Chapter 31

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I watched the sunrise with Nicolas before he had to retreat from it. He left the room wanting me to have nothing but space and opportunity to think; to make peace with what I'm going to allow him to do tonight. I've gone over the pros and cons of it and ultimately decided that this is the best thing for me despite not knowing what awaits me. What solidified this decision wasn't just Nicolas' sweet words and promise to be by my side, but my father's as well. I can't give him back my mother no matter how much I wish it into the atmosphere but I can give him the satisfaction of knowing I won't be vulnerable if I ever come face to face with the person that's out to get me.

I pulled away from the balcony closing the door on the cold with my free hand. Nicolas popped back in shortly after he left to give me the cup of coffee currently keeping me warm since I refused to come back inside. I wanted to watch the people. I wanted to see them doing what I soon may not be able to do; live normally and enjoy the sun.

I sat on the bed seemingly at a loss. What would anyone else do if they knew life was going be changed drastically the next day? Climb the highest mountain? Jump out of a plane naked? Ride a motorcycle through the mall just for thrills and to say that day was lived to the fullest? I feel stupid for even pondering those things and even more stupid for contemplating at least one of them. It's better than sitting here like I am now, staring at a blank TV screen tapping my bare toes against the carpet.

One thing's for sure, if I had actual family I would be spending this day with them. Then it hits me. I still have Nan. Without a second thought or hesitation I sprung into action, throwing on the first things I can find, pulling my hair up in a loose bun. The last thing I did before leaving the room was search through my bag for the picture I promised to bring back. With it safely in my pocket along with my room key I headed out making it all the way down the hall before I figured I should tell someone where I was going. Why? I don't know but I felt compelled to do so.

Going back I knocked on my father's door, surprised when he opened it on half a knock.

"I thought I told you to get some sleep old man!" Dramatically my hands went up on my hips, my face contorting in a disapproving manner which only increased as he laughed.

"I thought I told you I don't need sleep baby girl. What are you doing out the room? I thought you were going for a day alone?" I frowned again adding a raised brow.

"Nicolas told you that? So what, you guys BFFs now and share everything?" He laughed again shaking his head.

"No and yes. As a condition of me not killing him for being with you, he has to keep me informed and vice versa."

"Oh. Well, to answer your earlier question, I'm going to see Nan. I figured I should tell somebody I'm going out before Nicolas assumes I'm running away from him and what better person than you?"

"Smart thinking," he paused looking me over for a second, "you mind if I join you? It's been a long time since I've seen your grandmother and if it's not too much, I'd like to spend a little time with you."

How could I say no to that when it's the very reason I'm going to see Nan in the first place? I answered with a smile only, leaning back against the wall on the other side of his door while he dressed. When he returned I was surprised to see him in a crisp white button up shirt with black slacks and his hair combed back neatly. I chuckled gaining his attention and curious glare.

"You don't own a single pair of jeans, do you?"

Had he not smiled I would've taken the grunt he pushed out through his nose as offense, "I own jeans. I just don't wear them because I'm sexy this way."

I stopped all movement standing stock still in the middle of the hall, "Promise me right here and right now you'll never say anything like that ever again! Please!"

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