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(You'll see who the picture is later on.)
Fast forward to 2014 in January. It'd been a year since Kelly died. I would never forget her, but I was doing good. I was getting good grades with photography. Jasper and Nate were also following their dreams. Jenny left college, but she was happy with her family. Katherine was doing great. Amy and I were super close. We were best friends and I could tell her anything. She was following her dream of a job in the makeup industry. My grandma wasn't in the best health, but she was fighting hard with my mom and Luke by her side. Luke was in college following his dream. His mom and him eventually made up. She understood him and I a lot better now. My mom was doing pretty good. I talked to her often. Everything seemed to be going perfect. Besides that day. Things started to get weird. It was January 25th, 2014. Jasper gathered all of his closest friends to his dorm. I was talking to Nate when Jasper spoke up.
"Ladies and gentlemen! I have an announcement to make. On February 25th I'll be releasing my album!"
Everyone cheered. Nate and I looked at each other in shock. Jasper was releasing an album. This was a dream come true for Jasper. Nate and I rushed to where Jasper was standing. I gave him a huge hug and Nate kissed him on the lips.
"Congratulations babe!" Nate yelled to him over the people talking.
"Thanks. Honestly you guys inspired half these songs so thank you so much." Jasper said.
"We're so proud of you Jasper." I said.
I couldn't believe it. One of my best friends was gonna release an album in February. It was one month from now and I already couldn't wait. Life finally seemed to be going well.

When I was walking back to my dorm I ran into Lily and Sharon.
"Hey Alex." Lily said and grabbed my wrist. "Can we talk?"
I nodded.
"Sharon I'll catch up." Lily said.
Sharon walked away and Lily looked at me.
"Look Alex. I know I've been so mean to you and your friends and I'm genuinely sorry. I was going through a hard time, but now I've realized how cruel I was."
"Apologize accepted." I said.
Lily smiled the brightest smile I've ever seen from her. I guessed things were really going perfectly. Lily walked off and so did I. Once I reached my dorm room I fell onto my bed and checked my phone. It was 10:37 P.M. I decided to get some sleep.
"Goodnight Kelly."

Now the next day was really weird and scary. I was meeting up with Jasper at Starbucks to talk about his album. When I got there Jasper wasn't there yet so I got in line to order. The woman in front of me took a while so by the time I was telling the employees what I wanted Jasper was next to me. He ordered after me and we waited.
"Hey Jasper." I eventually said.
"Hey Alex." He said back.
"So what is your album gonna be called?" I asked.
"Man Overboard."
"Cool name."
We then got our coffees and sat down near the left window. A man walked in the door with a gun. I know this is the typical robbery, but why Starbucks? I don't know. Maybe we wanted coffee, but in the end all we got was a broken nose.
"HANDS UP! THIS IS A ROBBERY! GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY!" He screamed at the cashier. His voice was raspy and ugly. I couldn't stand it. He had a black mask on so you couldn't see his face, but his body was in regular condition. Everyone put their hands up and obeyed him. Until Jasper and I got involved.
"Yo man! Just put the money down. You'll go to jail if you get caught." Jasper said. You could tell he was trying really hard to stay calm.
"Fuck off." The robber said.
He walked over to Jasper and I and grabbed me by my hair.
"Hey baby." He said.
"Don't call me baby." I said disgusted.
"An attitude? I didn't want to kidnap anyone today, but I can't resist you. Baby."
He pulled me out of the Starbucks. The gun was pointed to my back the whole time. I was breathing heavily, but I remained calm. By the time we were a little far away from the Starbucks I made my move.
"Hey baby. I'm thirsting for some sex." I said to him. I turned around calmly. He pulled the gun away from my back and looked at me strangely.
"What happened to that attitude sweetie?"
"It was an act."
I walked closer to him. Each step more careful than the last. Then when I was close enough I punched him square in the nose.
"BITCH!" I grabbed his gun while he laid on the ground. I also grabbed the stolen money.
"Now surrender or face pain." I said.
"I chose pain, baby."
I shot him in the leg. He shrieked loud as a bird. I called 911 and they arrested him. I told them the shot was for self defense and they believed me. I was reunited with Jasper later on that day at my dorm.
"Alex are you okay? What all happened."
"I'm fine and nothing much. He got arrested."
"That's a relief. I'm glad you're okay."
Jasper wrapped his big arms around me and kissed me on the cheek. He stood there hugging for a while then Nate showed up.
"Hey guys. Am I interrupting anything?" Nate said as he walked in.
"Just a hug session." Jasper replied.
Jasper and I let go of each other and looked at Nate.
"I heard what happened." Nate blurted out.
"Yeah. I'm okay though."
"That's good." Nate said then hugged me.
"Group hug!" Jasper yelled and we all hugged.
That was just one weird story that happened in 2014.

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