Thanksgiving with Luke

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(The picture is Alex's mom and grandma eating thanksgiving dinner.)
I woke up the next day pretty early. I checked the time on my phone and it read 6:23 A.M. I tried to fall back asleep for a while and then just decided to watch tv. I get up and grab the remote and turn on the tv. After flipping channels for a while I go to on demand and put on American Horror Story Asylum. It was only the second season, but it was one of my favorite shows. After watching that for a few hours it was 8:25 A.M. I went downstairs to find my mom also watching tv.
"Good morning honey." He says cheerfully. My mom was a big morning person and I wasn't. I guessed my grandma was still asleep she was not a morning person either.
"Hey mom I'm hungry."
"Want some strawberries and cream?"
After a few minutes of her whipping up me a meal I gulf it down. I go back upstairs and get dressed to explore my old hometown. I put on a polka dotted short loose dress. I also put a jean cardigan sort thing over since it was chilly out. I throw on some brown heeled boots and brush out my hair then start on makeup. I didn't do much because my mom always said I didn't need makeup because I was beautiful the way I was. I didn't want her makeup lecture so I didn't do much. Then I headed out. My mom didn't even question me probably because she knew what I was doing. Once I stepped outside the breeze hit me. It was definitely cold, but I didn't help that stop me. I walked down the sidewalk towards my old school.

It didn't take long to get there because I used to always walk to school. It looked like an old regular school besides the fact it was a little run down. Then someone familiar walked past me. They didn't recognize me, but I surely recognized them. He had dark as midnight black and his eyes almost just as dark. His clothes were black ripped skinny jeans and a nirvana t-shirt. To top it off he wore black converse and he looked terrible. It was Luke, my old childhood friend, but I'd never seen him so pale and skinny.
"Luke?" I turned around to face him as I called out his name. He stared back at me blankly. His dark eyes seemed like death coming to murder me. I knew it was him, but I guess I did change a lot since middle school. A breeze blew bye pushing our hair to the right. His hair stood on his head and it curled. I always thought if I wanted a boyfriend it'd be Luke, but know I realized I only saw him as a super close friend. Finally he answered me.
"Yes and who are you?"
I was shocked. He didn't remember me. I panicked and bursted out.
"How can you not remember me Luke. It's Alex!"
His face seemed to glow up like he was remembering every moment we spent together. He was my only friend in the world in school and when he moved away in 8th grade I was completely alone.
"Alex...?" He seems traumatized and pulls me into a tight hug.
"Luke are you okay?"
He shakes his head no and I don't even know what's wrong, but I pull him harder into the hug.
"What happened?" I ask.
"So much shit has happened since you've been gone."
"Wanna talk about it at my house?"

Once we arrived back at my house my mom and grandma were watching Survivor.
"Hey honey. Ooh who's your friend?" My grandma asks.
"It's Luke from middle school."
My mom and grandma both stare in shock then welcome him in. After Luke and they chatted for a while he and I headed upstairs. We both explained everything that had happened since he left. It took almost two hours to cover it all. Luke's family hadn't supported him at all and he was kicked out when he came out as gay. I told him about college, Nate, Jasper, and me being aromatic. We both accepted each other for our sexuality and I agreed he could live at my house. Of course I asked my mom and she also agreed. It was 11:30 A.M. So Luke and I killed time by watched out favorite childhood cartoons like Pokémon. At around 12:30 P.M Jasper texted me.
Look I gotta get this out. I'm still in love with you and I don't know how to get over you so I'm doing my only option. Goodbye Alex, I love you.
I showed Luke and we both assumed the worst. That Jasper was trying to kill himself. I immediately texted him back.
Jasper no! Please just talk to me about this!!!!!!
No reply. 5 minutes later, still no reply. I started to worry. I spam texted him with nice things. I tried to call him multiple times. Then I realized I should call his mom. She didn't pick up either. I only had Jaspers moms number because of when he and I were dating. I got so desperate I tried to call Nate, out of all people. Luke tried to calm me down by saying he was gonna be okay, but I knew he wouldn't. So I texted Nate exactly how I felt.
Look Nate I'm so mad at you and not because you're dating Lily. Actually that's sorta why. You abandoned Jasper and I and now Jasper might be dead! You are out of your mind! Lily is evil and manipulative! Come to your nerdy senses. Answer me as soon as possible.
Luke said I did the right thing and Jasper would be okay. I really hoped so.

Later that night it was time for thanksgiving dinner. My mom had cooked at the best foods you could think of. She called Luke and I down and once we all sat down at the table we dug in.
"This is delicious, Mrs. Ridgeworth!" Luke exclaimed.
"Oh why thank you Luke, but please call me Kathy." My mom answered back. The rest of dinner was mostly silent because we were all eating so much, but I occasionally talked about college and Luke said he was hoping to go to a filmmaking college. My grandma told us about how she could've been in a movie when she was 17 and my mom told us how grandma used to be the worst actress when she was a kid. It was a great night, but Jasper still lingered in my mind the whole night. Even after we stuffed our bellies we watched Family Feud together and the whole time Jasper was on my mind. After Luke and I went back upstairs it was 8:36 P.M.
"That was so much fun Alex! Thank you for letting me stay."
"It's nothing really you're practically my brother, Luke."
I picked up my phone and noticed one message from Nate. All it said was.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't reply because I generally didn't know what to say. Then I got another text from Nate.
I'm at the hospital Jasper's suicide attempt worked.
I re-read it multiple times. This couldn't be happening. I started crying.
"Alex what's wrong?"
He grabs my phone and reads the text. I fall into my bed, crying. This isn't real. This isn't real. No. No. No. Jasper I love you too. Please no.
"No!" I shouted.
Luke walks to me on the bed and comforts me on hugs and love. I couldn't believe this was real Jasper actually did it. Why? The pain was so deep. I fell asleep in Luke's arms while crying. My dream was so vivid I have to share it with you.

I'm in a field of grass. It's tall grass. I'm in a white dress and no shoes. The short dress flows in the wind along with the grass. Then Jasper appears before me.
"Alex I'm so scared and sorry. I tried to kill myself and now I'm on a coma. Please come to the hospital and I might wake up. Hurry please I don't wanna die I've realized." He shouts to me over the wind and then turns into a dove and flies away. Then it's Nate. My dress in now red like blood. And I'm no longer in a field of grass, but a field of glass. It's everywhere but my feet are on normal ground. Then Nate appears and the glass cuts him, spilling blood everywhere.
"I'm alive on the outside, but dead on the inside. I'm evil. Help me change, please Alex I love you."
Blood pours out of his mouth and he falls over into more glass.
"Nate!" I scream.
He dies on the glass, covered in blood.

Suddenly I wake up and now I know what I must do.

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