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I was hit in the face by a stuffed animal.

At first, I was pretty flustered. I mean, who wouldn't be? I was assaulted for no reason. I let out a small squeak of fear, which made the person that threw Squidgy just that much happier. "Austin! You piece of shit! You scared the hell out of me!" I picked up the small and colourful jellyfish and threw it back at him as he was laughing. He knew how easily startled I could be, and he was using it against me. Pushing past him, I stepped into the lounge where Alan, Aaron, Phil, and Tino were sitting with Justin and the guys. I smiled and walked past them and into the kitchen to grab a drink. I wanted juice, so I had to climb on top of the counter to grab a cup. When I was starting to ascend, a hand went in front of me. I hopped back down and cross my arms as Austin grabbed me a cup from the cupboard, handing it to me like I was a child. Rudely, I grabbed the cup from his hand and opened the fridge to retrieve my Naked juice. As I heaved the container onto the counter to open it, I could feel that someone was still standing next to me. I glanced over to see Austin observing me with a smile on his face. That's when I snapped, "Oh my god, what in the fuck is so funny?! You've seen me to this a thousand times, dickweed!" This only made his laugh harder as he stared down at me. The fiery temper from my father kicked into overdrive, "Why in the hell doesn't anyone take me seriously?! I get that I'm short and all, but I'm not a kid!"

A kinder look was now on his face as he apologized, "Karla, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be mean. You just look like a toddler whenever you do something like that. May I?"

Austin motioned toward the container on the counter, and I gave him a slight nod. He picked up the bottle of liquid with one hand and cracked it open with the other as I stared up at him with upset eyes. When he handed it to me, I poured myself a drink and angrily took the cap from his hand. Dickhead. I put the container back and sat down on a nearby couch next to Justin, putting my legs across his lap and my back on the armrest. As I was sipping on my drink, I started staring out one of the several large windows of the bus. It was almost dark outside, and I wanted to party. I was still buzzing from the kiss Cody and I shared, and I was wondering where he was or what he was doing. At that moment, he seemed to be all I could think about. As I was beginning to be lost in my thoughts, Justin tapped me on the shoulder, "What?"

He asked, "So, are you going to share how you and Cody's date went?"

I rolled my eyes and lightly blushed as I responded, "It wasn't a date. It was just a coffee between friends . . ." My voice trailed off as I finished my sentence.

He visibly scoffed, "Then what was that little kiss outside?"

Setting down my cup, I hid my face in my hands. He just had to pick on me. He knows how uncomfortable I am with talking about stuff like this with him! I peeked through my fingers to see him wiggle his eyebrows, making me cringe. I hid back in my hands for a while until someone pulled my hands away from my face. It was Lynne.

"Hey. I thought you might want to know that I was leaving."

She had her backpack and suitcase with her. She said she was leaving soon, not today! I hopped up from my seat and pulled her into a tight hug. When I pulled away, I asked, "Can I have your number? Just so we can keep in touch?" She nodded, so I tugged my phone out of my pocket and handed it to her. She typed in her information and I waved goodbye to her as she walked out of the bus doors. As I watched her walk away, I saw Cody pass by without noticing me. He looked like he was on a mission to find someone or something, so I decided to leave him alone. I closed the door of the bus and walked back, sulking slightly. I sat back down with my legs on Justin, but started laughing as soon as I saw Alan walk out of the bunk area. The ever so sassy Alan was wearing one of my bras. My purple one, to be exact. I hadn't noticed before, but his face was already red and puffy from alcohol. This explained a lot. I stood up and walked over to him, lighting pushing him back into the bunk area and closing the door as I said, "Alan, get my bra off! It's one of my favorites!"

He laughed, "Why? I think it looks good on me."

He turned and looked in a mirror to his right, admiring the purple fabric. I rolled my eyes and unclasped the bra from behind before turning to my bunk. All of my stuff was sprawled out over my bed. I growled from anger as I shoved everything back into the black duffle bag, sure to wrinkle it. When I turned back to Al, he seemed disappointed that I put everything away -- especially the bra. I rolled my eyes and went back out into the lounge while tugging him behind me. He wasn't going to be getting back into my things. I closed the bunk door and released my grip on his wrist as I sat. After a few minutes, I decided to go get from fresh air. After today, I sure as hell needed to take some time to think.


I was on the other side of the venue at the Unicorn stage watching Transit when something strange happened. People started to notice who I was. It started out with one girl asking for a picture, and then three, six, and I was soon being bombarded by people. At first, I was ignoring most of the rude or duchey looking guys, but soon I was just overwhelmed by all of the people and shitty smelling perfume in my face. I ended up sneaking off to the Acoustic Tent where a small crowd was forming for the SayWeCanFly set. Since I'm a shorty, a couple of guys let me go in front of them to watch. After a couple of minutes of feeling the words to one of my favorite songs, I walked off and to a small plot of grass outside of the venue. I sat down to try to decipher all of the thoughts swimming around in my head, but I couldn't focus.

Alight. Samson is going to jail, which is a good thing but also a bad thing. He's my emotional and financial support, so I'm fucked in both of those departments. I think I still love him, but I don't at the same time. He hurt me hundreds of times, but he's also supported me just as much. Let's weigh the positives and negatives. Yes, he hit me and did lots of other things to me. Yes, he was an alcoholic and druggie like my father, and he wasn't the nicest of people most of the time. But he was there when no one else-

My thoughts were cut off by Cody bumping his shoulder into mine. I hadn't even noticed that he sat down, so I let out a small noise of momentary terror. After a second, I bumped him back, "Hey." He returned my smile and looked out towards the park we were both facing.

"I told you about my childhood. It's your turn. Spill it."

I sighed and made one of the quickest decisions of my life. I told him everything. "Do you see that little girl with the long hair?" I pointed towards a tiny little girl with dark hair like mine. She was playing tag with other kids, and had dirt all over her clothes and in her hair. He nodded, "I would spend entire days in the park doing the same thing. It was my way to get away from my family. I grew up in a rough household where drinking and drugs were the norm. Both of my parents were alcoholics and my father was into hard drugs, which made him violent towards my mother and I. But it wasn't all bad. After school and on the weekends, I would get to go over to my grandmother's house. We would work on her garden, watch movies together, cook, or go to the park. The playground was always falling apart, but there was a lot of kids there every day. I had the time of life there up until I was eleven. That was when my grandma passed away. I took it pretty hard, and eventually I started going down the road my parents were on. Then because of my parents, I was taken away by Child Protective Services and put in a foster home. But when I was fifteen, I was adopted by Justin's parents. They wanted someone to fill the empty space that he was going to leave when he moved out. Now, I've sobered up and I've been drug free for almost two years."

Shock was filling his face. He seemed surprised by how long of an explanation I had, and about how honest I was. I felt his hand wrap around mine, so I scooted closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. I lifted my head and whispered, "You know, you're the first person I've said any of that to." I felt his lips peck my cheek and the weight of his head resting on top of mine. He released my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we sat with our backs against the cool chain link fence separating the venue from the rest of the world. Everything felt perfect like it did earlier, and the buzzing from his touch returned. I was on cloud nine, and was hoping I would never have to come back down.

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