ahh! Sorry I was so late uploading this chapter, I've had lots of stuff to do and not much time to write but I'm sure I'll be back to 5 day uploads again :)

After dropping the safe with the letter inside in the dorms, Natsu and I headed back to his car.

"This is it." He sighed as he sat in the drivers seat.

Riggs Arcade was where we were headed. Apparently Crimson Scale's base is located near there and that's where they wanted Natsu to get his father. All we had to do was wait and I guess they'd appear, take the key and give us his dad.

If only we knew it wouldn't be that easy.

The drive there was silent; mostly due to our anxiety toward the upcoming situation.

We stopped outside a small building. It looked quite quirky, holding a large flickering, lit-up sign above the door saying 'Riggs Arcade'.

"What a weird place for an arcade..." I spoke, observing our sparse surroundings.

"I guess they needed a desolate area to carry out their deals." Suggested Natsu.

We drove through small towns and villages, ending up in the middle of the countryside outside this empty arcade. It was very weird.

I looked over at Natsu, seeing him fidget in his seat of the car; entwining his fingers together and furrowing his brows. He must be worried.

"Natsu?" I broke the silence, looking up to meet his worried eyes.

"It's going to be okay." I assured.

I placed my hand on his lower arm, squeezing it as if it was transferring some kind of hope to relax him... Though I wasn't sure if there was any.

"What if they don't have my dad Luce? What do we do then?" He wavers, doubting the whole plan as he stared at the steering wheel infront of him. "I mean, if I go there now... maybe their plan the whole time was to get me there so they could kidnap me too..."

"No Natsu." I said softly, gently grasping his chin with my fingers and turning his gaze back towards me. "You will go there, Igneel will be there and you will save him. Don't doubt this now Natsu, if they try anything I can ring the police. I'll be right here in the car waiting."

I tried my best to reassure him though I didn't really know if it was working. He gave me sad smile, before taking the key from the box, and opening the car door.

Once out of the car he turned around, bending down to be level with the car and placed a hand on the door for support. He popped his head in the open door way.

"Stay here Luce, I won't be long." He said, before stepping back and closing the car door.

I watched as he walked towards the arcade, passing by it and heading behind.

Third Person POV:

Natsu squinted; trying to adjust his eyes to the light of the sun that was slowly creeping above the horizon. Rocks crunched under his feet as he nervously inched his way around to the far end of the building.

He stopped at the corner, contemplating whether to go any further or just run home, hide in a ball and wish for all his worries to go away; which of course wouldn't work.

He let out a long breath, balled up his fists, and stepped around the corner of the building.

'The back entrance to Riggs Arcade.'

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