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Wow, this book has over 300 reads. I think you guys might want an update or two. I've edited chapter eleven, so it makes sense now.

After the hospital had finally agreed to release me, Cody and I starting making our way to the next venue: Phoenix. We had taken a thirty minute cab ride to the airport, and soon we were off to the dust bowl that is Arizona. When we arrived Cody hailed a taxi, and soon we were on our way to the fairgrounds.

When we finally arrived at the Set It Off bus, Cody's hand was shaking in mine. Before we entered the vehicle, I turned him towards me and asked with concern on my face, "Are you alright? Why are you shaking so bad?"

He swallowed, trying to control himself when he responded, "I don't know how to tell you this, so I'll just say it. Samson's out on parole," I felt the air hitch in my throat, "and he's here. He's staying on a bus with a bunch of groupies. I didn't want to tell you before we got here."

I immediately opened the door of the bus and ran to the top of the steps. Cody followed closely behind and closed the door as I paced around the small living quarters with my hands over my stomach, trying not to vomit all over the carpet. I felt a hand land on my shoulder and I practically shouted, "Don't touch me." Whoever it was moved away from me as my eyes stayed glued to my shoes pressing into the carpet over and over again, leaving a light impression in the soft fabric. After almost two minutes, I snapped my head towards Cody and shouted, "How in the hell didn't he go to prison?!"

He stood and walked over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders, "Your story never made it to the police. The officer that had written down everything you'd said never made it back to the station. No one knows where he is."

I turned and started pacing again, my breathing increasing in speed along with my heart. Then I felt the bus shaking as if someone was entering it. I sprinted to the back of the bus and darted into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. My stomach starting churning with anxiety as I lowered myself to the ground, tears mixing with mascara as they streamed down my cheeks. Then the tightening in my chest starting, and I knew I needed to calm down. I stripped myself of the clothing, turned on the shower, and sat down in the flow of hot water. The steam that filled the room started clearing my now congested head as I kept focusing on my breathing. My heart felt as if it was going to burst out of my chest when the door suddenly flung open, revealing Cody with a panic-stricken face. He grabbed a towel from a nearby rack and wrapped it around me as I stepped out into his embrace. I sniffled as his arms pulled me into his chest, letting his chin rest on top of my head. I kept my arms tucked into my chest as he pulled the towel up to dry my hair, planting a kiss on my nose before doing so. I smiled as my head was smothered with the green fabric of the towel and jostled around, giggling once again as my hair went in my mouth a few times.

When the towel was pulled away, it fell on my shoulders as Cody stared down at me. I smiled sweetly and stood on my toes to peck his lips with a soft kiss. He smiled and pulled me into another hug, taking a deep breath as his head was in the crook of my neck. Then the door swung open. I let out a small noise as Cody tugged me behind him before I could see who it was. I wrapped the towel around my small frame and peaked around one of Cody's biceps before immediately darting back, seeing the same old chocolate brown eyes staring back. I took a deep breath before walking around Cody to face Samson, my face red from embarrassment and slight anxiety. To calm the quickly heated conversation between Cody and Samson, I made up a little story over what was happening, "Samson, nothing is going on between Cody and I. I was having a panic attack, so I went into the shower. I slipped and Cody found me lying on the shower floor. He was just trying to be helpful." It was a terrible story, but for some odd reason, the cold eyes staring back at me seemed to believe it.

"Oh baby, are you alright? Do you want me to get you a drink?"

I nearly vomited at the nickname from Samson's mouth, but I nodded as he left the room. I gave Cody a quick peck on the lips before whispering, "After I'm dressed and out with the guys and you, I'm dumping him. I won't bring up anything that's happened since he left. Remember, I love you. Now go before he gets upset."

Cody gave me a small peck on the cheek and walked out of the room. I let Samson into the bathroom before I closed the door and began to get dressed as his eyes raked over me. I felt violated as I slid into my undergarments, but was interrupted as a hand slid down my stomach and a torso pressed against mine.

I stiffened as Samson said inches from my face, "I missed you, baby."

He kissed my shoulder and ran his hands along my waist, making me shiver with disgust. I snatched my discarded skirt from the floor and slid it up my legs, but it only made it to my mid-thigh before Samson intervened by pushing it back down. I cleared my throat before saying, "We need to talk. It's important." He sat down on the edge of the tub, so I took it as an opportunity to slide my skirt back up and throw on my shirt before continuing. I lowered myself onto the lid of the toilet seat and entangled my fingers together. This was going to be harder than I thought. I pushed some of my hair behind my ear before I spoke, "Samson, ever since you went to jail, things have been different. I've realized some things, and I think it would be best if . . . if we were no longer together." I nervously looked down at my belly button ring before I saw him stand and hit everything off of the bathroom counter in one swing. He started yelling in my face, but he was too belligerent for me to read his lips.

I just sat there and let him get all of his anger out before he suddenly stormed out of the room. I cautiously followed him, making sure he wasn't going to do anything stupid. When I left the bathroom, Cody was sitting on the couch with the rest of the guys like nothing had happened. I sighed as I felt the bus sake from the front door slamming shut, and went and sat down next to Cody. I snuggled into his side and closed my eyes, but after a few minutes, something strange happened. Cody's body was tugged out from under me.

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