The True Lily and Nate

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(The picture is Kelly and Danielle)
About a month after Nate went to the hospital things were going great! Nate was recovering really well plus him and Jasper were best friends again. Jasper and I were also really close, but he was more of a best friend to me than a boyfriend. Kelly came out to me and a few other of her friends. She was a lesbian and I fully supported her. One morning while Kelly was at Danielle's house. Or her girlfriend. I woke up kinda lonely. It was a regular Friday besides the fact Jasper and I had sex last night again. My butt was sore so I wore gray sweatpants with a maroon hoodie. The design on the hoodie was cool so I wore it often. I put my hair in a lazy bun and headed to Starbucks.

"Oh hey Amy!" If you don't remember I mentioned Amy being my friend earlier and she was amazing.
"Omg hey Alex!" She pulled me into a hug and we sat down after getting our coffees. Amy's super curly black hair was tied in cornrows. She was black and I admired her for her strength. She was wearing a cute black skirt with a 'messy hair don't care' shirt.
"So how are you and Jasper doing?" Amy asks me.
"In all honestly I like him as a friend. I've never felt anything with him or anyone."
"Wait Alex you might be aromatic!"
"What's that?"
"Are you kidding Alex? You need to learn your LGBQ+. It's where you're not sexually attracted to anyone." She exclaims!
I stand up because I'm so shocked. I couldn't believe there was such a thing. It all made perfect sense. I'm aromatic.
"So I'm guessing you're aromatic?" Amy says while standing up with me.I nod intensely. Amy smiles and nods back while I run out of Starbucks to my first class.

After my first class was over I went to my dorm with find Kelly and Danielle making out. Danielle has brown hair that's almost to her butt and he has tons of freckles. Not to mention her brown eyes. They were practically naked, but I didn't care I was asexual.
They didn't even look up, but they were listening.
That seemed to get Danielle's attention because she got up and hugged me.
"I'm so proud of you for coming out." Kelly says then hugs me.
"Thanks I just have no idea how I'm gonna tell Jasper."
"Just be honest I'm sure he'll understand." Danielle says then starts making out with Kelly again. I didn't really mind because I put in headphones and blasted Trevor Moran. I texted Jasper saying I needed to talk to him soon. Then I send the same thing to Nate and Jenny. Jenny replied first and asked if I could meet her for coffee this afternoon I said yes.

When the afternoon rolled around Jenny and I met each other at Starbucks. I didn't get anything because I had already got some with Amy. Jenny was wearing a pair of blue jeans with a brown shirt with flowers on it. Her hair was in a ponytail.
"So what's up?" Jenny asks me.
"I'm um...aromatic."
"Really? I kinda figured you were."
"Yeah Amy helped me figure out."
"So how are you gonna tell Jasper?"
"I have no idea!" I exclaim with frustration. Jenny pats me on the shoulder and gives me the best advice I've ever had.
"In all honesty he's probably gonna be mad. He almost lost Nate because they both loved you so much and I'm pretty sure you took his virginity."
I nod and added,
"He was my first too."
"Well." Jenny continues. "He might be mad at first and not understand, but Jasper will eventually understand and he'll probably accept you and find another girl. You can't help you were born this way."
"Thanks Jenny that means a lot." I say then get up and hug her. Jenny has helped me through so much crap I couldn't thank her enough.
"Well I gotta go to geometry. I'll see you around Alex."
"Okay see yah."
Jenny walks out of Starbucks leaving me to think over everything. Would Jasper actually accept me? And what about Nate? I would soon find out.

In the evening I get a call from Jasper.
"Hey babe head over to my dorm I got your text."
I hang up and head out then I run into Lily.
"Oh Alex have you met my new boyfriend?" She says in a evil tone and then reveals the boy standing behind her. It was Nate.
"Alex?" Nate yells.
"What are you doing with Lily?" I yell back. I was so mad that Nate would betray me like that, but then again I was no better.
"Doing things you couldn't do for me." He says then walks away with Lily. She laughs then kisses him. I was so pissed at Nate in that moment I thought I would never forgive him.

Once I arrived at Jaspers dorm I slammed the door behind me.
"Yo what's up with her?" Jaspers new roomie, Jackson, yells rudely to me.
"It's Nate and Lily." I say back to him.
I glare at him with hate. He has black spiked up hair and a baby face. His blue eyes look back at me in...fear? He scurries out of the room with a red baseball shirt on and basketball shorts. His pale skin looking even paler than usual probably because I frightened him. I didn't care he deserved it.
"Thank god you got rid of him." Jasper says stepping in my thoughts. I nod and sit next to Jasper on the bed. He was wearing a white shirt and gray sweatpants. Must be a lazy day for him like me.
"So what happened with Lily and Nate?"
"They are probably having sex right now! Because Nate is jealous of us. This is war we have to be the cuter couple!" I yell to him and Jasper agrees.
"I knew he was mad that I stole his dream girl, but I didn't think he was low enough to get with Lily. She was desperate because Jason dumped her so Nate was an easy target."
My fists were clenched together. I was ready to destroy Nate and Lily. She probably manipulated him. She's just using him to get back at Jason and Nate was using her to get back at Jasper and I. I couldn't believe him. Jasper glanced at me and saw how mad I looked so he pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and we decided to play some video games to distract ourselves from Nate and Lily.

After playing video games for a hour Jackson walks back in.
"Why is she still here?"
"Look Jackson she's my girlfriend and if you're just gonna bash her get the fuck out of here!" Jasper yells at Jackson. At the word girlfriend I cringe because I'd completely forgotten why I went to talk to Jasper. To tell him I'm aromatic. I decided to tell him later because hanging out with him was so much fun.
"Whatever." Jackson yells back and rolls his eyes.
"I'll leave I gotta finish some homework anyways." I tell Jasper. He nods and I leave. Once I get back to my dorm I find Kelly and Danielle doing homework together.
"Did you tell Jasper?" They say in unison.
"No I fucked up and got distracted by playing video games and Nate and Lily."
"It's okay maybe you're just not ready." Kelly says looking concerned for me.
"Yeah." I say then flop on my bed feeling super tired. Tomorrow was Saturday so I didn't work on my homework I had till Monday.

Once I woke up I had a text from Jasper saying
Come to the Halloween frat party tonight at 10:00 it'll be fun.
I texted back.
Great now I was going to another frat party with Jasper and it was for Halloween.

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