Chapter 18

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After enjoying dinner together, we were all in the living room, watching movies.

Noah and Rachel were cuddled up at the end of the couch, Bailey, who had her eyes glued to the TV, was sitting on Aubrey's lap, and I was holding Calvin, who was fighting sleep.

It was so beautiful to see that this is where Noah is now, I've never seen him so happy. Rachel was truly his soulmate and I'm so glad they found each other.

I felt Aubrey put my loose, curly hair behind my ear before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer.

"We have to get going soon," he said lowly

I shook my head, making him chuckle, "Noah, it's about time we head out."

"Damn, it is getting late," he checked his watch

"You're leaving uncle Brey?" Bailey pouted

"Yeah, but I'll be back soon. And next time we can go get hot chocolate," he picked her up and sat her down next to me

"K! Aunt Omi can come with us," she cheesed before wrapping her little arms around my neck

"Of course," I hugged her back with my free arm

Aubrey slipped Calvin out of my grasp, making him whin.

"I'll take him," Rachel reached her arms out for him

"Let's go," Aubrey grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch

I grabbed all of my items and slipped on my coat before saying goodbye to Noah and Rachel.

"It was so nice meeting you Naomi!" She smiled, "Let's do something soon?"

"Yeah, of course, I'll text you."

She moved her attention to Aubrey as Noah pulled me into a hug, "Don't think I can't see what's going on between you two," he said lowly in my ear

I groaned in frustration, nothing is going on!

"I'm talking to someone right now... and it's not Aubrey," I informed him

"Yeah, okay, don't even think about being a stranger though. It's been too long," he finally let go of me

"I won't be, I promise," I assured him

"Thanks for having us," Aubrey cleared his throat and dapped Noah

"You're welcome here anytime, I'll talk to you guys later."

Aubrey grabbed my hand as we walked to the door. God knows I wanted to pull away but I didn't want to make a scene.

He opened up the car door for me and after a few minutes, we were on our way back to nyc.

Once again, I pulled my phone out to entertain myself until this drive is over. I had a couple of missed calls from Aysia and texts from Rakim.

Rakim: baby wyd?

me: driving back from Manhattan

Rakim: there's a surprise waiting for you at your place😏

"Who you texting?"

"None of your business," I mumbled

He sucked his teeth, "Whoever it is, he's not fuckin' you right," he mumbled under his breath

"I heard that," I glared at him

He slammed on the brakes, making my phone jet out of my hands.

"I don't fucking get you Naomi!" He roared, "Just the other day you told me you forgave me for all the shit that happened in the past! I thought we were finally moving forward but clearly we're not. Why you treating me like I wasn't your first everything, like I never loved and protected you, like... like you weren't carrying my child at one point," his voice cracked, "I get it aight?! I'm a fuck up, parents had to bury their children because of me, I hurt people who were always on my side. You say I'm  heartless but I'm far from it. I live with regret every single day, but I'm not that guy anymore."

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