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Lynne and I were sitting on the couch with her fingers in my hair and her lips peppering kisses on my neck. I was gripping onto her waist letting out a giggle as she pulled me into her lap. She started moving her mouth up my neck and onto my jawline, making me bite my lip. Lynne's hands drifted down to my butt, squeezing lighting. I smiled and put my lips on her's, feeling a familiar spark run through my body. I felt the bus shaking lightly, and I glanced over to the front door to see Kellen and Cody walk in. I turned back to Lynne and started kissing her neck and allowing her hands to continue to knead by butt.

Lynne looked me in the eyes and whispered, "If you keep doing that, I'm going to have to make you scream so loud the entire venue can hear you."

I smirked and bit down on the crook of her neck. She wrapped her arms around my waist and lifted me. Instinctively, I put my legs around her waist and she carried me back to her bunk. She put me in her bed and I watched as she closed the bunk room door. Lynne walked over to me and crawled over top of me, kissing me roughly. I responded by wrapping my legs around her waist, moaning as she ground her hips into my core. She smiled against my lips and reached up, unbuttoning my shirt. Then the door swung open.

When Justin saw us, he let out a loud, upset sounding groan before covering his eyes and saying, "Guys, what the fuck? Couldn't you at least lock the door?"

Lynne had began holding my shirt shut and she laughed before speaking, "Sorry. When you leave, lock the door behind you."

He turned around and walked out, but before he could close the door, Cody walked in.

Cody was furious as he shouted, "Karla, what the fuck are you doing?!"

I stood up while holding my shirt over my chest, now angry. Justin had walked out and closed the door behind him, so I started buttoning up my shirt. As I was doing so, I started explaining everything to Cody, "When I kissed Lynne for the first time, I felt something. It was almost the same as when I kissed you. I was confused, and when you left I had no one to think through this with. Lynne had been helping me realize something." I looked back at Lynne, "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you these last few days. I just didn't have the guts to tell you." I then looked back at Cody, "Cody, I love you. I didn't know that before, and I messed up. I hurt you, and I don't expect you to forgive me. Especially after finding me like this."

Suddenly, Lynne rushed past me. She sounded as if she was crying as she slammed the door behind her.

I watched as Cody spoke with crossed arms, "You know, over these last few days, I'd been begging Justin to let me see you. He said that it would be best if we weren't together but I couldn't get you out of my head. I don't know why, but I forgive you."

I felt tears form in my eyes and a smile rise on my lips as he stepped towards me. I let out a choked cry of happiness as he wrapped his arm around me, enveloping me in a tight hug. I buried my head in his chest as he planted a kiss on the top of my head.

He pulled away before whispering, "Let's move your stuff back to my bunk. I don't think Lynne is going to want to talk to you for a while. Let alone see you everyday."

I gave a soft nod and I started rolling up my blanket and grabbed my pillow as Cody picked up my bag. I followed him out if the bus and across half of the venue before we finally arrived at his bunk. I tossed my bag on the empty bed above it and put my blanket there as well. I crawled in with my pillow and laid down as Cody scooted in next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and gently started rubbing my back as I began to fall asleep for the night.

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