The beginning of college

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I'm Alex Ridgeworth and August 8th 2012 was my first day of college! I was so excited I couldn't contain my happiness. My grandma gave me this journal to write down all my memories of everyday so I can reflect on them when I finish college, but I'm just now starting to write them down so here's my story of my peculiar college experience.

I had finished putting my things into my dorm room. The other girl staying in my room was Kelly Waterson. She had bright blonde hair that's wavy and the length was to her shoulders. Her green eyes sparkled when she talked about her favorite things, like art. She was also very laid back when it came to work. Meaning she took her precious time unpacking. So I decided to tell her where I was headed and this will show you how she was kinda crazy.
"Hey Kelly I'm heading to Starbucks do you want anything?"
"No thanks, but do you mind getting me some weed?"
"Just kidding!" Kelly says while laughing like a maniac.
"Well bye." I say just trying to get out of there. See what I mean? She was crazy, but she was pretty amazing.

Once I got to Starbucks I ordered just a regular coffee. While I was waiting I saw two boys, who looked my age, in line. One was black. He was a few inches taller than the white one. The black guy and white guy both had about the same amount of hair. Both of their hair standing on top of their heads. While I was looking at them they turned around obviously done ordering. They caught me staring at them and sparked a conversation.
"Hey I'm Jasper Dollnia and this is my bro Nate Kanser." The black guy said. By getting a closer look they both are kinda attractive, but I've never really been interested in dating or sex. Jasper was wearing red basketball shorts with a white t-shirt while Nate was wearing an orange Star Wars t-shirt with skinny jeans. Jasper's eyes were brown and so were Nate's.
"Um hello I'm Alex." I said shyly.
"Your hair is really pretty." Nate said out of the blue. I was kinda confused because my hair hadn't been complimented very often. It's like a caramel color and it's pretty smooth. It's also very long. I also had blue eyes and some freckles.
"Thank you Nate." I said in a tone secretly screaming what the heck.
"So do you go to this college?" Jasper asks after we had sat in silence for a while.
"Yeah I just got done setting up my dorm. My roommate is Kelly Waterson. Do you know her?"
"No, but Nate and I go to this college too we're roomies." Jasper said then fist bumped Nate.
"Why would I be at the colleges' Starbucks if I didn't go here?" I asked.
"Oh this Starbucks isn't just for the students. Many people use it." Nate said filling me in.

Later on Jasper, Nate, and I sat together and while we drunk our Starbucks. I actually learned a lot about Jasper and Nate that day and they became my good friends until a month after.

I was sitting in my dorm finishing some homework on my computer when Kelly ran into the room.
"Alex you won't believe what I just figured out about your besties!"
"What are you talking about Kelly?" I was frozen sitting in my bed thinking of anything bad I'd done. Is she talking about Jasper and Nate. I mean we're just friends what could've happened? I was freaking out thinking of every possible thing wrong.
"I just ran into Nate at the gas station and he said he has a crush on you!"
"Wait really? That's it?" I asked so confused. I thought it was something terrible.
"But wait that's not it. I've heard Jasper has a crush on you too by multiple people. It could ruin their friendship!"
"Oh my god Kelly are you serious? They can't both like me! I don't have any interest in anyone. This is terrible!" I exclaimed trying to hold back tears. If I ruin their friendship I would feel so bad. I couldn't do this to them. Kelly comforted me and told me to just be honest with them so that's what I did.

The next day I woke up early because I kept having nightmares about Nate and Jasper. I decided to get dressed. I put on some blue skinny jeans with a polka dotted blue and white shirt. I then put my hair into a messy bun and did some quick, simple makeup. I headed to the Starbucks where I met Jasper and Nate to rethink everything that was happened lately. I had made a lot of friends like Kelly, Jenny, Katherine, Amy, Doug, Jasper, Nate, Skylar, Tyler, Jessica, and some others. I felt like my whole world was crashing down. I knew I had other friends and nothing bad had happened yet, but I overthought it all until I called Jenny to meet me at Starbucks. By the time she got there I was already seated with my drink.
"Hey girl what's wrong?" Jenny asks me as soon as she got there. Jenny was so sweet it overwhelmed me. She had light brown hair to her shoulders and brown eyes. She was about the same height as me so it was average. Jenny may not have been super smart in school or athletic, but she knew how to make someone feel better.
"It's Nate and Jasper they both...."
"Oh I've heard. I'm sorry you shouldn't have to decide."
"Thanks I know I just don't wanna ruin their friendship."
Then at the worst moment Nate walks into the Starbucks and we make awkward eye contact. Then he starts walking towards Jenny and I. I panic, but it's to late I'll have to face Nate and soon Jasper.

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