Chapter 7

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After a long day of football with the guys and a session in the gym. I was getting ready for some formal dinner Naomi asked me to be her date to. I couldn't say no, why would I say no? Anytime I get to spend with her is enjoyable, plus it give me chance to stunt in my tuxedo.

Once I was finally dapper, I was on my way to the location of this event. It was in the east side of the city held in a secluded mansion. If she would've never texted me the address I wouldn't know this place existed. How whoever own this place was able to hide such a huge home is beyond me. But it does have me curious to know what the line of work they do is.

Valet was housed in the front so I got out of my car and tossed the keys to the kid in the black and gold suit. I fixed my jacket as another guy escorted me into the the home.

Standing on the foyer I tried to keep my jaw from hitting the ground. This place was decked out with the finest decor, marble floors, and cream walls. I feel like I've just stepped into the newest edition of Architecture Design.

"Hey handsome!" Naomi smiled as she stepped down the staircase

She was dressed in a red gown, it flowed perfectly and outlined her body in all the right places. She was more breathtaking than the mansion itself.

"You look... b- beautiful, gorgeous," I found myself stuttering, that didn't come out as smooth as I wanted it to

"Thank you," she smiled, "You look very handsome," she grabbed the collar of my jacket, bringing me down to her level so she pull me into a kiss

"I can't wait to take you home," I said lowly in her ear

She winked at me before grabbing my hand and leading me off into a dinning room. There were dozens of others dressed up and mingling, I can't say I've ever seen any of them in my life.

"Oliver!" She motioned some bald guy to come over towards us

He mean mugged me before pulling her into a hug, "You look lovely tonight," he eyed her dress

"Thanks, this is Dietrich," she introduced us

"Nice to meet you," he shook my hand, "You look familiar, do you have a brother or something?"

"Yeah, Eddy Riley, maybe you know him?"

"Yeah, I do," he chuckled, "Keep this kid away from Champagne," he said more seriously to Naomi before walking off

"Who's... Champagne?" I asked as we took our seats

"The guy who owns this place, don't worry about it," she kissed my cheek

The room grew silent and everyone scurried to their seats as soon as this guy walked in. I even noticed Naomi tense up so I rested my hand on her thigh to help calm her down.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," he cleared his throat, "Its nice to see you all dressed up and in good health. And to the guests, welcome to my home."

Everyone stared intently at him as I tried to decipher who he really was. What made him so important?

"Now, before we partake in dinner, I want to introduce the newest member of the 6ix, Aaliyah, come on in here baby."

People started standing as she walked into the room. Naomi, and a few others stayed seated, I wonder what that's all about. This is exactly what I meant about her being so mysterious, I feel so stupid for not knowing what the hell is going on, she never mentioned this shit to me.

He kissed her shoulder before she took a seat near the head of the table. Now that I got a good look of her face I realized she's the same girl I met at my brothers party.

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