Chapter 27

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"Oh my goodness! He has a beard," she grabbed my phone out of my hand, "I have never seen him with facial hair like this, he looks so much older with it!"

She continued to run her fingers over the digital photo with the biggest smile on her face.

She was happier than a kid in a candy store. It was so cute and heart warming.

I understood her excitement though, this is the first that she has seen her son in at least 8 years. Not a single visit or even a simple phone call and I couldn't be more unhappy with Aubrey.

To ignore the women who not only gave you life but also did her absolute best to raise you is the ultimate betrayal. There's no such thing as a perfect parent, and I know that he's been through some things in his childhood but ignoring your mother isn't going to fix anything. Plus Mama is the sweetest woman I have ever had in my life, next to my own mother of course.

"He's even taller now too," I informed her as I scrolled to a picture of Aubrey and I from our date, "See? He's probably twice your size."

"He could've been a basketball player!" She exclaimed, "Are you two together?" She smiled wide as she faced me

"We're working on it," I couldn't help but to grin

"I'm so happy to hear that, hopefully soon I'll get to help with planning the wedding."

Aysia scoffed as she walked into the living room with a mug of coffee in her hands. I chuckled lowly at the dissatisfied look Mama was giving her. 

"Do you have a young man in your life, Aysia?"

"Yes ma'am, and he's faithful and visits his mom regularly."

"Don't go there Aysia," I mumbled

"My son isn't perfect, but I'm sure he has bettered his self," she simply replied

Aysia just rolled her eyes before pulling out her phone and taking a look at it.

"Has he been taking his medication Naomi?"

"I- I'm not too sure,  I don't think so, he's been losing his temper a lot but I can tell he's fighting it though."

"You seem to be the only thing that helps him calm down... And I thank you for that," she grabbed my hand

I smiled weakly before taking a look down at my gold watch, "It's been nice visiting with you but we need to head out."

"Oh, yes. I forgot you're going to pay Oliver a visit. Thank you so much for coming to see me," she adjusted her glasses before pulling me into a hug

I could've stayed like this forever, her touch reminded me so much of my own mothers.

It was bringing tears to my eyes.

"You know who else you should visit, right?" She raised an eyebrow

"I can't," I shook my head quickly before standing up, "C'mon Aysia. We'll be back to visit before we leave."


After driving around the city to reminisce for a while, we arrived at Evergreen Cemetery, where Oliver and my mother reside.

Aysia came up with the idea to have a picnic and then decorate their grave sites since the weather was actually decent for it.

Grabbing the dozens of roses, I stepped out of the car and followed behind Aysia, who was holding the map so we could locate Oliver. I could feel my heart pounding faster and faster with every step I took. I couldn't even begin to rationalize why I was so scared to do this. I practically camped out here when I lost my mom but what I'm feeling today is something different.

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