Frat party

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(The very left is Karen
The middle is Lily
And the very right is Sharon. For the picture.)
I woke up at 1:00 A.M on Saturday. I looked over and Kelly wasn't there so I guessed she was at Danielle's. Then I remembered I had a Halloween frat party to go to. Halloween wasn't till Wednesday, but the party was today. I had plenty of time to get ready so I texted Jenny asked her to come to my dorm.

Once Jenny arrived I was in my pajamas reading. Jenny was wearing pajamas too with her hair super messy.
"Hey girl." Jenny says while walking in.
"Where's Kelly?"
"I'm not sure she wasn't here when I woke up." I answer.
Jenny sits by me on my bed.
"Is this about Jasper?" She asks me.
"Yeah I'm going to a frat party with him tonight and I really don't want too."
"Then don't."
"I don't know how to get out of it."
"Say you're sick."
Just as Jenny finished her sentence my phone rang. It was Jasper. I answered.
"Hey babe."
"Hey Jasper I don't think I can make it to the party I'm feeling a little sick."
I faked a cough hoping he'd believe it.
"C'mon this is gonna be the party of the year besides new year."
"I'm sorry Jasper."
"No I don't accept that answer. You've gotta come I promise it'll be amazing."
I felt so bad I agreed to go.
"What the hell Alex?" Jenny angrily says after I agree to go with Jasper.
"Look I'm sorry I felt so bad. If he tries to have sex I'll tell him!" I yell.
"Okay fine, but I gotta go to class. See yah." Jenny says in a calmer tone. She walks out leaving me to regret my decision alone. After watching YouTube for almost two hours I decide to get ready for the party early. I put on a red dress. It's tight to my skin and it pretty short. Jasper bought it for me last month. Then I proceed to curl my hair and do my makeup. I go all out on my makeup. Then I realize it's a Halloween party. So I go out to party city and purchase devil horns as a 'costume'. It was around four so I still had plenty of time to kill. Once I got back to my dorm I played some video games until 9:00 P.M. When Jasper calls me. I almost didn't answer, but I did.
"Hey come ahead over to my dorm once you're ready."
"Okay I'm ready so I'll be there soon."
"Okay babe love you."
I didn't say it back. Was that a mistake? I didn't know nor did I care. I just wanted to get this party over with.

Once I got to Jasper's he looked good. He was dressed up at Naruto. What a nerd.
"Ah the devil and Naruto are going to a party together. Never did I imagine this." Jasper says making me laugh. If you didn't know Naruto was a boy anime character. Jasper had the outfit on point, but he didn't have blonde hair or white skin to actually be Naruto. Anyways once got to the party it was loaded. It hadn't even officially started, but tons of people were there. We walking in on people drinking, dancing and just having tons of fun.
"I'll be right back babe I'm gonna find a drink for us." Jasper shouts and I nod okay to him. As I awkwardly wait for Jasper to come back I figure out who's throwing this party. It was Lily. While I was waiting she walked up to me with two of her minions. I didn't know either of them, but they were also Chinese. Lily was wearing a white strapless dress with bunny ears. The girl to her left was wearing a long red dress with devil horns like me. And the girl on her right was wearing a striped shirt with a black skirt and Minnie Mouse ears.
"Copying Karen I see." Lily says to me. I guessed Karen was the one on the left with the devil horns on like me.
"This is our party and you can't just copy us. Who invited you anyways?" Karen yells to me.
"Jasper did." I say defensively.
"Well Jasper is Nate's friend and not yours so you should just leave." The girl on the left says.
"Sharon that made no sense." Karen shouts.
Karen and Sharon start fighting with each other while Lily steps up to me.
"Look Alex. You may have gotten Nate and Jasper to like you somehow, but they won't for long because I know your little secret."
Wait my secret. Does she know I'm asexual? I panicked.
"Yes that's right. You're aromatic, but you're still fucking Jasper." Lily says like she was reading my mind or something. How did she know. I've told Amy, Jenny, Kelly and Danielle. I trusted them why would any of them do this?
"I bet you're so confused as to who would do such a thing to you. It was Danielle. We payed her a lot of money to fake be a lesbian for Kelly and learn as much as possible about you. She's straight, but she might not be anymore. I honestly don't care all I care is she got exactly what I wanted. You to confess. And now I'm gonna tell Jasper." Lily says with a smirk plastered across her face. As she walks to where the drinks are with Sharon and Karen I fall apart. I wanted to tell Jasper on my own not like this. I feel a few tears stream down my face. I run out the house. I take off my heels and start running full speed. It was a few miles to get back to my dorm, but I didn't care I'd walk home. I felt so betrayed. I decided to call Kelly and warn her about Danielle. No answer. I really hoped that she was okay and Danielle didn't do anything terrible to her. I can't believe I trusted her.

It was 1:00 A.M. I was still walking to my dorm. I could see it in the distance. When a car pulled up beside me. I didn't bother to look up.
"Hey need a ride?"
I recognized that voice. It was Jasper.
I got in the car.
"Did Lily tell you?"
"Oh god Jasper I'm so sorry. I messed up big time. I didn't ever intent to hurt you or Nate." I rambled on and on about how sorry I was until Jasper interrupted.
"Look Alex I understand. It's okay I just wish you would've told me how you felt sooner."
"Yeah me too I'm so sorry Jasper."
The rest of the car ride was silent. Until Jasper got to my dorm house place. He got out of the car and opened the door for me.
Before I could continue saying thanks Jasper pulled me into a hug. His arms wrapped around me so tightly I felt warn and comfortable. He kept hugged me for a few minutes and then let go.
"Thanks for everything Jasper. I hope we can still be friends I love you platonically of course."
"Of course I love you too Alex." He says then gives me another short hug.

I walked up to my dorm room feeling not to bad actually. Lily may not have realized it, but she did me a huge favor. Even though Kelly must be heartbroken and Nate is being a dick things were pretty good. Once I got in my dorm room I found Kelly crying on her bed. I instantly walked up and hugged her tight. She cried into my shoulder as I comforted her.
"I know about Danielle. I'm so sorry Kelly." I say probably not the best choice of words.
"No I'm sorry I let her tell Lily you're asexual and Lily told Jasper."
"No don't be sorry Jasper took it really well and we're still friends. I'm sorry you loved her, but it was all fake." I say then hug her tighter. I couldn't believe Danielle did this to Kelly. She was just as bad as Lily.

I wanted to get revenge so I plotted what to do. Kidnap? Murder? No I was going crazy I couldn't do that. I calmed down and focused on helping Kelly recover.
"Look Kelly I know you're heartbroken, but Danielle was fake the girl she showed you doesn't exist. Danielle is a evil person who would do something this horrible to someone for money. She's just as bad as Lily. You'll find the perfect girl one day. I know it."
"Thanks Alex. It means a lot. Goodnight."
And just like that Kelly was asleep cuddled in her blankets. I got up and changed into pajamas and took off all my makeup. I lie down in bed and dreamed of a perfect life with no heartbreak, racism, sexist, ableism, and so many others things.

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