9. Brother and Sister

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Dedicating this chapter to all who read my book!

Me: Well this is a fail

Sasuke: Why?

Me: I really don't know

Sasuke: You are so weird

Gaara: Hey guys what did I miss?

Me: Gaara-kun! *Hugs*

Gaara: Hey Yuki-chan

Me: Do you want go out with me??

Gaara: Uhhhh.....sure O///O

Me: Take that you Gaara fangirls! He's mine so BACK OFF!!!

Me: I'll see you later *kiss*

Sasuke: That was random. Well Gaara looks like you have a date

Gaara: Y-yeah O/////O

Sasuke: I'm so lucky right know

Yuki's Little sisters: AHHHHHH SASUKE-KUN WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Sasuke: AHHHHHHH * runs way*

Gaara: I feel so lucky




 Areya’s POV

I woke up feeling something warm around my body. I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was red. Gaara was staring off in the distance, either lost in thought or just watching out for any of the other teams. My mind raced back to what happen a while ago. I could feel all the heat in my body rush to my face. Why woul he kiss me of all people? Even though we barely knew each other, that kiss.....felt right. Like I've been waiting my whole life for it.

"Areya! Areya are you OK?! Oh, thank the Sage you're alright! I lost connection with you after you lost consciousness. I've slowly healed your wound but I suggest you don't do anything extreme, alright young one?" Kurimi said, with a hint of concern.

'Alright. Thank You, Kurimi. I'm sorry I worried you.'

I felt Gaara shift me in his hold, and I hissed, the bandages on my chest shifting against the still raw skin. He quickly looked at me and, seeing my pain-filled face, shifted me again into a more comfortable position.

"I apologize. I didn't know you were awake," he explained, his voice softer than what he usually sounded.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked, noticing the sun was lower in the sky.

"Four hours."

I gasped. "My teammates! I have to go help them!"

I tried to get up, but as luck would have it, my damn chest didn’t let me. I flinched.

“Where are you going in your condition?"

I was gripping my chest in pain as I felt it sting. I still felt light-headed and woozy from the blood I lost. Gaara held my arm so I wouldn’t fall. 

“My chest,” I said quietly, so he wouldn't hear me. “Gaara, please, I need to get back to my team.” I said in a louder tone. His eyes showed how he was going against himself with deciding on what to do. But he better decide now because the pain is uinbearable and my vision was spotting.

He finally nodded. He picked me up bridal-style and started on the direction I believed my team was. With that in mind, I let the darkness take me away.


-A Few Hours Later-

Sakura’s POV

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