Chapter 1

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When I first heard about the kissing scene, I felt a little uncomfortable, but me and Olivia have been working together in these for as long as I can remember. She's a great girl, so kind and compassionate; I mean, what's the worst that can happen? It's not like we're going to fall in love or anything....right?
It was around noon when we finished filming everything. Except, of course, the make out scene. We had both pushed it to the side until everything else had been filmed. We had hoped everyone would forget about it by the time we finished. We didn't have our hopes up that high, but we knew at least Courtney would forget. But no, not even Courtney, had forgotten. We had prepared by hanging out for every scene, assuming that would make the scene less awkward. Well...not necessarily. She started off the scene fairly passionately, and she seemed confident about what was going to happen next. I felt her hand on my shoulder and she pulled me in. As her soft lips hit mine, I felt a wave of adrenaline rush through my body. It felt good. It felt...right. Then I felt my right hand reach for her face and my left stroke through her hair. It was soft, like cat's fur. But my eyes suddenly shot open and I pulled away quickly. She looked at me with a face of disappointment and confusion. I looked around at the camera crew and the people near me. The room around me was spinning and the walls looked as if they were closing in. I rushed out of the room and headed straight for the bathroom. The last thing I remember was a voice similar to Ian's knocking on the door, calling my name. The rest was just a blur.

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