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It was three days later, at night. I hadn't seen Cody since he walked off, and he seemed to be purposely avoiding me. There was a party that was at it's peak on the Of Mice & Men bus, with alcohol by the gallon being passed around and people who were already shitfaced as the bus vibrated from the music. I sat on the couch with a simple vodka and cranberry in my hands. It was my third one of the night. I was really beginning to feel the drinks in my system when Jack sat down next to me with a simple beer in tow. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I smiled up at him as he took another drink from the brown bottle.

He smiled back and asked, "How're you doing?"

I could smell the alcohol on both of our breaths as I responded, "Better, now that I've have had a couple of these." I lighting shook the cup in my hand and he chuckled. I watched him as I took another sip and I did the same. The drinks and buzz of people were clouding my judgement, so I was bound to make some bad decisions. And boy, did I do that. I observed his slightly red face as he watched the crowd of people surrounding us. He had a piercing amount of excitement in his eyes that had always drove me crazy. He was always up to something, and you could never tell what it was. That was the attraction of Jack, he wasn't easy to read unless he wanted to be. I found myself whispering to him, "Do you wanna get out of here? Maybe go to someplace with less people?" He looked at me, surprised, but nodded. I set my cup down as he finished off the last of his beer and tossed the bottle aside. I pulled him by his hand through the large and packed bus towards the door. We walked down the large steps of the bus, and through fuzzy eyes I spotted the Sleeping With Sirens logo on the side of the black bus.

I pulled Jack behind me and onto the bus as he closed the door behind him. When we made it to the top of the stairs, I was pressed against a cold wall and his lips attacked mine. His hands slowly slid down my waist and hips before quickly finding my ass as I tugged on the hair at the base of his neck. When he squeezed, I gave a light moan into the kiss, giving him the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I was hurt and needed to feel loved by someone. Anyone. His body became flush against mine and I released his hair to tug off his jean vest and shirt, revealing his toned chest and stomach. He wasn't ripped, but had just the perfect amount of muscle. I let my flannel fall to the floor and lifted my arms as he pulled my black shirt off to reveal my bright yellow bra. His arms looped around my body and his mouth started sucking on my jaw as I felt his hands unclasp the strap on my back.

When this happened, the entire situation became real. I held the fabric to my chest and managed to squeak out, "Jack, please stop." But he didn't. He pulled the bright item out of my hand and picked me up, setting me back down on the couch. I pressed my hands into his chest and spoke again, "Jack, fucking stop." But he still didn't listen to me. This is when I started screaming at him to get off of me, "Jack! Get the hell away from me!" I felt the bus shake as I do every day when someone enters it and a few moments later, Jack was tugged off of me. I fell down onto the floor with my back pressed against the couch and my knees pulled into my chest when the bus shook and rattled, Jack and the mystery person struggling.

Eventually, the shaking stopped and I looked up to see Cody walking up the steps of the bus. He grabbed my stray flannel off of the floor and sat down on his knees in front of me with the fabric. I sat forward as he wrapped the shirt around my shoulders and pulled it over my chest. He started to stand to leave, but I grabbed the edge of his shirt and looked up at him with pleading eyes. He offered me a hand and I took it as he hauled me up to my feet. Our hands still intertwined, he led me back to the bunk area and I crawled into my little nook in the wall. He was going to leave again, but I snatched his hand and when he looked at me, I patted the empty spot in the bed next to me. He kicked off his shoes and crawled into the small area next to me. When he was comfortable, I rested my head on his chest. After a few seconds, he cautiously wrapped his arm around the back of me and pulled me into his side.

And then that perfect vibration filled my body once again, all the way to my toes.

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