Discovering Nate Kanser

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(The picture is Alex.)
"Hey Nate" I said once Nate was standing by Jenny and I's table.
"I'm leave you guys to talk things over." Jenny said then left. I gave her a death stare because I did not want to be alone with Nate, but she just smiled and waved bye at me.
"So I'm guessing you've heard that Jasper and I both have a crush on you." Nate jumped right into business making me cringe.
"Yeah and look I like you both, and you guys are my best friends. I really don't wanna ruin any friendships."
"It's a bit late for that." Nate looked down. I felt so bad for him that I got up and hugged him.
"Aw Nate it's gonna be okay. Just try and talk it over with him. I'm sure Jasper will understand." Nate let a few tears out and then we both sit back down while I held his hand across the table.
"No. Jasper never would understand. When he gets mad he holds grudges forever. He always gets what he wants and he wants you." Nate practically cried those crushing words out to the whole Starbucks making the few morning birds look at our table. Nate started crying again. I felt so sorry for him because I understand the pain of losing a best friend.
"Look Nate why don't you come to my room and we talk things over. Kelly should be in class so we'll be alright." I said mostly out of sympathy. I'm gonna be honest I've never really been attracted to guys or girls. I mainly just focused on friends and family. I've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend and I've never kissed or had sex with anyone. Until Nate came over.

Nate and I headed to my dorm while most people were in class. It was pretty easy to sneak him in. Once we got to my bed Nate looked up at me with puppy eyes and then suddenly leaned in for a kiss. I was shocked, but I kissed him back because I didn't want him to feel discouraged. I honestly felt nothing with him. Maybe Jasper was the one for me. Then Nate started undressing after we made out for a while and said the most shocking thing ever.
"Wanna have sex I understand if you don't." I instinctively opened my mouth wide open in shock and my eyes were wide open. Nate also looked shocked because I obviously was saying no.
"I'm sorry Nate I'm just not the type."
"It's okay I understand I'm just gonna be leaving." And just like that he put his clothes back on and rushed out. I sat on my bed full of shock. I texted Jenny and Jasper everything that happened. Maybe they could make this better.

Later in the afternoon while I was in drama class I got a text back from Jasper. It read, "Meet me at the park on Friday. The rest of the week I'm busy." I replied just saying, "Okay." It was Wednesday so I had two days until I could see Jasper. I was happy because he seemed to always know what to say to make me feel better. Once my class has ended it was the last class of the day so I headed to my dorm. Kelly was already there in her Christmas pajamas.
"It's only September, why are you wearing Christmas pajamas?"
She looked up at me with that sparking look in her eyes meaning she was happy or excited.
"Oh Alex you're so silly it's never to early for Christmas!" She said and we both laughed a little and I felt happier already. My morning had started rough with Nate, but I'm done with him. I'll just date Jasper and all will be good. At least that's what I thought at the time.

The next day I got up sort of late. I had about an hour until my first class so I decided to do my makeup extra pretty today. I put on winged eyeliner, blush, eyeshadow, contour, concealer, and I fixed up my eyebrows a little. Last but not least I put some lipgloss on. I felt so confident I wished I was seeing Jasper.
"Who are you dressing at fancy for?" Kelly said startling me. I didn't even know she was awake so I jumped and turned around.
She laughed and rolled her eyes then laid back down on her bed. I decided to wear a black sorta anime schoolgirl skirt with a red flannel and a black shirt. I brushed through my hair and decided not to do anything special with it. I slipped on some black converse and headed to Jenny's dorm. Suddenly Nate called me. I answered.
"Hey Alex."
"What do you what?"
"Look I'm sorry about last night I was kinda out of it. You were my first kiss."
"What a coincidence you were my first too, but I'm definitely not ready for sex."
"Yeah I understand I'm not either I was just really horny and you're really pretty."
"Thanks Nate."
We sat there in silence for a few seconds. Then I was at Jenny's dorm.
"Hey Nate I gotta go I'm about to hang out with Jenny. I'll talk to you later."
"Okay see yah later Alex."
I knocked on Jenny's dorm before opening because I knew her roomie was really mean. The door opened about 30 seconds later and it was Lily Fiddley. Great, the mean girl.
"Ew it's you. I heard you and Nate fucked. He's such a nerd! You seriously need help." She walks past me and flips her straight black hair. I gotta admit she was beautiful. She was Chinese, but she didn't fit into Chinese stereotypes. She was smart, but barely ever tried at stuff and was drop dead gorgeous. She was also super popular. I mean I'm not one to judge someone because of this I just thought it was really unique.
"Oh hey sorry about that Lily kinda gets crazy sometimes." Jenny says while she walks up to the door. I told her the whole story about Nate and Jasper from last night and Jenny comforts me like she always does. "Jenny you're seriously the best even when you have bed head and are in the goofiest pajamas I've ever seen." She and I both laugh and in that moment I felt true happiness. Just feeling happy and loved with friends was truly the best feeling in the best. Sadly it didn't last very long.

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