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(The picture is Alex's house.)
When I woke up I felt actually energized. I had spelt pretty well until I remembered Nate, Danielle, and Lily. I looked over at Kelly. She was sound asleep. She had a few dried tears along her cheeks and it made me sad. Danielle would do something so horrible because Lily payed her and Nate is dating Lily. I texted Jasper and Jenny about it all. Then I got a text. It was from Amy.
I heard what happened at the party. I wish I was there I could've helped you.
How'd you know what happened?
I started to worry Lily told the whole college about me then Amy texted back.
Karen isn't the smartest all I had to do was offer to get her a boyfriend.
That doesn't surprise me. But can you believe Nate and Lily.
Ugh I know you should talk to Nate and set him straight.
I will.
Talking to Amy always made me feel better. After my conversation ended with Amy I decided to get some Starbucks and get the recent events off my mind. I got dressed in a pair of regular blue skinny jeans and a tie dye shirt. I brushed my hair and decided to do some light makeup. Then I headed out with my black converse.

At Starbucks I got a coffee like always and sat down near the window. I got on my phone and texted my mom. I hadn't talked to her in so long. Or my grandma. My dad had died when I was really young so they were the only close family I had.
Hey mom I need to talk to you and gma face to face sometime soon. I miss you two.
I sent it and when I looked up from my phone I saw Katherine in line. I wave at her and she walks over after getting her order. Katherine was a blonde white girl. She typically wore her hair in braids like that day she had one long braid down her back. She was quite the nerd with her black square glasses and amazing grades. That day she was wearing a 5sos shirt with blue jeans and combat boots.
"Hey Katherine long time no see." I say as she sits down across from me.
"Yeah it's great to see you. Also I'm so proud of you for coming out. Sorry I couldn't see you in person when you wanted to tell me."
"Oh it's fine. Really." I say.
After we discuss new movies, video games, and anime for a while I get a text from Nate.
"Who is it?" Katherine asks hearing my phone buzz.
"It's Nate."
She nods as I look at the text. It read.
You're not my friend and never will be. I love Lily and only Lily. Don't text me back.
I was speechless. How could Nate do this to me. Noticing how sad I looked Katherine spoke up.
"Are you okay. What did Nate say?"
I told her and she just shook her head in disgust.
"Lily doesn't deserve Nate. He's a great guy he just got caught in the crossfire with Lily. I'm sure he'll realize soon his mistake." Katherine says to comfort me.
"I sure hope so." I say back.
Little did I know it would take a long time to get Nate back.

In November nothing much had changed. Nate and Lily were official and no matter how much I tried to talk to him he just ignored me. I was really close with Jasper and Kelly. My mom and grandma told me I could come home for thanksgiving and I was grateful they were letting me. Thanksgiving was on a Thursday so we just got school on the whole week. It was Wednesday and I was about to drive home. It was only two hours away so I drove. It was morning and I was getting ready I threw on some sweatpants and my maroon sweatshirt because I was gonna be driving most of the day. Before I headed out I said goodbye to Kelly and Jasper.

On the way to my moms house I rolled down my windows and blasted music. I had made a playlist for this journey. It consisted of Twenty One Pilots, Panic! At the Disco, Fall out Boy, Trevor Moran, Melanie Martinez, J. Cole, and many other artists. I safely arrived at my moms house at 2:00 P.M. She welcomed me with a warm smile.
"Alex darling you look amazing!" My mom exclaimed. Okay explaining time my mom kinda looks like me with shorter, darker hair. The same eye color and same smile. Her nose is similar I guess. We also are built the same, but I was a little taller. My mom was wearing a red shirt with black sweatpants. Must be a lazy day for her too.
"Hey mom how are you?" I asked.
"Oh how you're doing is bound to be much more interesting." She says back. I'm guessing that meant good.
"Well college is really fun. I love my classes and I've made lots of friends. I'm actually having a lot of fun despite a few bad things." I reply thinking back to the start of college in general it had been pretty good despite Nate and Lily.
"Is that Alex?" I hear a familiar voice say from behind my mom. The woman comes out and I see it's exactly who I thought it was my grandma. My grandma had short white hair with the same eyes as my mom and I. She was smaller than my mom and I and the sweetest lady I've ever met.
"Yeah it's me grandma."
"Oh Alex." She gives me a warm smile then pulls me into a hug. I was relieved to be with they since I was a child they were all I had. I didn't have many friends as school because most people were in relationships. I tried dating, but it never worked so my family were the people I was closest to. I loved them with my whole heart.
"It's great to see you guys. I've missed you two." I say.
"We've missed you too, honey, but we have to ask have you made any friends or gotten a boyfriend?" My mom asks sounding concerned.
"Yeah I have actually. My closest friends are Kelly, Amy, Katherine, and Jasper. I dated Jasper, but then I realized something."
My mom and grandmas faces look puzzled as if they don't understand, I continue.
"I'm... I'm aromatic. It means I don't date and I'm not attracted to either gender."
I look down to avoid their faces thinking they might kick me out or something extreme. Instead my mom gives me a huge hug.
"I've heard of aromatic people and honestly I thought you might be, but I waited till you told me on your own. I'm proud of you Alex." She says then looks me into my eyes and smiles with tears in her eyes of joy I hoped. My grandma nods obviously meaning she also accepts me. I was so glad.
"Well it's a little chilly outside come on in Alex. We still have your room organized." My grandma announces. I smile and take a step inside. Home sweet home. Once I take another step memories come flooding in. This was the house I grew up in and spend mis of my life in. I'd never spent the night at someone's house so college was a nightmare for the first few weeks. I'd obviously gotten used to my dorm by November, but going back to my house made me nostalgic for the place. To my left was the kitchen and the right was the living room the dining room was behind the kitchen and their was an extra room for video games behind the living room. Upstairs were my mom, grandma, and my rooms with one puny bathroom. It may not have been the biggest house, but I learned to love it completely. I walked up the steps remembering when I used to roll down them on a mattress when I was younger. Every step I took gave me another memory. The most painful one lived in the living room. How ironic the living room is were I heard my dad had died. I was 6 years old watching cartoons when my mom walked in crying. She explained that dad was in a better place and wouldn't be coming back. I cried and cried because I missed him and it wasn't till I was 9 my teacher broke it to me he was dead. What a jerk of a teacher, I know. Anyways I continued up the steps and once I reached the top I looked to my right seeing my mom and grandmas separate rooms. I walk to my left towards my room and the bathroom. Once I step inside my room I'm flooded with nostalgia. My bed was in the left corner next to my window. I had tons of cartoon posted plastered on my walls. I have shelves full of books and movies and my closet was filled with clothes. My tv was across my bed next to my closet. I smiled remembering all the fun that happened in here. Then I wondered why I had to grow up. Why did I have to meet Nate and Lily. Why wasn't everyone in the world kind to others? I shook that out of my head and unpacked my clothes and all the things I'd brought with me. I plopped on the bed and fell asleep almost immediately. My car journey had exhausted me even though it was still the afternoon. I dreamed of my childhood. The good old days when I was carefree and nothing could ever bring me down. If only life was like that forever.

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