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Cody slid on his boxers and pulled open the curtain. He had told me that he was going to go fix us some breakfast, and that I could stay in bed if I wanted. When he closed the curtain behind him, I grabbed his shirt and slid it over my head before pulled up my underwear. I stood and stretched, not bothering to see who was around me. I walked out into the living area and sat down on the couch, watching Cody find something to make for breakfast. I saw Austin and Zach sitting down at the table on their phones. Both of them glanced over to me with smirks on their faces, and I began to blush. I covered my face with my hands and let my hair fall over my face. When I peeked through my fingers and mop of hair, I saw them laughing at me. I buried my face in my hands once again and then felt hands pulling them away from my face. I looked up to see Cody crouched down in front of me.

He released my hands and signed to me, "I love you."

I felt a huge smile flash across my face as I asked, "Since when did you know Sign Language?"

He shrugged and signed, "I've been studying it for a while."

I rolled my eyes and kissed him sweetly, his hand gently caressing my cheek as he smiled against my lips. He pulled away and pecked my forehead before he walked back over to the counter. I looked over to see Zach and Austin looking surprised, probably because of Cody's unknown skill. I stood up and sat down next to Zach on the bench, making him scoot over. I pulled my knees up to my chest and said in a tired voice, "Good morning." I saw Zach holding back a laugh, and I turned towards him with a raised eyebrow. I saw him swallow and I looked him over and noticed a bulge in his jeans. I started laughed hysterically, and then Austin's face went bright red as well. His expression only made me laugh harder as I clenched my stomach out of pain. I eventually calmed down and wiped tears from my eyes, still chuckling.

Cody walked over and sat down a plate with toast, jam, and strawberries on it in front of me, causing me to smile hugely. He scooted next to Austin and started eating, me doing the same. As I was digging into my breakfast, Zach asked me to move so he could stand. I did as he asked and sat down again, chuckling as I watched him walk into the bathroom. I smiled at Cody and signed as I chewed, "Thank you for the food." He gave me a single nod and I took another bite of my toast, pairing it with a bite of fruit. When I swallowed, I felt my stomach begin to churn. I put my hand over my mouth and ran out of the front door, throwing up my food in some tall grass. Cody came out after me, and I stood up while spitting the gross taste from my mouth.

Cody put a hand on my shoulder as he asked, "Are you alright?"

I struggled to give him a response, it seeming to be physically difficult for me to speak, "Yeah, I just feel sick. I think I'm going to go lay down." He nodded and led me back onto the bus, helping me get settled into bed.

He kissed my forehead before signing, "I have to get ready. The show is in twenty minutes."

I sighed as he kissed my forehead before closing the shade to our bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in what felt like an instant.

- ~ -

I stretched quietly in my bed, having just woken up. I pulled the curtain back from my bunk, and then nearly hit my head on the ceiling of my bed from shock. I looked up to see Jack and Justin kissing in the hallway, their hands all over each other. They quickly broke the kiss and I giggled as they both turned to me with red faces. I stood and spoke, "Couldn't you go make out in your own bus?" I walked past them and whispered, "You're actually pretty cute together." Justin playfully smacked my shoulder as I walked into the living area, and I rolled my eyes as I watched them walk into the back room, hand in hand. I shouted, "You two better clean up after yourselves!"

As I sat down in the living area, I felt my stomach do a flip and sprung up, running to the bathroom. When I'd finally finished in the bathroom, I walked back out into the kitchen. I grabbed a thermometer from the medicine cabinet and proceeded to check my temperature. I saw that it was normal, not even the slightest hint of a fever. I sighed and put the device back as I became worried for my own health. I tapped my fingers on the kitchen counter, thinking of all of the possible ailments that I could have, when a throbbing headache swept over me. I let out a groan as I grasped my forehead, having to stabilize myself on the counter as to not fall over. I walked over to the couch and sat down. After a couple of minutes of me sitting there in pain, I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Cody . . . but why was there two of him? I blinked, but my vision remained blurred and having me seeing two of everything. I tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come out just as they did a few hours ago. By now, I had realized something was extremely wrong with me. I struggled to sign to Cody, "Take me to the hospital." He followed my instructions without a second thought, grabbing me by my hand and lifting me to my feet. He supported me as we walked down the bus steps and out into the city streets, hailing a cab and getting to the hospital as quick as possible.

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