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I stepped out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body. The guys had done an amazing job during their set, and we all went for showers afterwards. The Florida humidity and heat hit me like a ton of bricks when I opened the shower building's door. I closed it and practically jogged to our bus. At the moment, it was just too hot to be outside.

Walking onto the bus and into the air conditioning, I let out a sigh of relief. The bus's air conditioning felt amazing. I seemed to be the first one back, so I walked over to my bunk and picked out a simple outfit and changed in the bathroom. When I closed the door behind me, I looked in the mirror. I noticed how swollen my cheek was, the amount of bruising on my neck, and the large gashes on my hands. I don't know how much more of this I can take. Removing the plaster from my cheekbone, I checked up on the large break in my skin. It seemed to be doing well, so I placed some Neosporin over the cut and a new plaster. I dressed and stepped out of the cramped confines of the bathroom and into the center lounge. Sighing, I sat down on the sofa and crossed my legs. The bus shook lightly as someone entered it, so I removed the tired look from my face and replaced it with a slight smile. The guys all walked in - fully dressed - with Lynne behind them. She sat down next to me and pulled me into a partial hug. There wasn't a signing today, so we all had the entire day to ourselves.

Lynne turned her entire body to me and asked, "How've you been?"

I shrugged, not wanting to tell her the truth. She wasn't a close enough friend for me to tell her. This was going to have to wait for someone else. I responded, "Nothing to write home about. Yourself?"

A smile broke across her face, "I'm going to head home soon. I'm so excited to see Sarah again. I miss her so much."

I smiled back. Sarah was her girlfriend of three years. Lynne was a roady that helped with setup, and had been away from home as long as I had. We became decent friends over the two months we'd known each other, so hearing she was leaving soon made me slightly upset. After all, she was the only other girl on the bus, and I wasn't going to try and venture around the venue. Samson would think I was up to something. Before I could respond, there he was. Sam. I smiled up at him as he sat down with me.

He gently turned me towards him and asked, "Can I talk to you? In the back?"

I nodded and stood with our hands intertwined. When we entered the back lounge, he locked the door while I sat down. He did the same, and as soon as he sat his hands were tangled in my hair and his lips were on my neck. I pushed away slightly, "Samson, stop. I don't have the energy for this."

He pulled away and spoke with a saddened face, "Karla, I'm sorry for last night. You know how I get when I drink. I can't help it," He placed his hand on my jaw and continued, "I love you."

I smiled, enjoying the sincerity of his apology, and returned those three words, "I love you, too." He started kissing me again, but he was being gentle. I wrapped my hands around his neck as I drank in the familiar sweetness that was him as he did the same with me. The stubble on his face tickled my face as he pressed me onto my back, the cold leather on my bare skin making a shiver run through my body. Things soon became heated and Samson was being rough. He snatched both of my wrists and pinned them above my head, squeezing them and most likely leaving bruises. I let out a small cry of pain and tried to move out of his grasp, but he only held me tighter. His hips were smashing me into the hard sofa and hurting my stomach as he put most of his weight on me. He only did this because I was resisting, so I decided to relax and see if the situation improved. It didn't. he only became more violent as he picked me up off of the ground and slammed me into a wall, shaking the windows of the back room. A shout escaped my lips as my shoulder blades crashed against the cold wood and my head whipped backwards. One of his hands was over my mouth as the other removed my pants from my body. I was really trying to fight him off now, but to no avail.

I saw the door open behind Sam and Justin came bursting in. His was all rage, and it terrified me. Sam turned around to face him, but Justin was too quick. He sucker punched him right in the jaw. I let out a scream and ran over to Samson, grabbing him by the shoulder and yelling, "Sam, don't! He's not worth it! Please!" But he didn't listen to me. Sam returned the powerful impact directly to Justin's nose, it immediately becoming bloody. As the two tumbled out into the hallway. I crouched down onto my heels and covered my eyes. Whenever Samson fought there was blood, and a lot of it. I can hardly stand the sight of my own blood, let alone blood of another person. The bus was rocking as I felt two arms wrap around my body. I looked up to see Lynne with her head rested on my shoulder and lightly rocking me. My torso was being racked with sobs as tears poured down my face and sniffles radiated off of me. I whispered, "Why did Justin have to do this? Everything's been going to absolute shit lately. He's never done anything like this before, at least with Samson. He's always given me my personal space and let me control my own life. But now, he just had to get involved, didn't he?"

I felt Lynne rubbing circles into my back and she pulled away to say, "I don't know. But I do know that everything's going to be fine. I promise."

She pulled me farther onto her lap as my crying intensified. I don't know how long I cried. All I know, is that I cried until my chest ached, my head was pounding with a ferocious headache, and I had powerful hiccups. I pulled away and sniffled a few times before I finally stood.

Lynne stood with me and asked, "Do you want a tissue, water?"

I shook my head and wiped my tears onto my sleeve before stepping into the hallway. No one was inside. As I walked past the kitchen area, I noticed that the door was still open and letting the Florida heat in. I walked to the front of the bus to close it, but was greeted by something terrifying. Two police officers handcuffing both Justin and Samson.

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