Chapter 7 ~ The Project

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My face was burried into a fluffy quilt and legs wrapped around a very warm pillow. Mmm~ Toastie. I wrapped my arms around the pillow tightly and dug my head deeper into the quilt. I'm so warm. This is great.
I shuffled a little closer to the pillow. It groaned. I smiled.

Wait. What? Rewind.

The pillow groaned? Uhm. WHAT. Pillows don't talk?

My eyes shot open and I slowy lifted my head from the grasps of the quilt.
My heart started to beat faster and my face reddened at the sight of a sleeping someone infront of me. Natsu.
I shook my head. Who does he think he is getting in to my bed during the night? This is just ridiculous!


~Lucy Kick!

Yep. That'll teach him.

"Ow! What the hell Lucy?!" Shouted the now upside-down, sat on head, back up the wall, Natsu.

I looked around the room in sudden realisation. Crap.

"Oh my God Natsu!" I ran over to him and helped him get up. "I'm so sorry I forgot where I was!"

We now stood facing eachother, my face red with embarrasment and Natsu bent in half cackling with laughter.

"That's some kick you've got there." He said once he sobered up from laughing. "Just use it on the enemy next time."

Phah. You're the enemy, playboy.
I laughed and made my way to my own room.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I looked at the clock sat on my desk. 06:04am.
How did I wake up this early? Ugh.

Memories from the attack yesterday suddenly flooded into my mind. I quickly shook my head trying to get them out.

My eyes lay on some papers that Mira had printed for me when I signed in.
I got up and sat at a wooden chair by my desk and scanned through the papers. Ahh. Todays timetable.

11:00 - English - Ms. Charle
13:45 - Mr.Guildarts

Hmm. Two subjects. One lecture.. and the other one doesn't say? I wonder what it is...

Knock Knock~

My door. Ugh. Just ignore it Lucy. I continued to look through my time table for the rest of the week.

7:00 - Graphic Design - Ms. Aries
10:00 - Swimming - Ms. Aquarius

Knock Knock Knock~


The knocking continued.
Knock Knock Knock Knock
Oh My God.
Knock Knock
I swear.
Knock Knock Knock
I will kill you.
Is he trying to annoying me?

"Come on Lucy" He said, dragging the 'ee' in my name. I'm pretty sure steam was coming out of my ears from the loud noises coming from my door.

I got up and forcefully ripped open the door, nearly tearing it from the hinges.

I gave him a sharp look. Puncturing his eyes with mine.

"What." I spat; acting angrier than I really was.

"Uhm, I-I was just wondering what subjects you had today?" He stuttered, looking a little frightened. Yeh? Well don't annoy me mate.

I calmed myself.
"English and one with Mr. Guildarts but I don't know what it actually is?" I replied, hoping he would have an answer.

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