Chapter 1 (Edited)

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Hey everyone:)

This is my new story.

So hope you like it, enjoy:)

Jenna's (P.O.V)


One word that tears your heart apart, makes you suffocate to death and pray to the lord to bring death sooner. They say that being rejected brings people to their weakening points in life, but to me, it still hasn’t reached that peak yet.

Being rejected hasn’t mattered to me much like others because from childhood, I have been the rejected, weak, and neglected child of the Sky family.

I was always the unwanted child in my pack and family.

My parents wanted to have a boy so that he could become the next alpha. But instead they brought a girl to this world, which would be me. From childhood, my parents always paid more attention to my little brother and sister. That’s because they adored having beautiful and charming children.

But the big reason behind the rejection is that I could not shift into a wolf. My father despised that about me, and so did my mother. He felt ashamed to introduce me to people during important festivals and he didn't even bother to hide it.

My siblings took pleasure from that, and watching them acting like that, all the other pack members started following their footsteps.

Being the daughter of the strongest Alpha in the country, you should be simply perfect in everyway. but too bad for me because I couldn't simply be close to perfect.

But my younger siblings were.

They were basically the model, breathtaking children of the Sky Pack. My younger brother Josh would be your muscular handsome jock, and my sister Bella would be your blonde, astonishing long legged model.

And I on the other hand would not be described as one of them. I was the unattractive brunette in the family.

The simple description of me would be: 5'1 feet tall, a little bit over weighted, but still have my curves here and there, long brown hair with silver/brown eyes. My skin is basically pale and dull as my younger sister always describes.

They liked having tan people around them, but I was too pale to even change color in the sunlight. How I tried to be like my sister and my brother, but no chance.

I guess fate was never on my side. Mother always tells me; ‘Jenna, your brother Josh would take the alpha's position once he fully becomes seventeen years old'. It hurts to hear her say that, but I never really cared much since I wasn’t really accepted by the pack.

I never cared about being the alpha since all of the pack members despised me in this house.

Always everyone pushes me around calling me the shorty and the fatty. Well it’s not my fault when all the people in this house are too freaking tall!

Even my own mom looks like a freaking model after having three children. I don't know whose gene got passed on me because it totally sucks being the short and the fat one in this horrible house.

 I always keep on exercising hoping that I might lose some pounds and become the wanted figure that everyone in this house desires of, but again no luck.

I've been through sorrow my whole lifetime. I always beg my parents asking what do I lack in myself that they loath me so much. And their only response is 'get away, child. We don't have time to discuss about your imperfections'.

It makes me want crawl in my bed and cry myself to sleep whenever I hear them say that. I thought about committing suicide once or twice, but a hope always occurs within me that maybe one day my family and the pack members would change their ways of treating me and love me equally.

That day has not come yet, but I don't think it will any time sooner.

I am seventeen by the way, turning eighteen tomorrow.

I should’ve been able to find my mate by now, but seemed like he wasn’t part of this pack.

This always brought a set of joy in me knowing that he wasn’t going to be cruel and brutal like these people. It always takes for a male to pay attention to you closely to know that you are their mate. I have paid close attention to every mateless member in this pack, but still couldn’t spot my mate.

But the sad thing was that none of them looked my way properly to know if I was their mate. It hurt seeing disgust in their faces, but I always suppressed it with a small fake smile.

I guess it take more time for my senses to heighten so that I could spot him and let him take me away from this place to a much better one.

I always dream of him and how he would look like. Would he be blonde? Dark haired or brown? But whatever he would look like, it would be perfect for me.

But I hope who ever he is; he accepts me and loves me just for the way I am.

"Get away" Celeb murmured pushing me away from the door frame as he exited the room.

Oh Celeb! The one guy that I actually thought was nice to me when we were kids. He treated me with respect and love like no body else.

But it all changed once we both left elementary school and got into middle school. Suddenly the way he acted around me changed. He started hating me for no reason and started hanging out with the 'cool crowd'.

How I hate those freaking ‘cool’ people. They think that they are the goddess and the people who actually don't care about that stuff are the losers.

I also asked Celeb what his problem was and all he said was that ' your just not cool enough to be my friend anymore Jenna'.

His words literally broke me down completely. The one person that actually cared about me turned his face away and abandoned me just like others.

But I hope whoever is my mate, takes me away from here forever and starts another life with me.

That’s all that I depend on in this life. Only that.


So that was the first chapter. I hope you like it and please like, vote and leave a comment about what you think about this story so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2012 ⏰

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Rejected Soul (First series of Soul Series) Completed *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now