Chapter 24

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"Naomi! Click submit!"

"Wait, let me read over everything one last time," I begged

"5 times was more than enough," she snatched the laptop off of my lap

Before I could even react, she clicked on submit.

And now it's official, I've applied for the position of being a children psychiatrist at the wellness center downtown.

Apart of me is beyond excited, but I'm also worried that I may not be right for this job... I have too many of my own issues.

I have no choice but to wait and see what the outcome will be though.

"Alright, now you have to help me pick out an outfit for my date," I faced her

"With who? Aubrey or Rocky?" She smirked

"Aubrey," I smacked my lips

"Hm, you're giving him another chance?" She sighed

"Aysia... You know how I feel about him," I mumbled

"I know, ok? I just don't want to see you heartbroken again, if you've seen change in him and feel that it's the right time to give him another chance, then I support you a hundred percent."

"Thanks, that means a lot," I stood up and stretched out my arms, "Now come on so you can help me."

She quickly jumped up and followed me into my room. Going straight to my closet she began pulling out several different outfits. Most of them being short, low cut dresses.

I shook my head in amusement. Does she not realize it's 30 degrees outside? I'm not going to freeze my ass off just to look cute.

"Aysia, he told me to wear something comfortable."

"Hm. Remember how you used to dress in high school?"

"Don't remind me," I groaned

I was definitely a Tom-boy growing up. All I used to wear is puffer jackets in the winter with sweats and some sneakers. I don't even want to get into the topic of what my hair used to look like.

I shivered at the memories before looking back up at Aysia.

In her hands she had a mid sleeve gray tee accompanied by an olive green coat.

I was already starting to like this look as she continued to put pieces together. She added in a pair of ripped jeans and I decided I'd just wear my wheat Timbs so my feet won't be freezing.

After about 45 minutes of hair and makeup, I was anxiously waiting for Aubrey.

This is the first date we've ever been on. Yeah, we were together in the past but he never took me out. He never wanted to show me off.

The reasoning behind that is still unclear to me but I try not to over think it.

He's changed and that's all that matters.

A few knocks on the door and all of those thoughts seemed to disappear. A smile instantly appeared on my face as I opened the door.

"Hello, beautiful," he towered over me, "Ready to go?"

"Mhm," I said lowly as I eyed every inch of him

The facial hair looked so attractive on him. Not to mention he always knows how to dress. His overall style is clean.

"You can look at me some more when we're in the car," he smirked as he grabbed my hand and led me out of our apartment


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