The start of a good life

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(The picture is Jasper and Nate just being cute gay lovers.)
It was Sunday and later today I would be leaving my beloved home to go back to college. I would really miss Luke, but I was glad I could hang out with Jasper, Nate, Jenny, Kelly, and Amy. I woke up Luke to tell him goodbye.
"I'm gonna miss you so much Alex."
"I'll miss you too Luke, but I'll come back to visit soon."
"Wait are you gonna change?"
"Oh yeah I guess."
I was wearing the same polka dotted dress and black leggings as yesterday so I changed into a band t-shirt and jeans. Once I brought my things downstairs I said goodbye to my mom and grandma.
"Goodbye sweetie. We'll miss you!" My grandma says.
My mom nods and gets a little teary eyed. I hug her and my grandma.
"I'll miss you guys too."
I let go and slip on my black converse and start to drive back to my college. While driving I was listening to Tyler the creator when Jasper called me. I picked it up, carefully. I didn't want to crash.
"Hey Alex. Where are you?"
"I'm driving back to the college. What's up?"
"Just with Nate. We told my mom we were together and we completely supports us we're about to go to Nate's mom and dad."
"I'm glad your mom supports you and I hope Nate's parents do to."
"Thanks and me too. I just thought I'd tell you."
"I appreciate it, Jasper."
"It's nothing, but I'll see you around, Alex. Bye."
"Bye Jasper."
He hung up and I carefully set my phone down. I drove off while Tyler filled my heart with emotions.
"I fucking hate you, but I love you, I'm bad at keeping my emotions-"
Then it all went black.

I woke up in a hospital bed. Jasper and Nate were there.
"Alex are you okay?" Nate asked.
"Yeah I'm a little sore though. What happened?"
"You don't remember? You were in a car crash the other driver was drunk and ran into you."
"Oh yeah I was listening to Tyler." I say then started laughing.
"Tyler who?" Nate asked.
"The creator." Jasper answers.
I must've been on some drugs from the hospital because I thought Nate was being so funny. Then I fell back asleep and my dream was weird again.

I recognized the voice. It was Luke. I looked down and saw my feet were tied to the ground with ropes. I was wearing the same clothes as when Luke left and I was the same young body. A pink shirt with a skull on it and skinny jeans. My Nike tennis shoes were falling apart, like my heart.
"LUKE WHERE ARE YOU?" I scream into the open air. It's my younger self voice. Then Luke appears in front of me. He's dressed the same when we reunited, but Janet is there too.
"M-mom I'm gay."
"NO!" She slaps him across the face.
"LUKE!" I scream again. I feel tears flood down my face. Luke looks up to his mother with tears coming down his face.
"No son of mine will be gay. This is just a phase. You'll grow out of it."
"No mom. This is who I am."
"Get out of here!"
Luke runs away towards me. Then I'm in the body of when we reunited and Luke is his younger self. His gray hoodie and regular skinny jeans.
"Alex help."
"I'm in the hospital right now I can't."
"What? L-Luke."
I woke up, breathing heavily.
"Alex are you okay?" Nate asks me.
"Yeah just a nightmare." I reply.
He hands me a cup of water and some snacks. They were pretzels. I ate them and drank the water in under 5 minutes. I was super hungry, but I also have to pee.
"Where's the bathroom?"
"Down the hall to the left." Nate replies.
I get up and go to where Nate explained. I guess only Jasper and Nate heard about the crash because neither my mom or grandma were there. I didn't even know how they heard. After I peed I asked Nate how he and Jasper were I was here.
"After we visited my parents we tried to call you to tell you what happened, but you didn't answer so we asked Kelly and she didn't know then Amy and Jenny. We called your mom and she said you left for college so we checked this hospital. Since Jasper and I have been hospitalized here we figured it was you turn." He said then laughed.
I laughed too and rolled my eyes.
"So you guys skipped school for me? It's Monday."
"Yeah you're worth it."
"Thanks Nate."
He and I smile and then Jasper walks in the room.
"I just got done talking to the doctor he said your wounds are healing pretty quick and you are free to go. He said you're lucky the crash wasn't worse."
I was relieved I could go back to college even if it meant boring tests and exams. While I climbed out of my hospital bed I decide to ask Nate out the talk went with his parents. He said his mom supported him, but his dad wasn't very happy. At least both their moms were supportive. Then I remembered my dream and I called Luke once Jasper, Nate, and I were in Jasper's car. Jasper started driving and turned on B-97 while I called Luke. He answered after a few rings.
"Hey Luke, are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah are you?"
"No I just got out of the hospital from a car crash. I'm leaving to go back to college right now. I wasn't injured very badly."
"Alex! Why didn't you tell anyone?"
"I didn't feel the need. Anyways don't worry I'm fine. Will you tell mom and grandma for me about it?"
"Yeah don't worry I've got it covered."
"Okay thanks Luke. I gotta go. Love you, bye."
"Love you too, bye."
I hung up and enjoyed the ride to college.

"See you lovers around." I said as Jasper and Nate dropped me off at my dorm place. I went inside to my dorm. Lily ran past with tears streaming down her face.
"Lily are you okay?" I asked.
"No Nate broke up with me. It's all your fault." She said.
I shrugged and walked off. I kinda felt bad for her and that's why I asked if she was okay, but after what she said I realized she's never gonna change her mean ways. Once I reached my dorm I opened it wide.
"Alex!" Kelly yells in excitement at the site of me.
"Kelly!" I yell back to her.
We hugged, being so happy to see each other again.
"What's that bruise from girl? It looks painful."
"Oh I was in a minor car crash, but I'm fine. I'm just so glad to see you!" I said.
Kelly and I talked for a few hours about how we were doing and how our breaks were. I was so happy everything seemed to be going well.

Skip to December. Nothing much interesting happened until Christmas rolled around. I visited my mom, grandma, and Luke. I stayed there for half the break then Jasper decided to take Nate and I on a road trip to New York. We lived in Ohio so it wasn't super far away and I was super excited.
"So you're off again?" Kelly says.
"Yep! Going to the big apple."
"That's awesome! I'll just be here with my family."
"Yeah I'm make sure to update you with calls."
"Okay bye Alex." Kelly says as I go into Jaspers car with my suitcase, ready for an adventure.

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