Cinderella, It's not midnight [1]

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There are times in life when you want to kidnap someone, head off to Jupiter and pluck daisies with them while singing songs. Okay maybe not. In other words, My hormones were driving me off the edge. Why, you may ask? Well It all started after I had been brought backstage, after, Cruz left me stranded in the middle of a sea of thousand unfamiliar people who couldn't give a flying fcuk about my existence and after, I had the chance to take a peek at the stage where the dance performance was supposed to take place.

It was right in front of the ramp at a certain distance across the humongous hall, made in circular fashion. The words 'Allen' had been written in his signature slanted design at the stage, shimmering in Blue light, which is allegedly his favourite color as far as I know from the knowledge that leaks out from Kelsey and Melissa's secret 'Allen' folder. They write everything about his likes, dislikes on little cat shaped sticky notes and keeps them in a folder which are also a home to his underwears which they bought from ofcourse. Margaret almost went bankrupt because of those.

Yes, they are that weird.

And creeps.

All the fancy people were chatting among themselves, complementing each other with their fake smiles and hiding away their ugly personalities behind their expensive zombie makeup. As I was done scanning the room, my eyes landed up at Matt who was sitting uncomfortably cramped in between his mom and dad at a table. He fiddled with his phone as they tried to get him to talk to the Sheriff's daughter who was a 23 year old walking herpes, by the way.

I know, I know, I seem like a gossip spreading- blackmailing - queen bee - Regina George twin type persona right now but I had just been fortunate enough to witness the dirty deeds of Mr. Rhodes. Not once. But twice. This time, the lead heroine wasn't his hand well, but the sheriff's daughter.

You decide who to blame. Or maybe I am cursed to be at the most wrong places at most wrong times. Like right now.

The realisation hit me after I saw Genna trudging towards me, her heels going 2 inches taller than the last time I had an encounter with her.

"Hello Peach. I see, you were dumb enough to not listen to my warnings. Brave little one, aren't you?" If only She knew, she was sounding like a cheap budget teen movie's bully that is twelve year old and still upset over the fact that Santa isn't real.

I pretended not hear a word and walked over to get some water, away from her. She quickly caught my pace and stopped by pulling me by my arm harshly.

"Didn't you hear me, biatch?" The words flew out of her mouth angrily as She passed me a scornful look.

"I did. It's just, I chose to ignore you." I replied, maintaining my composure.

Who knew, the 'how to annoy the bullies 101' booklet would actually come in handy someday. Thank you matt for the precious birthday gift.

"Look at all that confidence. Too bad, it won't last much longer. I just want to put our differences aside-"

My head titled to the side as I stared at her with an arched brow while she grinned Satanically and finally spoke after a long pause.

"-I want to make you a deal. Leave the show and I'd pay you." Okay, first I was offered to get paid for entering and now leaving. That means, I'll be back at the same position as before but with money, this time.

"Whoa, your ass must be jealous of the amount of shit that comes outta your mouth"

I said instead of the turmoil of emotions, all in one breathe with no expression in a robotic tone because the makeup hardly allowed my face to contort into some expression, let alone talk, and exchanging those words of wisdom proved to be a difficult job than I had expected as if they had used cement.

"Trying to act smart, huh, Janet? Alright. You asked for this." She reached out her hand to a mini stand beside the wall, pulling out a water bottle.

Before I could even decipher her motives, Cruz came crashing in with her dance crew and stormed in my direction as soon as she saw me standing with Genna, snatching away the water bottle just in time.

"Whoa easy tiger! What part of Stay-away-from-her do you not understand honey boo-boo? Oh and Thanks for the water. It's getting really hot in here." She downed the water from the bottle and smiled broadly at me, with Genna grimacing passing her a furious glance.

"Did somebody say hot? Should I go out then?"

And there he came.

To be continued...

P.s That cute gif on the side because why not? XD

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