Chapter 12 ~ The Water Park

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"Champaign, cocaine, gasoline, and most things in between. I roam the city in a shopping cart..." I sing along to the song playing through the radio whilst dancing in my chair.

We were on our way to the waterpark in Hargeon. Me, Levy and Erza went with Natsu in his car, whilst the others carpooled with Gray.

"This night is heating up. Raise hell and turn it up" Sang Natsu, joining me in with the song. We laughed with eachother because of our same taste in music.
Eventually the song ended and a softer one came on after.

"So Natsu, Lucy." Erza stroke up conversation. "What's going on between you two? Are you dating?" She asked rather abruptly. My face burned up and I looked over to Natsu to see his doing exactly the same. I twisted in the passenger seat to face Erza who sat next to Levy in the back.

"What?! W-why would you think that?!" I stuttered.

"Well I don't know, you two seemed a little close this morning when you were on top of eachother on the floor" She replied, referencing to mine and Natsu's little 'Pen War'.

"And when me and Mira got to your dorm earlier, you both left Lucy's room looking rather flustered!" Butted Levy adding to Erza's evidence. "Plus Natsu had no top on!"

"Wha- No" I started before being helped out by Natsu.

"Nothing is happening. Were just friends." He stated. I felt a little sad from his comment. I think I wanted to be more; but I didn't show it and quickly agreed, backing us up.

"Hmh." Said Erza simply. Her, nor Levy believed us.

Eventually we arrived at the water park. After finding a spot in the parking lot and paying the fees, we went to the changing rooms to change. We split from the boys and got into our swim wear, before meeting them again outside.
We found a spot in the grass to sit and lay down some towels. Me and Levy got out a book each and the other girls sat down to talk whilst the boys messed around in the water.

'A little piece of cement fell from the ceiling, crumbling to the floor. A light now shone through the crack in the ceiling. The boy covered his eyes and wiped the tears that kept falling from them. His legs were aching from the shackles on his feet. He looked up at the tiny light source that shone down into the centre of the small dark room. Wondering about what the outside was like. Another piece fell down, letting in a little more light, again and again. Pieces kept falling, a new world being exposed while his own crumbled down before him. The pieces started getting bigger, making sounds so loud he had never heard before. He couldn't move from the falling rubble, his legs still tied down. Most of the ceiling, now gone, a tiny piece stayed put right above him. A little cracking noise echoed around the room, he feared what was coming but had no way to stop. The piece fell aiming straight for the b-'

I was torn from my book as it was suddenly closed in my face. I looked up to see a wild Natsu staring down at me with his signiture grin. My book in his hands.

"Come swim with me Luce!" He said. The sunlight shone behind him making him look angel like... one again.

"Nah, I don't think I'm gonna swim today Natsu" I said, squinting my eyes as I looked up to him. "The waters probably really cold..."

His face dropped and he looked really sad.
"It's warm I promise..." He trailed.

"Sorry Natsu. I might get in later." I said. I stood up to get some sun lotion out my bag and started rummaging around in it, trying to find it. Natsu put the book down and moped away. Levy looked up from her book and pushed up her sunglasses.

"Aww, Natsu really wanted to swim with you Lucy." She teased, a mischevious tone to her voice. "He wanted to hold you in his arms, your skin to touch his skin..." she trailed off as my face went completley red and she burst into giggles.

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