Chapter 24 ~ Isle of flightless birds

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"What the hell?" Said Natsu as he reached into the safe and carefully pulled out the contents.

He laid them out on the table;
A fountain pen and a battered notebook.

"W-wheres the letter?" Stuttered the shocked Igneel, picking up the book and flicking through it.

Evidently, it was empty.

"Oh my God." I sighed, raking my sweaty hands through my hair.

Zeref pulled the safe towards him, picking at the edges inside trying to find something more.

"No, this can't be it." He said, not wanting to believe that was all. "A pen and a book? You said this contained a letter that was dangerous! Way to get me excited for nothing..." He muttered.

Natsu's and Igneel were still shocked.

"Y-you mean all this was for nothing." Igneel stuttered, his eyes wide, staring at the now empty safe.

"Wow..." Natsu's puffed, sinking his head into his arms that lay on the table. "I don't believe it."

Mavis tried perking up the mood as she walked the table with a pot of tea that she had somehow magically made in the split of 30 seconds.

"Hey, this is a good thing." She said, placing the tray on the table and taking a seat again. "Just think, now we don't have to worry about any dangerous thing that Crimson Scale can get their scrawny little hands on."

I started to nod in agreement. This was a good thing.

Natsu lifted his head from the table, taking a mug and pouring in the steamy tea that was brewing.

"So after everything, Crimson sent me a poisoned letter saying they would give me my Dad in exchange for a key that opens a safe with a useless notebook inside?" Said Natsu.

We all nodded our heads -- Natsu replied with a 'Hmm'

The night consisted of us soaking in the events of the long day and talking about the wonders of the useless notebook and pen. It was interesting, but of course, soon came to a close.

Natsu gave his father a firm hug, paying back for the year-full he had lost. I said my goodbyes to Mavis and Zeref, before switching with Natsu and saying goodbye to Igneel. He pulled me in for a hug which I accepted, but as we were pulling away he stopped.

"You're an amazing girl for Natsu. I hope you know that." Igneel whispered, a bright smile spread across his face -- one that completely contrasted his look earlier today.

I couldn't help but smile back, feeling my face redden a little at the compliment.

"If anything, I'm lucky to have a guy like him." I replied sincerely.

Eventually, Natsu and I were heading out the door and toward that car that sat in the darkness of the driveway -- Now that night had come, we were both tired and couldn't wait to get home. Natsu carried the safe under his arm, whilst rummaging in his pocket for his keys. The car unlocked with a click, and we both slid in.

"Today has been..." Started Natsu as he booted up the car and started to pull out of the drive.

"...Eventful." I finished, waving toward Mavis, Zeref and Igneel who stood in the doorway to see us off.

I looked back around to Natsu who was looking at me smiling.

"What?" I said, starting to blush.

"Nothing. I've just missed looking at your beautiful face." He said, now looking back toward the road.

I smiled as I looked down at my legs. How random.

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